I'm Looking For Something To Eat....

Commander / EDH* TheDrummingGear

SCORE: 1 | 211 VIEWS

July 24, 2015

-1 Hua Tuo, Honored Physician -1 Sadistic Hypnotist -1 Archfiend of Depravity -1 Primal Command

Hua Tuo has just always been underwhelming for me.

Sadistic Hypnotist seemed strong, I just would never cast it over something else.

I mentioned in my last change I was on the fence about Archfiend.

Primal Command is moving over to my Riku deck for now, and I wanted to try Incendiary.

+1 Incendiary Command +1 Skeletal Scrying +1 Primordial Sage +1 Soul's Majesty

Trying Command.

Other three cards are being added to allow me to draw more cards.