In Defense of Milling

Pauper starsaremyocean


Cloud_AT says... #1

Walls and defenders are very nice, but what will you do against heavy flyers (maybe chump-blocking with Oona's Gatewarden ) or unblockable creatures?

January 31, 2014 3:20 a.m.

For flyers I could always throw in a couple Flight / Shimmering Wings to the sideboard to add some flying ability to be able to defend should I run into a lot of fliers. Unblockable, I don't know. Suggestions for either?

January 31, 2014 3:36 a.m.

Boza says... #3

I really enjoyed this brew, nice and original! I plan to be sleeving it up myself! However, I can see a few immediate changes that could be done:

1/ Delver is the most popular deck in the format. Things to combat that:

Include One-Eyed Scarecrow in the SB.

Drop the Memory lapse (a criminally underplayed card right now) and the mind scupt (expensive for what it does) and in 4 Unearth and 4 Drift of Phantasms .

Drift allows to search for a wall of shadows (if only door keeper was three mana) and blocks all things Delver for days. Unearth allows you to recur the phantasm and doorkeeper.

Max out on the Black Glyph and drop the blue one. I actually prefer the glyphs over both the mill sorceries. Alternatively, switch it out for a couple of Muddle the Mixture to invoke the doorkeeper.

Sideboard should be similar to to something like this:

3 Wail of the Nim - a good card for weenie decks that can be tutored up.3 One-Eyed Scarecrow - delver be scary, yo.4 Disfigure - weenies be scary, you may need the early game.3 Negate - unconditional3 Intervene - works vs familiar and vs other decks.

Amazingly good brewing displayed here! Well Done!

January 31, 2014 3:41 a.m.

Boza - Glad you like the brew and awesome suggestions! A lot I never thought of and I don't know how I missed Drift of Phantasms . I'll have to dig through and see what I already have and order up the rest to try out. Let me know how it plays out for you if you do sleeve it up.

January 31, 2014 3:52 a.m.

Boza says... #5

MOst of the cards are from super old sets, which I really enjoy, but do not have unfortunately, it will be a while before I can sleeve it up, but proxies will work great.

Ogre Jailbreaker is another card besides the phalanx that can give you a win condition other than mill, but I prefer the mill one. Another good one for that plan is Halimar Wavewatch though it lacks the key defender quaility.

If you add in the drift, definitely include some tutor targets for it - like 1-of wail of the nim. UB decks generally have the advantage of tutoring, you should abuse it.

For straight-up mill, Memory Sluice is best for the mana you invest.

January 31, 2014 4:16 a.m.

Same here. I know I have a couple singles of those but beyond that nope.

I had both Ogre Jailbreaker and Memory Sluice on my scribbled list... Not sure why Sluice didn't make the cut especially considering the cost vs. effect. Ogre I remember cutting because I didn't want to over-saturate the high end of the curve but I might experiment with him yet. Maybe pull out a Phalanx and another card or two and play 2-3 of him?

I'm going to leave Halimar out because it doesn't have the defender ability (I want to milk this concept). Plus, there's a merfolk pauper brewing in my head and she's at the helm.

January 31, 2014 4:43 a.m.

Would it be cruel to throw in a couple Bojuka Bog in place of the Swamps? I'm thinking run 10-11 Islands and then 3-4 Bog. Would be able to bounce it back with Dimir Aqueduct a couple times too for more cruelty.

January 31, 2014 11:27 a.m.

BirdClaw says... #8

Dude! Dude!!! Phenax, God of Deception , Why you no have none!?

February 11, 2014 12:10 a.m.

Because he's not common and this is a pauper deck.

Definitely getting my hands on him for another deck though.

February 11, 2014 5:23 a.m.

BirdClaw says... #10

Ah, I see. I did not notice.

February 11, 2014 6:05 p.m.

No worries as I share your excitement of the card. So. Awesome.

February 11, 2014 8:25 p.m.

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