I'm Bringing Sexy Back unblockable infect
Commander / EDH
i feel like I play real defensively and maybe that's my problem, although I win.when I do lose its because my opponent has everything indestructible and with hexprrof, or copy's my army. So I've been trying to add more counterspells and bounce back cards. Really would love others opinions, thanks
July 30, 2016 9:41 p.m.
For short : I didn't see alot of card draw. You need more
Where's Sage of Hours ? Unless you don't want to do the combo for personnal reason this is an auto-include.
Few ways to protect Ezuri from spot removal try to get Lightning Greaves, Whispersilk Cloak. Most of people will understand that they had to kill ezuri on sight making you unable to play him unless you have a command beacon in play.
"So I've been trying to add more counterspells and bounce back cards" that's good try to get a Cyclonic Rift
Cheap land easy to get and fit the unblocabke theme Rogue's Passage
Sorry I writted a more longer message but tapped out crashed on me and i'm lazy to redo it so if you want help you can ask me and even if I think you've seen alot of Ezuri build i can suggest you to look at my build of Ezuri : Recycled Vessels. I hope that could help you.
July 30, 2016 11:45 p.m.
thank you for advice,i will be adding all 3, but what cards should i replace them with? i do agree, with needing more protection for ezuri he is always the target. what do you think of the cards in my maybee board?
July 31, 2016 12:16 a.m.
Hello, again glad i could help for card to cut : Ezuri's Predation I never found that card usefull in ezuri it always rotted in my hand doing nothing.
Verdant Confluence too expensive for what it dooes in my opinion Ezuri deck try to win fast most of the time this will be useless.
Oblivion Stone i don't know about this one, i don't see you saving more than ezuri + 1 creature unless you have a buttload of mana.
Solidarity of Heroes that's cute but is that really usefull ?
Voidmage Apprentice the ability to counter is good but 7 mana is a bit stiff
Lorescale Coatl I ended up cutting it was not good enough
Greenweaver Druid that doesn't look very good to me
Ornithopter easy cuttable unless you wana send a message and kill someone with it
Patagia Viper I prefer Whirler Rogue over this
Sage Owl I prefer Mulldrifter over this
Cancel easy upgradable your Scatter to the Winds is a good option personally i prefer Dissipate
Cobra Trap This card is easy cuttable.
Viridian Shaman try to get a Reclamation Sage straight upgrade
Thelonite Hermit easy cuttable
Slith Predator looks okayish at best
Caller of the Claw I always found that card useless in ezuri because most of time you use the effect of creating token to have an great boost for experience this card suck with tokens.
Escape Artist discarding a card to save this look kinda useless you'll loose all your counter, and i'm not really sure it's worth to do it just to bounce it for having it regain us 1 experience at the cost of 2 mana and 1 card. I much prefer Looter il-Kor at least if it connect i can loot. And i have Shrieking Drake that can bounce itself for the single cost of 1 mana and goes infinite with Aluren
About Sea God's Revenge too expensive for what it does.
Merchant Scroll and Mystical Tutor what do you want to tutor for with that ?
Pilgrim's Eye I like it. it's a fine card drawback i that is put the land in your hand i think getting a Fyndhorn Elves or Arbor Elf is better unless you really need the flying.
Protean Hulk the effect seems good, but is that enough it doesn't trigger Ezuri and only do something when it dies you have no way to sacrifice it your own.
Boomerang good card overall nothing much to say if you need it and you have nothing better that's a good inclusion.
That's my opinion hope it can help.
July 31, 2016 9:09 a.m.
thanks for your opinion on things, i have had alot of the cards you recommend replacing come in handy, but at the same time it gives me ideas on which ones i should replace, after looking at your deck i have about 7 cards i'm gonna have to swap out, so your advice is very helpful on what to swap them out for thank you again. and i never though highly of sage of hours, maybe you can convince me otherwise. next week after i swap out some cards id like your opinion again
August 1, 2016 1:01 a.m.
also after getting my butt kicked by all flying decks i realized i needed some flyers, Ive kinda tried to make my deck able to beat all playstyles, but maybee i should shift my focus to make mine faster and win that way. is speed why you like draw cards ?
August 1, 2016 1:03 a.m.
One of the most powerfull things to do in magic is card draw and cheating things into play in my opinion. Having more option than your opponents is always a good thing or drawing into your gas/bomb sooner than your opponent is valuable.
about Sage of Hours it is only if you want another win condition and want to do the infinite turn combo with 5 experience counter, you are in no obligation to do it if you don't want too. Still I can't deny the power of it.
August 1, 2016 2:51 p.m.
now sage of hours makes since to me, what is this gas bomb you speak of? and do you see the sage of hours being banned? i can cause that doesnt seem fair
August 1, 2016 8:52 p.m.
does the site show others which cards ive swapped out or do i need to link that somehow?
August 1, 2016 9:12 p.m.
Sometime i saw people have the swapped card on the side but i don't know how you make that appear. Maybe you have to invest if you wnat this feature.
August 2, 2016 9:30 a.m.
I don't know about the sage of hours ban, if it is banned that's not really a problem i'm just gonna put something else. Gas/bomb symbolize your win condition (mycoloth, blighted agent ...etc) or your control magic for protection for me (cyclonic rift, counterspell..etc), heck even getting early ezuri protection (lightning greaves,swiftfoot boots, whispersilk cloak) is even gas for me.
August 2, 2016 9:35 a.m.
you had asked what i would tutor previously, and my answer to that would be the cyclonic rift or control magic, when someone has a creature that makes all theirs indestructible, and another artifact that gives them all hexproof, thats why i added alot of those defensive cards like control magic, to deal with indestructibles,or karn on the board be nice to have a way to pull a much needed card
August 2, 2016 6:55 p.m.
That works with merchant scroll, but not with mystical tutor if you need the effect immediatly since it puts it on the top of you library unless you have card draw.
August 2, 2016 7:13 p.m.
i think even if knowing youll get it on your next turn to have a chance at something would be better then never getting it, however like ive said before maybe my defensive playstyle is whats hurting me, and i need to just be faster then my opponent cant wait till a few of my new cards get here, seeing your deck was alot of help, thanks again
August 2, 2016 7:19 p.m.
oblivion stone is my field wipe for 9 mana i believe yeah its expensive, but nice to have, and it becomes targhet instead of my other artifacts if i do chose to not use it on the turn i put it out, perhaps i may take it out though
August 4, 2016 11:39 a.m.
updated but not complete, gonna get [shreiking drake] but not sure how that [aluren] combo works for infinite counters, how would you keep track of something like that?>
August 8, 2016 10:08 p.m.
You use the etb of shrieking who needs you to return a creature in your hand, it doesn't state "another" so since aluren permit everyone to cast creatures for free between 0 and 3 cmc and like they had flash, so you just target shrieking with is own ability and replay it with aluren, last time i did the combo i just set my exp to 140 millions you just stop whenever, just state you set your exp to "x" and here you go.
August 9, 2016 8:55 a.m.
wonder if that will be allowed amoungst the group of players i play with. surprised a few of these cards arent banned cause the infinite combos
August 9, 2016 11:27 a.m.
Well if they complain on something that's allowed that's their problem not yours in my opinion.
August 9, 2016 1:51 p.m.
i agree, cant wait for my drakes to get here in the mail
August 9, 2016 1:57 p.m.
I hope you will have alot of fun with it, cause after all even if winning is good is nice to have fun first ! :D
August 9, 2016 2:26 p.m.
do you think you can be to excessive with the multi colored lands that come into play tapped or only give you colorless mana? also, anyother cards i should have to accelerate the deck speed im in the proccess of fine tuning , and some of them i really like and have won me games, like oblivion stone, and ezuris predation, and what about running the whirlier rougue and the patagia viper what are your thoughts on that? thanks dude
tkizzle says... #1
i would like some constructive criticism please, i will take any advice into consideration
July 30, 2016 2:50 p.m.