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Impractical Jokers (Demons & Everything Rakdos)

Modern Aggro BR (Rakdos) Competitive



Creature (2)

Enchantment (4)

If he could get any cooler....

Drop your creatures onto the field as fast as possible as you remove, burn, and kill whatever threatens you (mainly the guy sitting across from you.)

Rakdos Cackler - Always, always, ALWAYS unleash this beast at the start of the game! The early game damage he deals is one of a kind. On top of this. He can be easily paired with Fists of the Demigod to punish the opponent with intimidating first strike and wither abilities.

Vexing Devil - Basically a creature spell that deals four damage to the opponent as it enters and leaves the battlefield.

Diregraf Ghoul - One Drop. 2/2. Comes in tapped. That's pretty much it.

Spike Jester - Looks like a clown but deals easy and quick damage like a... cheeseburger.

Mogis's Marauder - Bestows* upon your creatures haste and intimidate for one turn which may be enough to finish the frightened opponent. (See what I did there? :D)

Ashenmoor Gouger - Completely Boss. Dump Fists of the Demigod on it and it whacks the opponent.

Olivia Voldaren - That Stormbreath Dragon you have there looks great. But it looks better on my side.

Ashenmoor Liege - Support that hurts if they try to remove it! and a guy riding on a horse.

Desecration Demon - 4 mana. 6/6 with flying. AND opponent may sac a creature to tap and pump Desecration Demon.

Rakdos, Lord of Riots Flying, Trample, a 6/6. In addition, you can cast Mogis, God of Slaughter, Olivia Voldaren, and Desecration Demon for 6 mana if opponent took 6 life! Very Very helpful.

Mogis, God of Slaughter - The most efficient way to clear the board and hurt the opponent without killing your own creatures is a god.

Tanks for reading and help will be welcomed! Deciding if I should add More 4 drops or not.


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3-0! (Yayyy!)

Round 1 (vs. Gruul Monstrosity):

Game 1: Was able to drop a Spike Jester on Turn 2 swinging before as I casted a quick Lightning Bolt to his face (yay!) bringing him down to 14, yet he dropped a Turn 2 Goblin Rabblemaster. Enchanted my Joker with Fists of the Demigod to attack for 5 bringing him down to 9. He played a Courser of Kruphix to gain 2 life then he casted another Golbin Rabblemaster and attacked for 2. on Turn 4 I casted a Mogis, God of Slaughter and i attacked for 5 which he blocked with his Courser. He sacked a goblin token, attacked for 8 dropping me down to 10, and played Hellkite Charger. I played an Ashenmoor Gouger and Terminated his Stormbreath to attack for 12 winning the game!

Game 2: 1 Drops, Spike Jester, and Fists of the Demigod along with removal took the game :D

MVP: Spike Jester : Haste and Red/Black Devotion played a large role in the back to back wins.

Round 2 (vs Madru Aggro) Game 1: Goblin Rabblemaster again. But this time no removal came into my sight until it was Turn 6; however, Vexing Devil and Diregraf Ghoul paired with Ashenmoor Gouger and Ashenmoor Liege struck for lethal damage. His Butcher of the Horde caused problems as he had multiple Rabblemasters on the board. By turn 6, I struck with a double whammy as i casted Mogis, God of Slaughter for 2 from Rakdos lord of riot’s ability and took him down to 4 as I Dreadboreed his butcher and enchanted Lord with Fists of the Demigod. Won next turn.

Game 2: Got shrekt by Goblin Rabblemasters and two Butcher of the Horde along with multiple Ankle Shankers. Saw no removal.

Game 3: 1 Drops tapped out all my mana for the first 3 turns. Turn 4 I casted Olivia Voldaren which would take control of a Goblin Rabblemaster and Butcher of the Horde to win the game.

MVP: Butcher of the Horde hit me and him hard.

Round 3 (vs Abzan Control) Game 1: able to attack for 7 on turn 2 with Vexing Devil and Spike Jester. He was able to bring in a Siege Rhino on turn 3 with Courser of the Kruphix. Next turn I Bolted his face and Terminated his rhino! Swung for 4 with Devil as i traded my Joker for his Courser bring him to down to 8. Next turn i brought in Spike Jester with Fists of the Demigod which killed his Rhino he casted bringing him down to 7 from 11 with Vexing Devil. He removed my Joker. But I won next turn after he ate a bolt.

Game 2: Multiple Siege Rhinos overran me. Removed 2, brought in Olivia, Vexing, Cackler, and Gouger. Took his Courser. Brought in Riots. He removed Olivia. I brought in my God. Took the game with 8 health left.

MVP: Vexing Devil - Damage pls

OVERALL MVP: Olivia Voldaren


Date added 10 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 8 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Folders Red Deck Ideas, Modern
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