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Inalla value-Bounce

Commander / EDH


Inalla, the value-bounce-machine

After searching for hours I still couldn't find a list quite to my liking; midrange-sorta playstyle without the obvious Wanderwine Prophets infinte one card-combo, or the two-card Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication / Twinflame .

Therefore I decided to upload my own. Mostly to keep track of things for myself but also in the hope that someone else might find it an inspiration in comming up with lists of their own.

Budgetary concerns and replacements

If money's a little tight, or you just don't want to shell out close to 300€ for this deck, there are some nice replacements.

  1. Dark Confidant is a wizard and has some slight synergies with the deck besides drawing cards. Triggering Bontu's Monument and , Impact Tremors and Door of Destinies and the fact that it can be bought back with Unearth and Bloodline Necromancer . However a Dark Tutelage will perform it's mainfunction just a well; drawing us cards on upkeep. Same goes for Phyrexian Arena , but that too has been creeping up towards 4-5€ and our curve top out at cmc 6.

  2. Next up is Snapcaster Mage. However here we have a few more options Izzet Chronarch or Salvager of Secrets both return a instant or sorcery to our hand from the graveyard, and are both wizards.

  3. Fetch- Shock- and utility lands. You know the drill - they cost money, they provide consistency and speed. Taplands, check-lands and tango-lands do the job just fine in place of fetches and shocks. High Market gives you something to do with your tokens and can get your creatures free of pesky enchantments. This being a deck that targets also means that Arcane Lighthouse is a must-have if your meta demands it. However Wasteland could easily be Tectonic Edge, Ghost Quarter or Field of Ruin.

  4. Replacing theese few spots will bring the cost of the deck down to around 60-80€ tops! I was just lucky that I had some spare cards from my modern decks. As of 22/11-18 the deck comes in at roughly 310€. The cards mentioned above rings in at 240€ combined.


  1. tapping Proteus Staff targeting a token after combat, means that you get a free creature. It also has some applicability when your opponents commander or most scary creature comes into play. Sure, they will get another creature but if you're certain that the current one is the worst one in the deck, go ahead.

  2. Rakdos Charm + Reverberate , Dualcaster Mage + Rakdos Charm Insidious Will + Rakdos Charm or Meletis Charlatan + Rakdos Charm can do some real work against your favorite go-wide-token player. You might end up killing yourself but whatever. It's grixis anyways.

  3. Venser, Shaper Savant and 5 mana means that you'll always have a counter. Cast him, and pay for inalla's ability. With Inalla's ability on the stack first, it will resolve last. Now let the token enter and sacrifice it to the legendary rule and the tokens ability target your opponents spell, let the original venser target itself and go back to your hand.

At any rate - If any one's reading this and find it interesting let me know and I'll make a more fulfilling write up.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Champion of Wits 4/4 B, City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Zombie 2/2 B
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