One click on my name can tell you my favored format. I play almost exclusively Standard. I know nothing about the format except my my time as a follower of the great CurdBrosBrewingCo. But I thought it was time for me to expand my tastes and dive into the world of modern!
This is my first modern build. It's a BUG control deck: it presents clocks that your opponents are forced to answer and then mixes in disruption to keep your opponents of their game.
I break this deck down into three major parts: Threats, Disuprtion and Card Advantage. Let's take an in depth look a those sections:
Threats: How we win!
-Tarmogoyf: He's kinda a good card, 4/5's for 2 are balanced pulse he can wield a sword like a boss! We're playing green, it's modern, it's a no brainer.
-Vampire Nighthawk: With our combination of Bobs, Fetches, Shocks, and Thoughtseize's we end up hurting ourselves quite a bit. This helps some with the life loss and doesn't die to bolt. worst comes to worst, we can just equip a sword and swing!
-Batterskull: Once again we can really pound our own like total and lifelink is important. And he is reusable and protectable, so yeah a fair card!
Answers: This is also broken down into 3 categories:
Preemptive: Strip the threats before they hit
Thoughtseize: One mana and hits anything, screws with combos like nobody should.
Inquisition of Kozilek: Modern is a fast format built around cheap cards. Being able to take that Mana Leak turn one is critical.
Reactive: stops the threats as the appear:
Mana Leak: The best counter spell in modern. Shuts down anything for a long time:
Remand: Tempo and draw, turn 2 Remmand Turn 3 Mana Leak is fun!
Cryptic Command: This could go any where but more often then not its counter and draw. It has so many great uses!
Counter active: Hits the threats once they're played:
Maelstrom Pulse: Kills everything and an entire board of Pestermite. Best straight kill spell in modern.
Abrupt Decay: Again modern is a fast format and this is an uncounterable spell that hits almost anything.
Card Advantage: Drown them in cards!!!:
dark confident: We have a curve that tops out at 3 (mostly) so this is a great source of draw. Life gain counteracts the loss and worst he can carry a sword.
Cryptic Command/[[Remmand]: Cantrips are always nice.
Liliana of the Veil: Shes kinda reverse card advantage. Once their recourses our low this just puts a nail in the coffin and attacks from a whole new angle.
This is my first modern build so I appreciate any and all feedback! I need some help on the sideboard as I don't have a great idea of the meta. THANKS!