The Sage is a great ramper, though I'm not sure if I'd want to sub him in for the Zhur-Taa Druid . As of now, I use this deck mostly for multiplayer FNM matches and I've purposely kept the creatures to 6 CMC or less for lack of better rampers. The Zhur-Taa is great for chipping away at your opponents while providing a bit of a ramp to get out the bigger boys, or to help with the cost of abilities.
This deck is really a highly modified version of the Red/Green half of Heroes Vs. Monsters, which was my introduction into Magic. I like the sage though. If I ever decide to add more big creatures, I'll keep this on my maybe board.
Thanks for the suggestion.
May 24, 2014 1:43 p.m.
Runes of the Deus might fit nicely into this deck, giving your red creatures double strike and things like Deus and Ruric +2/+2 and double strike.
August 29, 2014 3:22 p.m.
Its a great card foe a deck like this, but might not work so well with Ruric. His job is to deter players from casting non-creature spells while I have overwhelming board presence. He also damages me if I play non-creature spells to, unfortunately. The Runes may take the spot of the Bow of Nylea if that turns out to be less needed in this new version of this deck.
Thanks for the suggestion!
August 29, 2014 4:14 p.m.
Hey this looks fun. I would try 3-4 Summoning Trap though, to really crush blue decks. Even if you're not playing against counters, instant speed bombs are pretty good.
October 7, 2014 8:22 p.m.
Never seen that before, but it could definitely find its way into the sideboard against counter decks.
Thanks for the suggestion!
October 7, 2014 11:11 p.m.
Buckminsterfullerene says... #7
Vigor might be a fun addition to let things really get out of hand.
October 23, 2014 1:16 a.m.
Vigor's a beast, but also a tad pricey, which is why you won't find him here or in my mono green devotion.
Thanks for the suggestion, though!
October 23, 2014 3:01 p.m.
consider Explore over overgrowth. gives you ramp and lets you draw a card. also, Kessig Wolf Run wins games. nice deck though man!
March 27, 2015 3:21 p.m.
I've never considered Explore in here, but you might be right that it would work better than overgrowth being that overgrowth isn't particularly fast, though it is certainly effective once it comes out. I don't know why I've never considered Kessig Wolf Run before either, but I think I could definitely do a one of at least.
Thanks for the suggestions, and glad you like it!
March 27, 2015 3:50 p.m.
I would suggest maybe playing Bogardan Hellkite over the Dragonlord Atarka for 2 reasons:
Can target the player too
They have the same cmc and Bogardan Hellkite is more combat tricky.
Great deck. I enjoy this.
March 30, 2015 12:39 p.m.
I've never actually seen that dragon, and you're right, he's a little more versatile with the flash, plus he's able to target players and not just creatures/planeswalkers. However, he does cost 1 more, and I really like the idea of dropping Atarka as an 8/8 with flying/trample along with haste from the Battle Driver or Surrak. Thanks for the suggestion, and I'm glad you like the deck!
March 30, 2015 12:57 p.m.
I wonder if Mage Slayer could fit in this deck or if anyone has mentioned.
It is a 3 drop artifact red green equipment that you can attach for 3 and it deals the creatures power to the defending player before combat happens.
March 31, 2015 11:04 a.m.
I've not thought of that, though Increasing Savagery is currently the only spot I have for non-creatures. Being that I run Ruric Thar, the Unbowed, I'm trying to keep it mainly creatures. Thanks for the input though!
March 31, 2015 5:08 p.m.
Have you thought about maybe running a one or two of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx? I just think that is bomb in a ramp deck. Especially when you run Deus of Calamity. Also, have you thought of maybe putting Sarkhan Vol in this. I would recommend that since you do run Ruric Thar, the Unbowed that Reclamation Sage might be better in your board than Destructive Revelry
March 31, 2015 5:17 p.m.
@Drago_Lion I don't think I've got the right amount of devotion "consistency" one way or another to make Nykthos useful, even with 2x Deus. I have thought of maybe pulling out Xenagos for Sarkhan, but I do like that Xenagos helps ramp if for some reason my other options aren't out quite yet. I haven't thought of Reclamation Sage before, but that is a great idea!
March 31, 2015 9:03 p.m.
I would keep Xenagos to pump Inferno when you have a lot of creatures on the field.
April 1, 2015 12:13 p.m.
Maybe remove 1 Forest or a Mountain for another [Kessig Wolf Run].(
April 16, 2015 6:53 p.m.
A buddy of mine told me that Wierding Wood Might be a better idea then overgrowth, you lose the one mana that the land produces but you get mana fixing for red
March 23, 2017 3:13 p.m.
I like it, and it may be better in some circumstances, though I've been contemplating Arbor Elf with Utopia Sprawl if anything. I haven't gone that route in the past due to not having all the shocks and fetches to make sure I have that turn one forest.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
March 24, 2017 9:56 a.m.
yourself2094 says... #21
Is there a way to view the build after the first revision? I had the deck built a while ago but it was lost and I'm hoping to rebuild that version because I have the more expensive cards from that version and mainly for nostalgia.
Headers13 says... #1
I've also got a deck that includes Deus of Calamity if you wanted to check it out, Double Deus.
Might I suggest Somberwald Sage as it gives a massive ramp after turn 3
May 24, 2014 11:05 a.m.