
just another infect deck. I've been playing it off and on for about 2 years now. just broke it back out and im remembering how fun it is!

Some card explanation for the less obvious inclusions:

Apostle's Blessing for protection against removal.

Ichorclaw Myr is another infector AND can act as a form of removal if there is a big creature in the way of winning the game.

Noble Hierarch is a mana dork AND a pump. Can't ask for more!


Apostle's Blessing for for more protection against decks with heavy removal.

Hurkyl's Recall destroys affinity.

Nature's Claim helps with affinity and kills enchantment based decks. And the lifegain clause is irrelevant because were dealing poision.

Relic of Progenitus against reanimator and/or flashback decks.

Remand against combo decks and helps with fast aggro like zoo.

Spellskite is a useful card in many aspects but we side it in against a mirror match. Completely shuts down pump infect.

this deck is capable of t2 win and gets there on t3 consistently.

As always comments, advice and +1's welcome!


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