Welcome to my Tribal Zombie EDH deck. This deck aims to win the game by getting Ghoulcaller Gisa into play, creating an army with her, then using my zombie lords to buff them in order to swarm my foes. This is the main strategy but I also have some sac outlets and reanimation spells to resurrect a horde of zombies from my and my opponent's graveyards. I would prefer to keep my creatures mostly zombies but if it synergises well with the deck I will still put it in. My budget for this deck is about 100$ (I own Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Reanimate, and Entomb so I am under my limit at the moment) but I could squeeze a few more bucks in there if needed. I aim to play this in a casual playgroup of 1-2 friends. I do not aim to win by turn 3 or something stupid like that because nobody likes playing against those decks. Any suggestions in the comments below would be super useful to me. Thank you and enjoy the deck list!
Right now I am trying to build this deck for under 100$. Unless I have made a fatal error in my calculations somewhere this should cost me exactly 75.31$ right now (I own some of these cards). I do not want to blow the remaining 24$ on just one or two cards but please still suggest more expensive cards so I may upgrade to them later.
I will not be listing my super obvious combos like "
Cemetery Reaper
combos with my deck because most of my cards are zombies". I will only be commenting on the more complex ones.
I will be mentioning Sac outlets a lot and I don't want to list them each time I mention them so I am just going to list them right here: Altar of Dementia,
Corpse Harvester
, Victimize (sorta) Ghoulcaller Gisa, Stronghold Assassin, Sidisi, Undead Vizier, and Carrion Feeder.
When ever I sac anything these cards also trigger Shadows of the Past, Skirsdag High Priest's Morbid, Dictate of Erebos, and most importantly Thornbite Staff.
Ghoulcaller Gisa + Thornbite Staff
allows me to use Gisa's ability as long as I have a sac outlet and mana.
Skirsdag High Priest
Thornbite Staff
lets me tap 2 creatures and the priest for a 5/5 demon, sac something, untap the priest and generate more and more 5/5 demons as long as I have creatures to tap, a sac outlet and things to sac. (none of these things should be that hard with Ghoulcaller Gisa on the table).
Stronghold Assassin
Thornbite Staff
allows me to Doom Blade things as long as I have something to sac.
Corpse Harvester
Thornbite Staff
allows me to tutor up all the zombies and swamps I could ever need as long as I have two mana and something to sac.
Magus of the Coffers + Thornbite Staff
makes it rain mana as long as I have lots of swamps, a sac engine, and things to sac.
Lord of the Undead
Thornbite Staff
lets me return my zombies to my hand at my heart's content as long as I have mana and things to sac.
Dawn of the Dead
will allow me to put a creature from my graveyard onto the battlefield each turn, Swing/ use its ability, then use it with a sac effect before it gets exiled so it stays in my graveyard.
Dawn of the Dead
Phyrexian Delver
lets me resurrect a card at the beginning of my upkeep, lose a tad bit of life, then sac the delver to be reused next turn.
Dawn of the Dead
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
allows me to tutor for a card of my choice if I sac a creature, then I sac him and tutor again with him next turn.
Gravecrawler combos very well with my sac engines because it can bring itself back to the battlefield at a very cheap price. For example, Skullclamp this combo pretty much reads "pay 2 mana, draw 2 cards" and you can repeat it as many times as you want.
Raving Dead or
Bone Dancer
combined with Zombie Master,
Zombie Trailblazer
. and/or Rogue's Passage leads to devastating effects due to them becoming unblockable.
Ghoulcaller Gisa
Noxious Ghoul
makes a very cheap board wipe without effecting many of my creatures (Gisa may die but I can just recast her on a later turn).
Rise of the Dark Realms: I thought about putting this one in but thought at the time that it costed to much in terms of real world money and mana cost. I am considering putting it in but I don't know what to remove for it.
Risen Executioner
: I really thought long and hard about putting this guy in but I decided not to due the cost it will take to resurrect him mid-game to late-game. It think he would work well in this deck but I just couldn't find a way to put this guy in.
Lashwrithe: It is very good for pumping up creatures before I sac them I just don't know what to cut without raising the curve.
Attrition: this is pretty much a Stronghold Assassin on steroids because it is harder to remove, and you don't have to tap to use it. I don't want to sub out Stronghold Assassin because he can be tutored by
Corpse Harvester
and can be resurrected easier than Attrition.
Bone Dancer
is a powerful reanimation card but I removed him to help fix my curve. I am thinking about re adding him.
Expensive stuff that should be in the deck:
I know that my land base could probably be improved by things such as Cabal Coffers, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Volrath's Stronghold, and Phyrexian Tower but I want to see how the deck preforms before I sink my money into these.
Grave Titan is an amazing token generator and I will put him in here eventually.
Liliana of the Dark Realms is a SUPER good ramp card for black but I don't have the money for her and she will be added later.
Coffin Queen
is an excellent reanimation creature but puts me over budget so I removed her, I will add her in at a later date.
I also realize that I missed Death Baron in this deck. I will add him in later but I cut him to get under my 100$ limit.
Darksteel Plate is great protection from removal for my bombs. It was just a bit pricey.
Lightning Greaves should also be in here for protection and for the haste. Once again the price was really high.
Lastly, I know there are better tutors than the ones I have in this deck I just didn't want to dish out 20+ bucks just to get these. I will add these in later if the deck preforms well.
I have a Reddit page going on right now about this deck and here is the link if you want to check it out.
The EDH Reddit
Thank you!
Thank you for looking at my Zombie Tribal deck and again, any type of feedback/constructive criticism in the comments below would be very helpful to me.