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Inalla Reanimator combo

1v1 Commander*


The primary goal of the deck is to use our commander Inalla, Archmage Ritualist with Wanderwine Prophets for infinite extra turn ( see COMBO-1).Final Backup plans reside in Jace, the Mind Sculptor as a route to exiling opponents' libraries while taking extra turns through the Wanderwine combo. This is for the odd situation where a player has infinite life and we cannot kill them through Wanderwine beats.

Alternatively you can use an alternative combo with Mistbind Clique to tap all the opponent's lands (see COMBO-2) or uses COMBO-3 as win condition.


This requires 3 mana to maintain the combo each turn. Plan for this on the turn that you put Wanderwine Prophets into play.

1.Put Wanderwine Prophets into play.

2.Stack triggers with Wanderwine Prophet's Champion on the bottom and Inalla's on top.

3.Pay 1 for Inalla's trigger.

4.Put a token Wanderwine Prophet into play.

5.Put its Champion trigger on the stack.

6.Exile the original Wanderwine Prophet to the token's Champion trigger.

7.Let the original champion trigger resolve without exiling anything.

8.Attack with the token.

9.Deal combat damage to a player.

10.Sacrifice the token to it's combat damage trigger to take an extra turn.

11.Champion trigger puts the original Wanderwine Prophet back into play.

12.Stack triggers with Wanderwine's Champion on the bottom and Inalla's on top.

13.Pay 1 mana for Inalla's trigger.

14.Put a token Wanderwine Prophet into play.

15.Put its Champion trigger on the stack.

16.Exile the original Wanderwine Prophet to the token's Champion trigger.

17.Let the original champion trigger resolve without exiling anything.

18.Move to end step.

19.Token is exiled.

20.Champion trigger puts the original back into play.

21.Stack triggers with Wanderwine's Champion on the bottom and Inalla's on top.

22.Pay 1 mana for Inalla's trigger.

23.Put a token Wanderwine Prophet into play.

24.Put its Champion trigger on the stack.

25.Exile the original Wanderwine Prophet to the token's Champion trigger.

26.Let the original champion trigger resolve without exiling anything.

27.Move to next turn.

28.Token sticks around for next combat.

29.Repeat steps 8 through 29 as needed for victory.


1.Put Mistbind Clique into play.

2.Stack triggers with Mistbind Clique's Champion on the bottom and Inalla's on top.

3.Pay 1 for Inalla's trigger.

4.Put a token Wanderwine Prophet into play.

5.Put its Champion trigger on the stack.

6.Exile the original Mistbind Clique to the token's Champion trigger.

7.Let the original champion trigger resolve without exiling anything -> TAPP ALL OPPONENT'S LAND

8.Sacrifice the Mistbind Clique token with Ashnod's Altar

11.Champion trigger puts the original Mistbind Clique back into play.

12.Stack triggers with Mistbind Clique's Champion on the bottom and Inalla's on top.

13.Pay 1 mana for Inalla's trigger.

14.Put a token Mistbind Clique into play.

15.Repat of process

**COMBO-3 : Demonic Consultation + Laboratory Maniac With Laboratory Maniac on the battlefield, cast Demonic Consultation and name "Demonic Consultation" to drill down to the next one, and then cast it. Repeat until your library is empty. Do this right before you draw to winAlternative you can uses the following combo :1. Play Fatestitcher ( you can use Buried Alive to search Fatestitcher into library and then unearth it ) -> untap a land and pay 1 to make a token of Fatesticher using Inalla's triggered ability.

  1. Play Mesmeric Orb and tap and untap the original Fatestitcher and "Fatestitcher token" until you have milled all your library.

  2. Put Narcomoeba into play when it is milled.

  3. From graveyard Flashback of Dread Return by sacrificing the Narcomoeba and the two Fatestichers -> so as to get back Bloodline Necromancer from the cemetery into battefield.

  4. When Bloodline Necromancer enters, pay 1 to create a token of him witn inalla's trigger. With two Bloodline Necromancer target Laboratory Maniac and Snapcaster Mage from graveyard and then flashback Gitaxian Probe from graveyard with Snapcaster Mage.

  5. Flashback Gitaxian Probe for two life, you win by the replacement effect of Laboratory Maniac


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is 1v1 Commander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.17
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C
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