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I'm faster than you/no lands for you!

Legacy BR (Rakdos) Dash Haste



Artifact (1)

Trying to make decks in ways I never have before. Going back 25 years I've always played a lot of direct damage red. Wanted to avoid that old crutch. So there is essentially zero DD in this Red Weenie (with a splash of black) tight 60.

Basically, super fast, super cheap creatures and a bunch of land destruction. (Molten rain is just too good, so I've got the teeniest ammount of DD) There are only 3 cards with CMC of more than 3.

Built with stuff I already had, not looking to spend a bunch of money and aquier a bunch of new cards. I have plenty from 25 years of playing on and off.

Probably need more mana if I'm honest, but don't want to cull much of what I have in there.

But open to suggestions for amazing additions, but won't be getting them unless they are dirt cheap. (Or I already own them)

Update: got to play a couple games with this finally. The splash of black, or at least all the red/black lands I was using, and even the other red NBs really just seemed to slow it down.

So I have removed the Spike jesters, which is a little sad. I liked the 3 for 2 mana. But it just wasn't working. Pulled out all the Non basics and just replaced with mountains. Pulled out 2x Wrangle and replaced with the slightly more expensive, but more versitile hijack and act of treason. I think when building I went blind to the 4 or less power requirement. So, got burned. Threw a second wake of destruction in there for fun.


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96% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.56
Tokens Earthshaker Khenra 4/4 B, Morph 2/2 C
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