Jack-Frost says... #2
Instead of Gitaxian Probe, why not run Peek? It'll give you the card draw you want and you can still look at your opponents hand, only at instant speed. The only downside is it is regular blue mana instead of phyrexian, but I have found that the instant speed over sorcery is well worth it.
January 10, 2016 12:51 a.m.
SpiritKing says... #3
I'm pretty sure somebody asked this before me, but could you see yourself substituting Summoner's Pact with Chord of Calling? With playsets of both mana dorks and so many creatures to convoke i'm sure you'll have the mana to cast it.
It can hit pretty surprising, since you actually get the creature on the board at instant speed. And you dont have the (very unlikely) drawback to a potential game loss.
Nice deck overall!
January 12, 2016 5:58 p.m.
Jack-Frost says... #4
There are a couple of benefits to Summoner's Pact, and the potential of game loss is low as you are planning ahead and expect to pay it. It gives the advantage of surprise in blue. People are typically very wary when blue has mana untapped, but if you are tapped out they immediately play whatever they can and often attack since they don't have to fear any blue surprises. This gives a surprise that can be cast for 0. It can also be used as an emergency to cast when you have no other options. It also typically costs less than Chord of Calling, and in blue you always want untapped mana.
Granted, there are also a ton of advantages to Chord of calling.
Both are good options and i'm sure that wbroomhead has better reasons for picking one over the other.
January 12, 2016 8:29 p.m. Edited.
wbroomhead says... #5
Thank you guys for commenting!
Jack-Frost, you've got it spot-on, as well as the fact I personally enjoy keeping a Biovisionary in my hand, such that I can play it on my turn, as opposed to it coming onto the battlefield with Chord of Calling. It's definitely an excellent card though, SpiritKing, and I'll look into it!
Right now, I'm actually considering switching the Pact of Negation to the mainboard, and moving Summoner's Pact to the sideboard.
January 13, 2016 12:38 p.m.
I'm still championing for Polymorphous Rush as it's the only way I know to give this deck a turn 4 win. >.> Possibly trim a Collected Company? I feel like this strategy needs that turn 4 to be more competitive.
January 30, 2016 2:52 p.m.
B/G is a go to for a biovisionary deck, wondering why theres no Progenitor Mimic aside from the heavy 6 cmc. Parallel Lives along with clones that come out as tokens wins faster than counting on collected company. But if you progenitor mimic with collected company that much the better. Great prototype for a new deck.
February 10, 2016 7:13 p.m.
GarrukCallerofBeasts says... #10
I suggest Dual Nature. Another good way to get more copies is Progenitor Mimic
February 22, 2016 2:08 p.m.
wbroomhead says... #11
Thank you all for the suggestions!!!
demonicgrizzly, unfortunately it doesn't come into play with Collected Company, which would be unfortunate. I really enjoy the card in general, but it doesn't feel like it does enough to justify putting it in the deck.
Happymaster19 you make a valid argument, I agree with you! I'll consider one or two for a CoCo, and possibly a Summoner's Pact.
Huppster05 Infinite Reflection seems a little weak to justify using a 6 cmc card. Most of the creatures are already clones, or have effects like Renegade Doppelganger, and thus it would not be the best card to play turn 6.
Ves and GarrukCallerofBeasts, both of the suggestions seem good, and I can imagine playing Progenitor Mimic in a different version of this deck, possibly a Bant Control deck. I also don't believe Dual Nature is legal in modern, but I'll take another look at Progenitor Mimic for sure!
March 6, 2016 2:15 p.m.
theweirdest1 says... #12
Not sure how no one has suggested Mirrorweave yet. You have enough small dudes, just on the end of your opponent's turn with 4 dudes on the field, slam the weave and win.
March 11, 2016 1:20 p.m.
It can allow opponents that run more creatures to win.
March 11, 2016 3:23 p.m.
secondwhiteline says... #14
I would definitely switch Summoner's Pact with Pact of Negation. 4 CoCos and 3 Probes seem adequate to find 1 of your 4 Biovisionaries.
Also, one of my favorite tricks when playtesting this is to CoCo in Witness and grab CoCo back. So much fun.
March 17, 2016 3:12 p.m.
I'm wondering whether stripping this down to a combo within a control shell would improve it. Jamming Biovisionary, Woodland Bellower, and Protean Hulk in with a TON of countermagic and board control seems pretty sweet. Trimming the CoCo for the fat tutors actually seems like it could work in a control shell. Thoughts?
March 17, 2016 4:16 p.m.
wbroomhead says... #16
I think that's an excellent idea, Happymaster19, and it seems like it would be more competitive. One of the hardest things I've found is dealing with disruption, and that may allow the best way to get the combo out! Feel free to make a decklist, I think I'll stick with the all-in combo (for now, at least).
March 19, 2016 6:14 p.m.
RedWizard97 says... #18
Cool idea! +1
Have you ever thought of adding Gifts Ungiven ?
January 18, 2018 7:24 a.m.
Any chance of Protean Raider or Uncage the Menagerie ?
ChickenPickles says... #1
Green Sun's Zenith is banned in modern
December 20, 2015 11:45 a.m.