
Legacy hlobik311


hlobik311 says... #1

It's a great card. I can't see paying 40 dollars for 5 of them when there are much more useful cards that I can buy for other decks that I need that only cost a dollar a piece... One day if I come across five of them I will add it to my deck, but I will not pay that much for a new rules card.

January 6, 2014 5:02 p.m.

Kittacus says... #2

Ah now if you say that there is a budget in the description, then perhaps you will get comments and advice that you can use, because otherwise it will just be a repeat of the Goblin Guide incidence. I recommend an update stating the discussion and amending your description to suit your budget a bit better

January 6, 2014 5:48 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #3

Nope. Im just giving a simple and very good excuse so I don't have to explain to you and everyone else what I really think of that suggestion.

January 6, 2014 9:22 p.m.

Kittacus says... #4

What do you really think of the suggestion? Just out of curiosity is all

January 7, 2014 12:05 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #5

Sorry, it would start an argument.

January 8, 2014 12:03 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #6

But I do believe this deck is finally finished and it is as for proof is possible... Well until magic makes more cards that shouldn't be.

January 8, 2014 12:07 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #7

I took out Flame Rift . It would have killed me twice in the last 5 times I played.

January 8, 2014 1:34 p.m.

Kittacus says... #8

I really don't believe that this deck is finished and 'perfect'. I playtested this deck against 3 of my Modern decks, I Will Have ALL of the Life!, The 'Smash, Smash' Tribe and What's that coming over the hill?. first match, I won by beating you down with life gain 2 games in a row, your burn spells just couldn't deal with the 10-15 life I was gaining per turn with Martyr of Sands and Serra Ascendant ; match 2 with Goblins, smashed you hands down by rushing you with creatures, beating you consistently on turn 4 with nothing you could do about it; third match against Allies, game 1 I went down to 3 life turn 2 but finished on 89 with a double Ondu Cleric and you just topdecking lands, game 2 I got a double Akoum Battlesinger turn 4 and swung for win. I am not saying this is a bad deck, but for a Legacy burn deck, it really shows that it isn't good if it gets beaten by 3 separate Modern legal, barely competitive decks. You not only come over as cocky, but with the solid advice that you have got from at least 6 different comments, you come over as bigheaded to say that your deck is "perfect" because no deck is. Even the highest rated decks on this site still get criticism, and they only became truly great because they accepted what people told them and thus improved their deck.

January 8, 2014 4:08 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #9

Accepting advice does not make your deck the best. Debating the cards would be a better method I would think. Yes some people know more, but if you do not believe that is so, debate it. If you are questioned, defend your opinion. That is the best way.

I really like Goblin Guide , but he is much too new for my deck. He is probably the best RDW creature to me. If your deck is as fast as it looks, that extra mana draw would not bother me. They really should not have too much time to take advantage of it. Him, and Hellspark Elemental are two creatures that I would put above Spark Elemental personally.

One opinion I have, that I am sure is not shared with too many on here. Is that Vexing Devil is just ok, not phenomenal. I feel that some others could play a little better. When you give your opponent a choice, they win even in a lose lose situation. They get to choose which one they can deal with better. Same with Browbeat , but I like that card it is fun.

The Grim Lavamancer is best when you have large amounts of fetches, but also really strong if you have those kind of resources.

Does the Quest for Pure Flame get it done? I have never used that card before, but I would think that you would opt to play one of your creatures on turn one instead.

I only own one Price of Progress , and do not use it. I just play casual. It is a great card when playing competitive I would think. Really the only thing that separates casual/competitive to me is sideboard. I see his deck as very similar to my own, so I guess I am just responding to some of the stuff other people are saying.

If your play group allows for 7 card mulligans, and/or no land mulligans, 12 lands probably works for you. It does not seem like you are trying to go in to super serious tournaments, so you have to build to the people you play against.

January 8, 2014 5:07 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #10

Lol. Playtesting is very unrealistic. And lol... Unless there are any more cards I don't know about in real Magic that fit the requirements of this deck, it is finished. Also I am ashamed to use a few cards that I do in this deck, but I wanted to make the best guaranteed burn deck possible. And Quest for Pure Flame does get it done, it can do massive amounts of damage which can happen on turn 3.

January 8, 2014 11:03 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #11

That is cool. I played during Zendikar for a bit, but did not remember that card. It was one that I was not sure if it was really good, or just ok. I can see how it would get going, that is why I was asking. I was wondering if you still had enough in the tank to make it worth while.

I was just trying to respond to some of the other people with the other stuff.

January 9, 2014 1:03 a.m.

hlobik311 says... #12

That's fine. It makes the deck more of a 3 turn win and a almost garanteed 4 turn win.

January 9, 2014 10:58 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #13

Might have to give it a try in my newer burn deck.

January 10, 2014 12:50 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #14

I actually just added 4 of it to my goblin deck and 4 of it to my orc deck as well... Guttersnipe and Quest for Pure Flame are a game winning combo...

January 10, 2014 1:55 p.m.

At 12 lands, you're making Searing Blaze and Fireblast terrible. You should really run at least 16 lands, if not 18.

Shock is horrible, you could cut it for 4 lands. Also if you took out Tarfire and Searing Blaze you could easily add playsets of Keldon Marauders and Grim Lavamancer .

Quest for Pure Flame is better suited for a Modern deck, as it's a bit slow. You want to maximize damage each turn, not wait for it later.

Price of Progress and Flame Rift are killer cards that need consideration. Price nails greedy mana bases, in which most folks run several duals and other non-basic lands. Rift hits for 4 damage for 2 mana. Dude, who cares if it hits you?!?! I personally run two of each, and may run more.

To touch on why Goblin Guide is good... It's a 2/2 Haste for R. It allows you to see what your opponent will draw. Putting a land in their hand means little in Legacy when games are short. You're playing RDW and should win turn 3-4. It's made many, many Top 8 RDW lists. It's an investment; I bought my playset for around $5.50-6 each. They've gone up and will probably continue to do so. End point.

It is your deck and you may do as you please. I think that you should be more open to what people are trying to tell you, though. It's for good reason and to help you...

I run a Legacy RDW that is extremely consistent and competitive. For reference:

Crimson and Ash Playtest

Legacy aeonstoremyliver

SCORE: 14 | 28 COMMENTS | 2614 VIEWS

January 17, 2014 10:05 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #16

There are no mana issues in this deck ever... I just need to swap Searing Blaze out for a one mana cost 2 damage minimum card when magic makes up another one... Until that happens it is flawless... I can see that, that is really hard to comprehend for most of you but its the truth... I have spent many, many hours going over this deck so I should know.

January 18, 2014 6:07 a.m.

I believe that people, myself included, are trying to give you constructive feedback to make your deck better. So you can win. I can tell you that if you took this to a Legacy tournament, it would loose horribly. Take the advice and wisdom from the community; we're trying to help you. Not that I haven't been playing this game since 95' or so and have no idea what I'm doing or talking about... ;-)

Take a look at the deck I posted. It's a fairly good list. Then, try and beat my other Legacy deck:

Mah Mean Green, Stomping Machine Playtest

Legacy aeonstoremyliver


You could also look up Legacy in the hubs. Play test against RUG Delver, Shardless Agent , Jund, Elves, Goblins, Esper Stone Blade, Dredge, and Affinity, just to name a few. If you really want this deck to be the best it can be and beat the previous decks I've mentioned, that is a competitive deck, then you'll heed the advice given you.

At this juncture, I wish you the best of luck!

January 18, 2014 6:57 a.m.

hlobik311 says... #18

Thank you. I appreciate all constructive criticism, but my goal was to build a 90% guaranteed 4 turn win deck with a 30% guaranteed 3 turn win... And I have. Also I still have not seen a deck with those odds... And if someone wants to pay me to put up with the horrible conditions in a legacy tournament, I would be glad to prove it. And again playtesting is so unrealistic that it makes me want to cry a little lol... I have physically added every suggestion to this deck except Goblin Guide and played it against really, really good decks and only lost because of them.

January 18, 2014 10:27 a.m.

hlobik311 says... #19

Also Flame Rift ? It makes me sad I would ever have to explain why it sucks compared to any 1 mana 2 damage card... I should ignore anyone that would suggest that, but because I want the best burn deck ever I try every suggestion in "real life"... I don't know every card in Magic and they keep making up new cards for some reason so that's why I need suggestions, hopefully new and actually good ones.

January 18, 2014 10:46 a.m.

naynay666 says... #20


January 29, 2014 4:09 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #21

Every deck is going to be different, and I love that you are making your deck the way you want.

Just wondering, why do you think that Flame Rift sucks, and Shock spells are so much better?

How did you do your play testing? Did you assume you went first, and did not draw? How do you work the mulligans? I did some playtesting on the deck, and the mana thing seems to be a bit of an issue. I would try to put in just a few more.

January 29, 2014 4:54 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #22

naynay666, Thank you... Your right. Flame Rift is a sorcery and it costs 2 red for 4 damage to you and your opponent. Shock is an instant and it only costs 1 red for 2 damage to your opponent and none to you. Also if you played Flame Rift with Quest for Pure Flame which is a game winner, Flame Rift would do 8 damage to you. I have won many games only needing 1 red mana and if you draw 2 red mana you just win in less turns and more than 3 red mana is too much so 12 is perfect. And I playtest against really good decks that my cousin and my friends build to beat this deck. The only time I ever lose is against this deck and that's just the luck of the draw. Also I play 7 cards first mulligan and 1 less every time after and if you mulligan, but your opponent doesn't your opponent goes first or vice versa.

January 29, 2014 5:47 p.m.

valendras says... #23

February 6, 2014 12:33 p.m.

hlobik311 says... #24

That's a good idea... I would only Sideboard it though cause it's situational.

February 7, 2014 4:30 p.m.

You have got to mainboard Price of Progress . Nearly every single tier 1 legacy deck runs at least 60 percent nonbasic. The only decks this wouldn't apply to are storm decks and ones like them. +1

February 7, 2014 5:24 p.m.

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