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Inalla listens to Wheel Smith

Commander / EDH* UBR (Grixis)



Inalla makes wizards, wheels and twists her way to victory.

I built this deck initially to accelerate my casual lgs games but it has grown to something greater.

This Inalla deck is as "group hug" as Grixis can get. She draws cards for the table at an insane rate. She reanimates her wizards to keep the good times rolling and has twister effects to ensure she doesn't mill herself out.

There are a number of "Killswitch" combinations in the deck which I render as "playable" depending on what is going on at the table.

"The Fun Win"

Ashnods/Phyrexian + Lifeline + Dire Fleet Ravager. Sac Direfleet Ravager on every persons turn, make copies and end the game fast. Everyone goes down (More or less) equally and no one gets that butt-hurt over the ordeal. Excellent casual win-con.

"The Fair Win"

Geth's Grimoire + Any Wheel Effect + Windfall Effect -> Molten Psyche. There is a set-up which makes this fair and you need Molten Psyche in the deck before the Windfall effect. This should end the game on the spot. You end up drawing 60 + cards and everyone else draws around 35 cards, more if you're good at planning. Burst damage for the number of cards they've drawn for the turn. Surprise!


"Infinite Turns Win"

Timestream Navigator + Splinter Twin. Getting to untap with a Timestream Navigator on board and Splinter Twin in hand feels real real good. First of the not played at casual tables combos. Needs 7 mana to fire off in one turn with a resolved Timestream Navigator, copy and activate. Splinter Twin or Tutor for Splinter Twin the next turn. Enjoy infinite turns. The deck has a number of creatures that you can beat people to death with. So you can do that. It's the "worst" combo in the deck for how many hoops you have to jump through and how fragile the Timestream Navigator is. I keep the combo in because of how absurdly strong Splinter Twin is with the rest of the Wizards in the deck.

"The Fair Combo"

Locust God + Ashnod's + Skullclamp. This is a sorcery speed "infinite" combo where you net one Locust token every two cards between Skullclamp Activations and Ashnod's Altar. In order to get enough tokens to end the game completely you will need to use Timetwister effects to reload your library. No Labman here. That card is BS. Your opponents can interrupt this combo with: Counterspells, Creature removal, Bounce spells, Artifact Removal.

"No More Fun Win"

Venser + Panharmonicon. Bounce five things every one of your turns, end the game by stopping all action on board. Bonus points if you use Sneak Attack where you can for three mana, bounce five things and end the game even faster.

"K, So I Play My Deck Win"

Bloodline Necromancer + Ashnod's + Phyrexian Altar. Infinite sacs between Bloodline Necromancer and Ashnod's then swap the sacs to Phyrexian to get colors. Play the deck from there if you have draw spells or other Wizards on board/in graveyard.

"We're Moving On Now Win"

Niv-Mizzet + Mind over Matter. When someone sneaks in a powered deck to a casual table, this combo is really nice. Both parts of it can be cheated into play through Show and Tell and Sneak Attack. You can tutor for all the pieces + recursion via Intuition. All the pieces also synergize with the rest of the deck extremely well and if anything are a plus to the deck building tax. This is a hilarious combo when someone has made a pod miserable with their deck and you pop out and blast the dude for your library size letting everyone move right along with the game.

Hope you enjoy the deck tech, if you have questions hit me up!


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93% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.39
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Insect 1/1 UR
Folders Grixis EDH - Inalla/Kess, Ideas, Decks I would like to build, Decks <3
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