IZZETannoying says... #3
Cough Selfless Soul, Archangel Avacyn Flip Cough
If you plan to comment, suggest improvements, or help fix weak areas. I have sweepers fairly well under control.
July 9, 2016 7:57 p.m.
Yes I see that, but I also saw you have 3 sweepers in the side, and I was suggesting a much better option for this deck.
As for the rest, I think this is pretty spot-on, except that I would go for Negate and/or Void Shatter over Eerie Interlude. I see you have them side, but this deck is ideal for running counterspells because it's so good at holding open mana until needed. To that end I would play Dimensional Infiltrator, it fits despite not being a spirit. Reflector Mage is the other "obvious" creature but what do you take out?
July 10, 2016 12:04 a.m.
Nice deck.Good starting point.I have been playing spirits for awhile now and waiting for the new guys to be legal.In my opinion the 4 and 5 drops hurts you and slow you down.Reflector mage is a must over thunder.
July 10, 2016 1:19 a.m.
I really like your list a lot! Only things I'm not sure about are Stasis Snare and Eerie Interlude in your main board. Sure it is a great card against board clears and for ETB effects, but how many board clears are currently in standard that are widely played? Languish and Archangel Avacyn Flip. I'm sure there are others but none widely played in the current meta. And with cards like Selfless Soul you can avoid both of those cards, just without gaining the ETB effects. The reason I don't like Stasis Snare is for one reason and one reason only. Dromoka's Command. Until that card rotates enchantments are too vulnerable for reliable removal. There is also Collective Effort that fits right into any G/W deck that destroys enchantments. You cou perhaps run Swift Reckoning that plays nicely with Topplegeist or the other tap spirits. Hope this helps!
July 10, 2016 12:44 p.m.
IZZETannoying says... #7
rmccoy69 I appreciate your position on that, and have relegated Avacyn to the side. However, Thunderclap Wyvern and Ojutai's Command are kinda essential. It's just so rude to be like: End step, Ojutai's Command, or Enter Combat: Thunderclap Wyvern. They give the deck explosive plays. With proxies, the curve is deceptive.
Cragon18 I see your point on interlude. I can't really tell on that one. However, snare will most likely be replaced with the new white card, Blessed Alliance.
July 10, 2016 8:19 p.m.
I see your point on Ojutai's Command. I like Always watching and you have card advantage with the clues from Bygone Bishop.You also have removal and counter spells with Reflector Mage or Spell Queller.With the new additions i don't know if the deck will play like mid-range or tempo.
July 11, 2016 1:14 a.m.
Similar deck to mine but I axed the Topplegeists in favor of more counterspells.
I think the Elder Deep-Fiend would be an awesome side in to shock the opponent and give you a huge-r body to block their weenies or avoid being shocked like these spirits can be with 1-3 toughness. The biggest drawback to this deck is that the creatures have lower stats than humans so we do badly if we can't control their board in straight on creature creature combat so having a body like this available is great to turn the tables.
Can I reccomend Collective Effort for the sideboard? Stasis Snare always annoys me and is pretty popular in my meta.
July 12, 2016 9:35 p.m.
Flashing Anafenza gets you a 2/2. Bolster doesn't work on herself.
July 13, 2016 1:24 a.m.
IZZETannoying says... #11
jubale Yes, I know that. But she gives us some extra room to move, and can pump our flash threats. Lenzmania I like The idea of Collective Effort. It's reasonably costed, and does stuff I want. As for the Topplegeists, they stay because this deck is super aggro, and because of their interaction with Nebelgast Herald.
jubale says... #1
Yep. But you're missing a huge trick: Planar Cleansing + Selfless Soul . Destroy only their creatures.
July 9, 2016 7:36 p.m.