Omni - SCIENCE. How to join the Q continuum
Hahhahaha, Thanks =) Thank T-Woo for this beautiful masterpeice
March 28, 2016 11:17 p.m.
I simple love this deck, seriously...this is uber-fun to play! I made a lil' change, 3x Wargate for 3xUnexpected Results (keeping the sideboard Wargate), its a really fun card to use. Im building this irl, thanks for the inspiration!
April 3, 2016 8:58 a.m.
Haha, that's funny idea, I like it.
Although if you drop out wargate you lose out on some gas for an easy ultimatum or narset, but its worth testing =)
April 3, 2016 11:06 a.m.
Nightdragon779 says... #9
Great, time to copypaste the whole list into my wants. ;)
June 3, 2016 10:08 p.m.
This deck is REALLY fun to play, I am having a blast playing it. One Question: I've noticed that once Blood Moon is on the battlefield, I can't seem to be able to do much since this deck doesn't play any Basic Lands (same problem if one of my Lands gets Ghost Quartered). Am I playing it wrongly, or does Blood Moon shut down the whole deck? Would you consider playing some Basic Lands? If yes, what would you take out?
June 28, 2016 7:55 p.m.
Exist2Cease says... #11
This is one of the most fun and consistent combo decks I've come across. I'm considering buying it since it's fairly cheap and has gotten me wins against some of the best decks in the meta. The main headache is U/B of course. I've made a few changes:
Really don't like the tap lands. I almost never enjoyed drawing them and often it kept me from going off a turn sooner. I replaced with basics and Mana Confluence because as Abthos22 mentions Blood Moon without Blooms/Prisms is often a scoop.
- 4x Vivid Creek > 1x Forest, 2x Plains, 1 Island
- 3x Vivid Meadow > 2x Mana Confluence bringing the count down to 60 (sorry)
Unexpected Results over Wargate because I'd rather hit a combo piece or ramp a bit rather than pay 3 for a Bloom.
Maelstrom Pulse and Violent Ultimatum in the board for better answers to trouble permanents.
June 1, 2017 7:10 p.m.
Exist2Cease You want to run wargate over Unexpected Results though because if you have the ramp available you can clutch some game changers if you have a dead hand/board and the available mana.
Unexpected Results leaves the game to chance rather than the strategy that wargate can provide, There's just more reliability with it, being able to tutor up Narset for a swing or get an extra turn or two with Phyrexian unlife is sometimes all the deck needs to close out the game, it's just a huge bonus to tutor out an insta bloom to set up the next turn if needed.
Caligula says... #1
Yeah, you almost exclusively wargate for a Lotus Bloom, that way it comes straight into play without being suspended. Exceptions being Narset, Enlightened Master when your ahead in mana with no threats or triggers or Phyrexian Unlife when you need the extra turn or two.
March 28, 2016 12:19 p.m.