In Debt To China

Standard* Replayced


gufymike says... #1

Yeah, I wouldn't put more than 3 of her if I went mb with her, but on the side no more than 2 of.

October 28, 2013 11:05 a.m.

Demarge says... #2

I would suggest swapping the below 6 cmc detain spells for the spells in your sideboard (and also go up to 26 land). Only aggro decks will feel any real pain of the detain mechanic while slower lists have tested to rather easily shrug it off for the most part and against control they are usually just over costed vanilla creatures or just dead draws.

With a swap with your sideboard those spells will be better against the slower decks and still be viable for the most part against aggro.

October 28, 2013 11:06 a.m.

Replayced says... #3

Thank you for the suggestions Demarge. I prefer this setup better than before.

October 28, 2013 11:27 a.m.

Demarge says... #4

This setup will also look better with every other AEtherling or jace/elspeth you acquire down the road, though revelations will likely be ahead of the planeswalkers at least in trade aims (and rtr should probably be the packs you'll want to open the most for this deck)

October 28, 2013 11:35 a.m.

Replayced says... #5

@Demarge While on the subject of SR, do you think it will hold its value after it rotates? I have some stuff I could trade for a playset, but I hate to trade good eternal value for standard.

October 28, 2013 11:38 a.m.

Demarge says... #6

I think it'll be maybe a $10 card post rotation, maybe $15-20 simply because of it's light modern use and large EDH use (especially considering that life gain esper general that's coming out).

October 28, 2013 11:46 a.m.

Replayced says... #7

Thanks. I'll try to pick up 3 and replace Opportunity

October 28, 2013 11:48 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #8

I playtested this against a bunch of decks (mono blue, mono black, Selesnya, bw midrange), and it crumples to all of them.

You have too many creatures. A single AEtherling alone is better than lots of creatures in control right now, because it makes more room for control spells. The successful control decks are running lots of black like Hero's Downfall and Thoughtseize , and that's what this deck needs.

I could suggest lots of cards and changes, but you mentioned that you're on a budget so I won't. Control and budget don't really go together at all. You might try something completely different to be competitive, such as a Boros deck.

October 28, 2013 12:56 p.m.

Replayced says... #9

@SharuumNyan I would like to hear your suggestions. I'm not against getting Thoughtseize , because I know it will hold it's value post rotation. I do prefer esper over straight U/W. This Deck is just a starting point.

October 29, 2013 12:39 a.m.

Spootyone says... #10

First off, i read your forum post and you, sir, are awesome. I wish you luck when you make it to FNM!

As for the deck, the first obvious changes were the expensive ones but i get where youre coming from. That being said, i think youd be okay dropping to two AEtherling and two Assemble the Legion . In their place you could try out Lightning Strike . In fact you could go to four strikes and sideboard the mortars.

Have you thought of a sideboard yet?

November 13, 2013 1:56 p.m.

Dallie says... #11

It looks like a pretty good deck! What is your sideboard?

I would probably include some number of Essence Scatter against aggro/hexproof,

Pithing Needle to combat planeswalkers and/or trouble lands (Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , I'm looking at you),

Also, you have 9 permanents total, I would probably take out 1x Boros Charm in favor of another Azorius Charm , even if it can double strike for AEtherling . You could put the cut Boros Charm in the sideboard.

I don't know whether or not Turn / Burn has a home there, but if you haven't considered it, I'm just going to throw it out there.

November 13, 2013 2:27 p.m.

xzavierx says... #12

I agree with @Spootyone here. dropping to 2 of each AEtherling and Assemble the Legion is smart.

I'd also sideboard mortars in favor of more instant kills like Lightning Strike . Or go the route of Omenspeaker which gives you a 3toughness blocker and lets you scry into the 'right' charm / counter / kill

November 13, 2013 2:29 p.m.

infinitemana says... #13

Why are you running Boros Charm The only use I can see for it being here is the four damage, which isn't that great in a control deck. If can afford $10 for a card, Ral Zarek could be a fun inclusion in it's place.

November 13, 2013 3:51 p.m.

NeoHazard says... #14

Just an fyi Dallie you can Pithing Needle a Nykthos but as its ability is a mana ability the needle wont stop it. I made the same mistake a couple weeks ago while playing against.

I think the others that have mentioned dropping a few cards are likely right. Though I wouldnt go as extreme as them. You are lacking a few of the draw engines that these colors normally enjoy, mainly Sphinx's and Jace, Architect of Thought so I would only cut to 2 copies each of Assemble the Legion and AEtherling . Few cards that would fit in there have been mentioned already, Turn / Burn this takes care of the gods quite nicely I noticed the other day. Let them turn them active and in response turn the god into a weird and kill it. Lightning Strike great for removal or for when you need to get that last 3 damage through.

As for more for your sideboard, they recently changed sideboard rules and your sideboard now can contain up to 15 cards instead of the old 0 or 15 cards. I would look at getting a couple Wear / Tear for the sideboard, a couple Skullcrack could also help in the mirror match for when they want to cast their own Sphinx's, Chained to the Rocks from Theros might be another piece of removal to consider. And speaking of Theros if you can get your hands on the Scry lands they help out a considerable bit. They run about 5 bucks a piece so Im not sure how that works with your budget but I can say they are worth it. Scry in a control deck is very strong as it lets you move through your deck to find the threats you need.

Overall this looks like fun and I think I will go back and take another look at my American deck and see if I can tweak it to play in the next couple weeks.

November 13, 2013 4:46 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #15

I'd play Boros Reckoner (if you can) for the triple charm combo.

November 13, 2013 5:25 p.m.

NeoHazard says... #16

BAHAHAHAHA go infinite on yourself thats amazing. I've never noticed that before.

November 13, 2013 5:36 p.m.

Dallie says... #17

@NeoHazard: Right, I always forget the mana ability part. I'm just so used to someone dropping Pithing Needle naming Mikokoro, Center of the Sea against me.

November 13, 2013 6:14 p.m.

Dallie says... #18

I'll finish my thought, "and thus have grown accustomed to Pithing Needle : reading "Name a land, that land is now useless, but hey! It'll provide a colorless mana".

November 13, 2013 6:24 p.m.

Replayced says... #19

Thanks for the comments eveyone.

I have been thinking about the sideboard. I was considering putting in a burn package against aggro, but i ran out of time on my lunch break and haven't gotten around to adding it. I had Essence Scatter in the Deck, but dropped it for the rifts. I planned on putting it in the sideboard, but with the suggestions made I will out it back in the main and side out the mortars.

Any other suggestions for the side?

November 14, 2013 2:12 a.m.

Replayced says... #20

Forgot to address infinitemana. Boros Charm was mainly for protecting the national guard from wipes, with the occasional use of double strike on a pumped AEtherling and 4 to the dome to finish a game.

NeoHazard would you mind linking your deck? I would like to check it out.

November 14, 2013 2:41 a.m.

cschiller says... #21

With Obama spewing money from the white house chimneys, you might have to make some more cuts to be able to resolve the debt. Besides, they have Snowden. ;).

Anyways, I like this deck. I would add three Magma Jet in somewhere. Abuse the standard goodies!

You might need to get rid of some of our US luxuries to be able to squeeze the debt. I propose laying off dozens of workers and downgrading your shocks from original ravnica block to current RTR. That's about a $4 difference for each one, and that kind of money can go a long way to preventing the inevitable beatdown China will have for us if we can't get our act together. Also, more detention spheres for Snowden.

+1 for debt.

November 17, 2013 1:19 a.m.

NeoHazard says... #22

Sure my deck is Follow the Legion Our lists really arent too far off from each other. Ive got a few more counter spells than you and have the Planeswalkers but otherwise we are close.

November 17, 2013 1:48 a.m.

Replayced says... #23

Lol thanks for the comment and +1 cschiller. I will add in the jets ands the fourth sphere. What do you suggest I cut? Rifts to the side maybe?

November 17, 2013 1:50 a.m.

NeoHazard says... #24

Yeah I'd say the rifts are likely what you would want to sideboard. Cyclonic Rift has been seeing some more play recently but thats due to its play in mono blue devotion which can overload it usally by turn 4. I'd plan to use it mostly for the regular cost and bounce say a Domri Rade before they ult him.

November 17, 2013 1:56 a.m.

cschiller says... #25

I would go -2 lightning strike and -1 Izzet Charm to allow the magma jets. Magma Jet is better burn than lightning strike, and also functions as card advantage, similar to Izzet Charm. You also might want to side out a rift, but not both, for the fourth detention sphere.

November 17, 2013 9:22 a.m.

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