I like the Guttersnipe and Reverberate ideas. Maybe have the Reverberate in your sideboard in case you come across a counter heavy deck.
November 4, 2013 8:06 a.m.
This deck is now averaging 5 turn wins : ) Gonna replace Raging Goblin for Vexing Devil when i get a chance. Then 4 turn win average i think!
November 10, 2013 3:36 a.m.
Swapped Raging Goblin for Lava Dart , Vulshok Sorcerer for Surging Flame and 4 Mountain for Spark Spray .
November 11, 2013 12:02 a.m.
Alright Surging Flame for Lightning Strike and Spark Spray for Vexing Devil . My deck is done : )
November 13, 2013 5:25 p.m.
hermesmtz95 says... #6
Play tested it on cockatrice. very good! I'll net deck this! 10/10
November 14, 2013 4:53 p.m.
Thank you. I can't think of a way to make it better. I win everytime unless i get too much mana.
November 14, 2013 5:44 p.m.
hermesmtz95 says... #8
Searing Spear instead of Volcanic Hammer cause of the instant speed, or maybe just add in Searing Spear all together.
November 15, 2013 1:35 a.m.
hermesmtz95 says... #11
I played a burn deck on cockatrice that was running these so I noted them down for you. Skullcrack Shard Volley Searing Blaze
November 15, 2013 3:34 p.m.
Alright, Volcanic Hammer for Skullcrack . Might swap Shock or Lava Dart for Shard Volley .
November 15, 2013 6:49 p.m.
Every RDW needs Goblin Guide . It is easily the strongest RDW creature in the game, even better than Vexing Devil .
Also, I think you could use more land. 12x is cutting it a bit close don't you think? I'd go at least 16x. You could add a couple Barbarian Ring if you're concerned about dead draws, it's good because when you draw it late in the game it's basically a Shock .
Finally, I have to say, you are playing a TON of burn cards that are simply not Legacy-level. Shock , Searing Spear , and Lightning Strike have absolutely no place in a Legacy burn deck. Skullcrack , Incinerate , and Lava Dart are a little better, but in my opinion they have to go as well. Volcanic Hammer should not even be a consideration.
Replace these with much stronger burn cards such as Fireblast , Price of Progress , and Flame Rift . Other burn staples include Grim Lavamancer , Searing Blaze , Hellspark Elemental , Keldon Marauders , Browbeat , Ball Lightning , Flame Javelin etc. And don't forget to throw some Pyroblast , Red Elemental Blast , and/or Blood Moon in your sideboard for good measure.
So anyway, pick your favorites out of any of my suggestions above, and fire away. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Source: my own Legacy burn deck, Budget Burn (Turn 3 Win). Give it a playtest if you want to see the kind of power level I'm talking about :)
An alternative although more extreme option I might suggest to you is to ditch Legacy and try to build this in Modern instead. If you need a place to start, here's my Modern burn deck: Budget Burn
Lastly, if I'm completely off target with all of this and this is just a Casual deck, I'd encourage you to mark it as such (instead of Legacy) to avoid confusion.
Good luck!
November 16, 2013 1 a.m.
I appreciate your suggestions but this deck can't get any better. I know you mean well so im gonna leave it at that.
November 16, 2013 6:55 p.m.
No problem, every man's deck is his own. Just wondering though, what exactly do you mean by "this deck can't get any better"? Do you mean that the deck is perfect and any further adjustment to it will make it worse? Or do you mean that for some reason you don't want the deck to be TOO good, for example because you don't want it to overpower your playgroup?
Just want some clarification. Thanks!
November 18, 2013 1:06 a.m.
I've spent many many hours making this deck an almost guaranteed win. And it can't get anymore garanteed then it is unless Magic continues to ruin itself by making new cards and rules. But all your suggestions would make this deck situational like your burn decks.
November 18, 2013 12:22 p.m.
@hlobik311 look man, everyone has a right to make their own deck and do what they want. But saying "my deck is perfect and I'm going to ignore your suggestions because it can't be any better" is pompous, rude, and outright insulting to me and to anybody else who takes the time to give you advice on your deck.
Furthermore, it's simply naive for you to think that this deck is actually "an almost guaranteed win". In fact, please take it to a Legacy tournament, and then let me know how you do. You say you're "averaging turn 5 wins"? Most Legacy decks are able to win by turns 3 or 4, many are able to win by turn 2, and some crazy combo ones can even win on turn 0 before you even get to draw your first card. I tried to help you by pointing you to a Legacy burn deck which often wins on turn 3, and therefore is clearly faster than yours, but if you really feel so strongly that your deck is better than mine why don't you playtest them against each other on tappedout and tell me what the result is. Because when I did that, I nailed you 4-1. And I don't even consider my deck a "good" Legacy deck.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck with this deck, but please do everybody a favor and clarify in the deck description that you're not interested in advice, because I wouldn't want anybody else to waste their precious time giving you tips.
November 18, 2013 3:56 p.m.
Ok Lol. Anyone else who reads this, I appreciate all suggestions.
November 18, 2013 4:30 p.m.
I swapped Lava Dart for Fireblast . Lava Dart and Guerrilla Tactics are in my sideboard. Finally this deck is done... Well until magic adds new cards and rules : (
November 19, 2013 6:02 p.m.
miracleHat says... #22
I playtested this deck to see how well it ran and it was way to slow. Assuming that nothing went wrong (no Counterspell
/dying), you won on average turn 5. In legacy, that is two turns too slow for most burn/aggro decks. I would swap Spark Elemental
for Goblin Guide
. Goblin Guide
tells you what is in the opponents deck and their strategy many times, and will deal more damage most of the time. your sorceries are fine, but the instants are in trouble.
Incinerate Lightning Strike Searing Spear and Shock might be good in standard, but aren't even close to good in legacy. Price of Progress is a staple in every legacy burn deck since most deck run shocks, ABUR duals, and fetches. Browbeat is good either way, refilling your hand or dealing five is very good for 3 mana. Searing Blaze gets rid of players and creatures, IN THE SAME SPELL! Isn't that just so amazing that you want to add it, Right? finally, 12 lands is only used in vintage decks and combo decks, this is neither. add more lands, stuff like Wasteland Keldon Megaliths , or Ghitu Encampment ; Wasteland is the best. you could also add fetches to smooth out later draws in the game, Arid Mesa is a common choice.
A simpler version of what i said is:
get rid of
Spark Elemental
Searing Spear
Lightning Strike
4 Goblin Guide
4 Price of Progress
3 Browbeat
4 Searing Blaze
4 Wasteland
1 Arid Mesa
Now for the sideboard. sideboard should always have fifteen cards, that aren't more burn spells. something to counteract graveyard based decks like dredge (i hate dredge), Tormod's Crypt is amazing at that, or even better is Leyline of the Void . Now i will have to contradict what i just said, and you should have 1 more Price of Progress if going up against some junk (b/w/g) deck. 3 Everlasting Torment or Sulfuric Vortex would be good along Smash to Smithereens to go against faster affinity decks. Red Elemental Blast is a blast (pun intended) to play against merfolk and Force of Will . 2 Pyroclasm and 1 Slagstorm should be enough to hold off aggro and Slagstorm can also deal the last bits of damage.
I am aware that you said that the deck is done, but it really isn't.
Here are some burn deck links if you don't like my ideas:
deck 1
deck 2
and deck 3
i choose those three decks since each of them had a different twist that you might have wanted to use. My resource for the decks are right here
November 27, 2013 1:53 p.m.
miracleHat says... #23
if you want to test your deck against a competitive Rug delver legacy deck, feel free and tell me about the results. Cheers and i hope that your deck becomes better!
November 27, 2013 2:01 p.m.
Why all the discussion? Lol, this is your Legacy Lindsay Lohan deck....it's cheap, it burns, it's simple
November 27, 2013 2:21 p.m.
I guess playtesting is unrealistic because this deck averages a three or four turn win. And Goblin Guide is a good suggestion, thank you.
hermesmtz95 says... #1
Try Reverberate . It can counterspell a Counterspell and can do 6 damage for 3 mana when combined with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning .
Also, Guttersnipe instead of Vulshok Sorcerer .
Increasing Vengeance works in place of Reverberate as well. Except it only targets spells you control. The flashback for Increasing Vengeance could work good for games that drag on.
November 3, 2013 5:16 p.m.