Im the scry man (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop)
McSleuthburger says... #2
UnleashedNewt I thought about Sigiled Skink but the one toughness and having to attack to get the scry bonus doesnt do it for me
April 24, 2014 4:03 p.m.
Looks alot like my scry deck, alltho havn't added it here in tappedout. I feel the biggest weakness for scry decks are if you can't protect Flamespeaker Adept
from Doom Blade
or any other instans/sorcery like that.
Only standard card i can remember now is Mizzium Skin
for hexproof. (Unless you roll white instead of blue)
I'm currently testing out Akroan Line Breaker
which is nice to have if Flamespeaker Adept
keeps getting removes, might need to swap some instans/sorcerys to make him work with other cards than Aqueous Form
and Titan's Strength
Also Satyr Hoplite
could work like Akroan Line Breaker
Have you considered Spite of Mogis
? With just instans/sorcery cards in graveyard it's almost as good as Magma Jet
Maybe swap out sideboard 2x Omenspeaker
with 2x Anger of the Gods
I found Sigiled Skink
to be rather useless most of the time compared to Sigiled Starfish
, maybe remove from sideboard?
Cool deck, +1! Love scry decks, really fun to play! Love rounds when you get 3x Titan's Strength used at one attack +15dmg, game over :)
June 12, 2014 5:04 p.m.
McSleuthburger says... #6
thanks for the +1s
Steinar let me address everything
I wanted it like this after rotation (hence no Mizzium Skin , if something new with scry / hexproof comes out ill defiantly add it in. But yea the main weakness to this deck is removal
Let me know how Akroan Line Breaker works out I use him in my RW heroic deck. I would rather use him than Satyr Hoplite because of the intimidate
I dont like Anger of the Gods because most of my creatures would die to it unless I had a few cards to increase my toughness
Spite of Mogis is already in the deck
sometimes I switch Sigiled Skink and Sigiled Starfish (Depends on what im up against)
June 12, 2014 5:22 p.m.
I'll let you know how Akroan Line Breaker works out, but might take a while, not that active playing :)
I havn't tried Lost in a Labyrinth
in my scry deck, what's your thaughts about it?
June 13, 2014 11:46 a.m.
TheNinjaJesus says... #8
No Prognostic Sphinx ? I figure someone else might have suggested it. Heck, might have been me.
June 13, 2014 11:52 a.m.
Almost forgot to mention!
The next creature i want to test in my scry deck is Artisan of Forms
Can be used to copy Flamespeaker Adept
, and creatures you don't control.
June 13, 2014 11:59 a.m.
A_Magikarp says... #10
@Steinar: I actually had tried Artisan of Forms in my original scry deck; she worked out pretty well. Like you said, she could become another Flamespeaker Adept or you could Titan's Strength her into a bigger version of their creature and block for a kill. I took her out to try out other things, but I'm not counting her out for the final deck list. :)
June 13, 2014 1:38 p.m.
McSleuthburger says... #11
Lost in a Labyrinth is solely used to help my creatures stay alive and if I have nothing to block help me keep me alive (if low on life)
TheNinjaJesus I dont remember who but I know it has been mentioned before regarding Prognostic Sphinx I dont really like it that much. I know it is in some competitive decks and its popularity might grow after rotation but for me 5 mana is a bit too much for my liking in this deck
Artisan of Forms intrigues me, I use it in a different deck and I love it, I might try it in here to see what fun I can have
June 13, 2014 2:42 p.m.
About that removal thing, isnt that the very reason Dissolve and Voyage's End is in there? I put them in for that very reason. Otherwise, neat deck! And nice inspiration for my EPOracle . +1 from here! :-)
June 18, 2014 5:28 p.m.
+1 Great deck. What do you think are decent subs for the two gods you have?
June 19, 2014 5:28 a.m.
McSleuthburger says... #14
NewTurtle I would say either Prognostic Sphinx or a either Sigiled Skink or storm callers depending on how aggressive you want to be
Or you could put in a couple Divination to get more cards in our hand
June 19, 2014 11:42 a.m.
Cool! Thanks for the feedback. I just got a very luck pull from a booster. Got Thassa and a foil Temple of Deceit so I might just squeeze my budget to get Keranos. Again, awesome deck. Thanks for sharing it here!
June 27, 2014 5:34 a.m.
McSleuthburger says... #16
NewTurtle once you make it, send me the link to it (if you put it on TO) I would love to see it
June 27, 2014 5:40 a.m.
It's not much different from your's to be honest :p Here it is anyway (Scry me a river!).
So far, the split between Sigiled Starfish and Omenspeaker has really helped me because the instant scry has been very useful in some situations. I've also balanced my Mountains and Islands because I've noticed it's not necessary to increase my odds of getting a Mountain for cards like Spite of Mogis and Titan's Strength which I have no use in my turn 1 and rarely a use for turn 2.
BTW, what do you think of Stymied Hopes ?
July 2, 2014 12:07 p.m.
McSleuthburger says... #18
NewTurtle ill check yours out
with the starfish, omen, sigiled shink, and stormcallers it really depends on the matchup I am up against. Also thanks for pointing out the manabase because I never changed it I think ( I might go more Islands now if anything)
regarding Stymied Hopes I would like it more but just for one colorless mana to counter is no big deal most of the time. Unless the target player is completely tapped most of the time they will pay the one
July 2, 2014 4:24 p.m.
I haven't paid much attention to M15 as much as I would love to. The booster box that I ordered hasn't also arrived yet. So do you think there are M15 cards that can be useful for this deck? How about the new Chandra?
July 21, 2014 10:21 a.m.
McSleuthburger says... #21
Im working on getting two more Magma Jet s but my lgs didnt have any when I checked over the weekend
NewTurtle regarding m15 I really didnt see much that I would add for this deck Chandra, Pyromaster is the same as it was in m14 so its going to stay on the sidelines for now. I would love to see scry in khans but I doubt it will happen haha
July 21, 2014 4:20 p.m.
TheFanatic says... #22
Nice Scatman John reference. I like it. Cool deck idea, as well. +1.
July 26, 2014 12:05 p.m.
This deck is what helped me narrow down and set up my own competitive Izzet scry deck. +1
July 30, 2014 8:28 p.m.
Hey McSleuthburger! Just stopped by to say that you should definitely put at least 2x Shivan Reef ! :D
UnleashedNewt says... #1
What about Sigiled Skink for an extra source of scry every turn on a 2/1 body for 2 mana?
April 24, 2014 10 a.m.