Imposible to lose

Modern* Jonatanvc94


sameris23 says... #1

i like the idea very much :)

you could try to introduce some Dark Confidant, the deck wild be faster

December 13, 2014 2:26 p.m.

Justin_Bop says... #3

Nice deck, but your missing one crucial card! You should add a Cathedral of War!!!! Besides that, I think this deck is great. +1 from me :)

December 13, 2014 2:43 p.m.

DjTiguiD says... #4

You said to me to check your deck ( on my standard deck ) but this is a modern one. I only play standard and commander, sorry bro :/ Nice deck tho! +1

December 13, 2014 2:45 p.m.

bob111634 says... #6

I like the deck +1 from me. Sublime Archangel is worth playing 3 or 4 of, the flying is great for one huge attacker, and in case you didn't know, a creature can have multiple instances of exalted, meaning your creatures could trigger exalted twice. Also, Cathedral of War was mentioned above and it would be good as a 2 of I think for a free exalted trigger, but not 4 because it is colorless and enters tapped.

December 13, 2014 3:17 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #8

Well, you told me to look at your deck, so, here I am.

I am not sure what to say here. Every time I was running exalted decks, I loved creatures with shroud/hexproof as they were super hard to kill. As I usually am a control based player, I'd consider adding here some hand disruption spells - Inquisition of Kozilek and/or Thoughtseize. I loved them in every black deck I run and it is possible that those would do well here as well. I'd also consider removing the Silent Arbiter - I see the point of running him, but I think that Dark Confidant would do better at this spot. You never want to run out of cards and with avg. CMC of 2.00 I would't be scared of loosing that much life.

Another card worth considering might be Swords of X and Y, for example Sword of Fire and Ice or Sword of Light and Shadow. If not in main, those might do well in the side board, as you can side them in when you know against which kind of deck you are playing. I'd also consider running Leyline of Sanctity in the sideboard as it is a big NO to many decks.

Hope this helped.

December 13, 2014 4:42 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #9

I like it. I might consider Apostle's Blessing and other like cards for sideboard if you're struggling to eek out the damage.

December 13, 2014 4:55 p.m.

dbp512 says... #10

I messed around with an exalted deck before, but never did much with it. Looks fun, +1. Have you thought about Spirit Bonds and Bloodsoaked Champion? With the former you can build up expendable defenders, and with the latter you can attack without fear of death, because if he does he triggers himself and you can get him back, generating another token.

December 13, 2014 6:18 p.m.

Eretoryi says... #11

Yeah, I like what you're doing here! I have to agree that Dark Confidant sounds really good for this deck because you need a way to draw cards. I also agree with the Sword of Light and Shadow to give you protection from much removal and recursion.

With some extra durability for your strategy and some competitive testing to tune it, I think this deck could be great! Thank you for commenting my deck as well. +1

December 13, 2014 6:19 p.m.

NateJH says... #13

I would drop black and go Bant colored for a exalted deck. You recieve REALLY good stuff like Ardent Plea, Giltspire Avenger, Noble Hierarch, Qasali Pridemage, and Rafiq of the Many.

December 13, 2014 6:54 p.m.

Xydroth says... #15

Maybe play Brave the Elements. This way all your white creatures are unblockable. Not that you want that with exalted but still. For only it is pretty impressive. Also Rogue's Passage might be fun to play in this deck.

Another thing that might be fun to try is adding poison/infect to this deck. You can quite easily do this by playing Tainted Strike or Phyresis. Phyrexian Crusader actually fits your theme quite well too, maybe it is even better than Knight of Infamy though it does not have exalted. But Phyrexian Crusader can die of Lightning Bolt and wont get exiled by white. Lighting Bolt and things like Anger of the Gods can ruin you strategy quite well.

For the sideboard you might consider playing Tragic Slip. This way you can kill large creatures quite easily.

A cheap cards that can secure you for doing damage is Tormented Soul. And together with you exalted theme it can do quite some damage. And maybe if you add infect games can end pretty quickly.

December 13, 2014 7:09 p.m.

NageekXLII says... #16

Additionally, bant is way to freaking expensive. I would like to make some suggestions, as I also have a B/W Exalted Deck (History Exalts a Chosen Few). First, run Silent Arbiter in your sideboard in case of a token matchup. Additionally, I would suggest running a full playset of Duty-Bound Dead and Akrasan Squire in the board, as one drops that stack +1/+1 are pretty much the best thing ever. Additionally, I would recommend adding Knight of Infamy and Knight of Glory to the side to add more flexibility to your deck. Finally, you need an evasive attacker that's easier to land than Mirran Crusader. I run Vault Skirge, but Tormented Soul and Invisible Stalker (if you're willing to run esper) work just as well. I enjoy the deck, just work on making it more consistent. +1

December 13, 2014 7:11 p.m.

I suggest cutting Knight of Infamy, since you can't target it with Spirit Mantle or Emerge Unscathed. This might not be a huge problem, but I bet you could avoid it altogether...Maybe put in more Dark Confidants or Spirit Mantles?

I also suspect you could improve this deck by splashing into green. There are certainly some exalted cards that people seem to like a lot in green, e.g. Noble Hierarch and Qasali Pridemage. I think those cards (and green in general) might be able to boost the power of your deck and provide more answers to tricky matchups...Though I have not thought out the details of this latter point. However, Orzhov is also near and dear to my heart, and I understand if you want to keep your deck with its current colors. :)

December 13, 2014 7:13 p.m.

NageekXLII says... #18

Also, Aven Squire is really handy, and can block fliers (this is why my deck doesn't run a playset of either of the knights).

December 13, 2014 7:14 p.m.

Xydroth says... #19

Also Bile Blight might be good agains aggro/token decks. I also think Silent Arbiter is really good against it but since you can idealy play it in turn four that might be too late. Bile Blight can make you hold back heavy aggro pretty good.

December 13, 2014 7:21 p.m.

Andrew_J_A says... #20

Awesome deck! (+1) and thanks for commenting on my mine :)

I gave this a few playtests, and around turns 4-6 you didn't have a hand to work with. I searched around for a good card draw that fits your deck, and I found Disciple of Bolas. It costs four to play, but you won't really need it until around turn 5, so you'll have the mana. You could play it during your second main phase, when your exalted creature still has the +1/+1's on it, which ups its power. You would have a full hand to burn, which keeps you going in the mid-game if you haven't killed your opponent(s) already.

December 13, 2014 11:45 p.m.

Infernus says... #22

I don't know much about modern, But this deck looks good from what Im seeing. I entered the meta after exalted was a thing. so im not exactly sure how good of a ability it is n.n"

December 14, 2014 6:05 a.m.

Very nice deck. I would suggest that you add some discard spells like Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek and Duress, because you will be very vulnerable to combo decks without it. I would also suggest Burrenton Forge-Tender for the sideboard, otherwise you might get blown out by sweepers like Pyroclasm, Electrickery, Firespout and Anger of the Gods.

December 14, 2014 7:01 a.m.

You got 61 cards in the maindeck, you should remove a card. :)

December 14, 2014 7:02 a.m.

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