Rats, rats, and more rats! Hey wait!!! What are you doing to my lands??!!???
Believe it or not, this is actually a 60 card deck! This is so rare for me I just have to brag about it.
I have loved playing Rats (namely Plague Rats) ever since I started playing Magic, way back in Revised / 4th Edition. It wasn't until the Ogre Slumlord came along that a Rat deck became feasible.
I sprinkled in some stuff to mess with lands to try and slow down other non mono-black decks. There are still some cards that will mess with Swamps, but if nothing else, you can always pitch them to make a token copy of Pack Rat.
Pack Rat is the meat of the deck, Marrow-Gnawer is the potatoes, and Ratcatcher is the corn, while the Ogre Slumlord is your favorite beverage, to make a hard to beat meal.
Yes, I know the featured card is a Plague Rat, and none can be found in my deck, but it's spirit is within the deck.
As always, any questions at all; like playing tips, how I play the deck, or even more background on the deck (including previous versions that I made) feel free to ask me.
After years (over 7 years) of playing the deck, I finally decided to get real with this and make it a more competitive deck. I took out all the cards that are now in the Maybeboard. I originally messed with lands, and after realizing it was a douche thing to do, I looked to reducing the opponent's maximum hand size. I also previously had ZERO defense for flying creatures: enter Akroma's Memoral and Eldrazi Monument.