Impact Valor

Standard Elamigo


Doscar says... #1

I would replace Keeper of the Lens wtih Bonded Construct to increase your ability to trade. Your playing red so knowing what your openents manifests and morphs are aren't that important. Flameshadow Conjuring may be viable to use with your thopter spawners.

August 3, 2015 3:26 p.m.

Elamigo says... #2

I originally had Bonded Construct but it just sat there and would only trade 1 for 1 with my opponents early drops. At least with Keeper of the Lens I can stop their 1/1s without losing my creature. Bonded Construct can't attack alone either. So if I get a turn two Sword of the Animist out, I still can't swing in next turn. I'd still need another creature. I could swing in with the Keeper of the Lens.

As for Flameshadow Conjuring, I'm not running it for the same reason I'm not running Flamerush Rider.
1. It's 4 mana.2. After October, I'll probably be replacing Scuttling Doom Engine and Hoarding Dragon with those but till then, no.

Also, Flameshadow Conjuring is an enchantment. I'd rather have Flamerush Rider for the Impact Tremors triggers. On a positive note, I do see the potential for Flamerush Rider + Flameshadow Conjuring resulting in double token generators being spawned. SO much potential but alas, it is just a dream. If that's the case though, I might as well add in Embermaw Hellion just for fun.

August 3, 2015 3:38 p.m.

ThatSimicGuy says... #3

Personally I believe that Keeper of the lens is not as good / efficient as Monastery Swiftspear, the base stats and CMC are the same. BUT, Swiftspear has the bonus of getting bigger. And it has haste. Other than that? I quite like the deck.

August 4, 2015 12:11 a.m.

Elamigo says... #4

The benefit of Keeper of the Lens vs Monastery Swiftspear is that he counts as an artifact in terms of Chief of the Foundry, Pia and Kiran Nalaar, Ghirapur AEther Grid, and Shrapnel Blast. With Swiftspear, I could maybe get 1 or 2 more damage more than I would get with Keeper seeing as how I would usually follow her up with a Sword of the Animist or Impact Tremors, but the synergy that Keeper has with the rest of the deck is way more beneficial I think. I'm gonna toss the Swiftspear in and test it out. I'll put up some numbers later in the week. I should also mention that I'm thinking of adding in two more Foundry of the Consuls and Mage-Ring Networks which would make Keeper even more of a better choice since I have a lot of lands which produce colorless mana.

August 4, 2015 8:57 a.m.

mtgMadness96 says... #5

I'm not sure if you're going for a mainly creature-based deck, but I think this could use a lot more burn and instants or sorceries. Just from looking at your list, I can see a few cards that you could remove to make this more streamlined/aggressive. I feel like Orbs of Warding just doesn't do enough for the amount of mana it costs, and doesn't really give you anything huge expcept for just being an artifact (although it would work great AGAINST your deck haha). I also think Ghirapur AEther Grid doesn't really pull it's weight and that there are cards that could do more. Yes, it turns every 2 untapped artifacts you have into 1 damage every turn, but I'd suggest trying to play with your thopters a little more with stuff like Collateral Damage and Ghostfire Blade. Also maybe add one more Pia and Kiran Nalaar? More thopters is always better!

August 4, 2015 9:57 a.m.

Elamigo says... #6

Orbs of Warding is good against the mirror match ups as well as any aggro decks running 1/1 tokens (i.e. Thopters, Goblins, Elves). Maybe it'd be better in the sideboard. It also gives you hexproof, making you not the target of burns spells or mill spells or even commands. Main ones that come to mind are Exquisite Firecraft, Stoke the Flames, Sphinx's Tutelage, Mind Sculpt, Dromoka's Command, Kolaghan's Command, and then some.

Aether Grid's great for early game creature control and in some cases when there are stall outs. Usually my opponents will have bigger creatures on the field but don't want to swing in due to my many thopters and I don't want to swing in cause they'll counter swing on their turn. With the grid out, I can leave them for blocking and ping them down on their end steps. Not to mention, it makes my equipmentSword of the Animist, landsDarksteel Citadel, and orbs even more useful.

I do like the Ghostfire Blade and will probably end up putting it in the sideboard. I just have to figure out an instance of when I'd want to put it in Mainboard (maybe against control decks for more aggressiveness?). As for Collateral Damage, I've considered it before but I'd rather not kill off my creatures for just 3 damage. 5 damage I can accept. Shrapnel Blast. Not to mention, I can also sacrifice my lands Darksteel Citadel.

August 4, 2015 1:54 p.m.

mtgMadness96 says... #7

When a card like Orbs of Warding is good against certain matchups and not others, that is the definition of a sideboard card. I would probably move both to the sideboard (along with a Sword of the Animist maybe) to make room for Ghostfire Blade. That card is very, very good with thopters. The Ensoul Artifact decks at Pro Tour Origins all ran a playset of blades, because +2/+2 for 1 mana and 1 equip is a great deal. I think you only need 2 Sword of the Animist because it's legendary and not absolutely essential to your deck working, while blade makes all your creatures better for less.

August 4, 2015 2:04 p.m.

Elamigo says... #8

Yea, I was thinking that about the Sword. What do you all think about Obelisk of Urd in this deck in place of Orbs of Warding?

August 4, 2015 3:07 p.m.

oakesbrews says... #9

I would say Orbs in the sideboard in case you are up against RDW. Urd will just make your thopters mean and that is always a good thing!

August 4, 2015 8:29 p.m.

Elamigo says... #10

Hey all, updated deck with what I took to Game Day. Updated description as well. Thanks for all the suggestions!!

August 8, 2015 11:05 p.m.

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