Bloodghast, Eldrazi Spawn tokens and Nether Traitor serve as sacrificial meat.
Thanks to their entirely spontaneous and unending will to DEATH we gain:
- Card Advantage with the liver-studying duo, Viscera Seer scry and Grim Haruspex card draw;
- Removal with our favorite necromantic spells, Dictate of Erebos keeps threats under control, thanks to the constant stream of DEATH on my side of the board and Bone Splinters for a more chirurgical elimination;
- Lifedrain (lifegain/burn) with our vicious Blood Artist accompanied by the somewhat vintage Claws of Gix (still a very valid trigger), both enhanced and completed by the worst ship ever shipped in magic: Sanguine Bond x Exquisite Blood, walking hand in h... eww! Gross, that's blood! Nevermind.
Blood Tribute
is a scary scary card. Scary for the opponent, because it allows for some unbelievable comebacks (trust me, I was there... I think), even ever-burning last-1-life one-turn-kills (I sure love my hyphens). But also for us, since black is not really known for mana-ramp, and 6 cmc is not a joke... so one copy.
Sorin Markov helps in a lot of ways, particularly when... can I just be honest here? His destiny is... DEATH. He is going to get beaten up while we set up our board real nice. "Sometimes" he "works" and kills some little guys, halves the lives of people... but mostly DEATH.
And, last but not least,
. "Why is it here?" you might be awkwardly asking your clueless neighbours. Well, you all heard about tutoring in Black Modern, you all heard how bad it is if you don't want to empty your wallet for a heavily played set of Demonic Tutor... well, it's not! I give you Transmute, our Lord and Saviour! With Brainspoil I can tutor in for anyone of my core enchantments, and it can double as removal when I'm in a pinch!!!