Inevitability (Turn 3 Win!)

Modern -Bean-


jnmc2013 says... #23

I don't like Tectonic Edge or Vault of the Archangel in this deck because you are trying to be a faster deck those land can only work by turn four and on turn four they don't make much of a difference but still this deck is amazing +1

February 21, 2014 12:40 p.m.

steele000 says... #24

I have a similar deck, consider Immolating Souleater for the instant life loss and a creature to synergize with everything else!

February 21, 2014 1:41 p.m.

wcdorrell says... #25

This may be the first deck I've seen that uses Orzhov Charm effectively.

consider swapping Spellskite for Immolating Souleater . Spellskite can only be activated when there is a spell or ability to target. Immolating Souleater can be activated whenever and provides the same body at the same cost with the benefit of dealing extra damage as you lose life.

The only upside to keeping Spellskite is that he provides protection from removal to your Death's Shadow

+1 from me

February 21, 2014 2:23 p.m.

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