aeonstoremyliver says... #2
(They also fuel Lavamancer)
I'd say 6-8 tops. Four to start. The non-blue fetches were around $40 ish apiece before the reprint spoilers. Original prints are now around $20-25. I picked up a few via TCGPlayer. The preorder for the reprints are around $15-20.
September 8, 2014 10:01 p.m.
awesomealex77 says... #3
Love the fact that you run fetchlands. People don't value those enough in low mana curves. Vexing Devil ?
October 25, 2014 8:05 p.m.
KillDatBUG says... #4
Splash blue for Treasure Cruise . Means getting Volcanic Island and such, but the benefits are ridiculous.
October 25, 2014 8:22 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #5
I would not be running fetchs if it were not for Searing Blaze and Grim Lavamancer . Anyways, I would love to put Vexing Devil in here but there is simply no space as all of my creatures outclass him at the moment and he is not worth any of my other slots either. But thank you for the suggestion! :3
October 25, 2014 8:24 p.m.
SilentChibi says... #6
Why are you running Chain Lightning ? Lightning Bolt Does the exact same job but better instant speed and your opponent doesn't get chance to copy it.
October 25, 2014 8:48 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #7
KillthatBUG Treasure Cruise wouldn't do to well in here because it would eat Grim Lavamancer 's food. Plus, I would like to keep this mono-red and rather not delve into other colors. :3
SilentChibi In burn you want to maximize your damage output, hence why I run other bad versions of Lighting Bolt because they all cost 1 mana. The drawback of Chain Lightning is negligible because usually no one will have mana open to copy one and even if they do at most it turns into Lava Spike which does see play. Plus, Chain Lightning and all bad versions of Lightning Bolt are a staple four of no questions ask for any competitive burn deck. :3
Now to both of you thank you for the feedback! :3
October 25, 2014 9:23 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #8
Actually on second thought I may just put Treasure Cruise in here as it has proven itself to be a powerhouse in U/R Delver and other burn list but I would have to run Steam Vents because I could not afford Volcanic Island and I would have to cut Grim Lavamancer as I can only have so much cards eating all the grave food.
Blizzicane says... #1
Hmmmm I could.... but the only purpose of fetchs in here is Searing Blaze as I am currently not splashing a color and I have been playing fine all this time without them. But I will probably end up adding them after I get fetch lands for my other decks that need them more first. In the mean time how many should I run? :3
September 8, 2014 8:51 p.m.