Ineffable Tron

Modern uJar_Gamer


uJar_Gamer says... #1

Greetings all & avid "Tron" players.. welcome to the "uJar Gamer!" I had built the basic Modern green Tron deck in hopes to put my own sick-twist on the build and so here it is. Creator is cool and fun, however, Ineffable I am certain will prove to be just that "Ineffable.." I will have this build completed this week and running in our next tourney. Feel free to try it out, have fun and please try not to get "Ineffable" banned to soon just yet! I am looking forward to giving Oko a really rough time.. see you all on the battlefield! lmao~

November 19, 2019 5:22 a.m.

Eledain says... #2

Awakening Zone and Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma seem really out of place here.

November 21, 2019 6:33 a.m.

uJar_Gamer says... #3

Eledain It would seem that way, however, Goreclaw works out nicely with Ugin, the Ineffable & Conduit of Ruin and gives my big guns 1+/+1 & trample. Awakening zone is a light experiment for now, it allows me to throw out small blockers that also tap for colorless. I will be running this build in tournaments this week and will definitely be fine tuning it as I keep playing it out. In my sideboard Awakening Zone will be one of the first cards to be substituted. Of course if things do not work out I will re-work the deck~

November 21, 2019 4:18 p.m.

uJar_Gamer says... #4

Update: I took out Awakening Zone and made a couple of other minor adjustments. I didn't run too well in the tournament tonight but will give this another go tomorrow so.. we'll see~

November 22, 2019 12:48 a.m.

uJar_Gamer says... #5

I can finally say that Ugin, the Ineffable is not bad and after painstakingly beating my head against the wall to build a customized deck I am pretty confident that I am on to something here. Eledain thanks for your feedback on Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma as well as Awakening Zone . Thursday night I ran those and you were right and having them in the deck slowed it down way too much and was pointless. thanks for the heads-up!

As a real-time player I still love the feel of the actual cards in my hands and it is very hard for me to transition over to the "virtual" MTG world so I have yet to make that leap. I realize this site is great in introducing builds at the click of the button or copy & paste. I use it for the play test feature and it helps a great deal.

Tonight I came in 4th place in tournament and that was huge with what I had come up against. The first round was with a young lady running a blue Merfolk deck. I have played against her several times before messing around with different builds and she is pretty tough. the first bout she nailed me like usual and I added a sideboard just for her and shut her down. She likes to get Sea's Claim out immediately so I brought Choke to this particular event just for her. It was hilarious and the expression on her face was every bit worth the play. "Sorry dear you just got choked.. Next!" That session I was 2-0

The next match I was up against Tron and this guy was running Once Upon a Time . The only reason he got me in two rounds was his hands were one step ahead of mine and bout two I was forced to mulligan down to four cards. he took the game with a 2-0.

The third and final match was another Tron with Karn, the Great Creator and it was definitely close all three rounds. He got Karn Liberated out turn three on the first bout and I popped creator. I couldn't come back so I gave him that win. In the second game we were neck-in-neck but I side-boarded in and dropped Pithing Needle shutting down Creator came out with two Wurmcoil Engine and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for the win. Again the final match we were neck-in-neck and it was a race to the finish and laughing like champs the both of us all the way through. It was a really close game but I again came through with another choice sideboard Thought-Knot Seer and ended the match with Spirit Dragon again. I did get to pull Ineffable a few times through out the game and it proved to bare it's weight in gold and I am pretty happy with this custom build and encourage others to try it out if you ever get the chance. I might eventually add two more Karn Liberated later on to strengthen the brutality of it but Tron is so much fun to play and this build is sealed~

Thanks for stopping by my page here, have fun and see you all on the battlefield!

November 23, 2019 1:42 a.m.

Eledain says... #6

Congrats to your fourth place mate :-)

Just keep it going if you have fun, competitiveness isn't the only thing in the world.

I for myself would really love to play more paper magic (or magic in general), but sadly don't have the time to do it.

November 23, 2019 7:34 a.m.

uJar_Gamer says... #7

This deck is sick! It isn't "greedy" and it runs really smooth even mulling down. It is evenly balanced and so much fun to play.. just about perfect~

December 2, 2019 4:13 a.m.

uJar_Gamer says... #8

I was 1/2 and 1/2 last week so we will see what happens tomorrow.. both opponents were running pretty tough decks. A red "Burn" and a "Storm." this week I am side boarding Leyline of Sanctity for sure for a better chance at defending myself~

December 12, 2019 2:01 a.m.

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