Infinite Blast of Genius! (UPDATED FOR JOURNEY)
Redbirdgrad says... #2
Thanks Gorgo...
I'm not running Opportunity because between Blast of Genius and Thoughtflare I'm usually sitting with a full hand on turn 6/7 anyways. It would only be used for the 6 damage, and rarely for the card draw.
Regarding Jace, Architect of Thought , I'm actually considering dropping him for Ral Zarek . Jace has been playing very slow, and I'd rather not tap out on turn 4 with this deck unless it's impacting the board significantly. Ral will either let me jump from 4 mana to 6 mana next turn with his +1, or kill something annoying like a Nightveil Specter . So far Ral has played out better than Jace which has shocked me.
I'd definitely consider sleeving this deck up and playing with Essence Backlash
. In this metagame, we're seeing Desecration Demon
and Polukranos being played on Turn 4 right now, and that's exactly where Essence Backlash
sits for us. Being able to do 5 or 6 to their face AND counter their creature makes the game much easier for us to get to the magic number of 12.
I still want to find room for Dissolve though!!! Thank you for commenting!
March 21, 2014 8:27 a.m.
TheNinjaJesus says... #3
If it didn't have the Mutavaults, it'd be a 60 dollar deck. I love it, and I dig the design... Its getting an up vote from me, but just curious, why the Mutavaults? There are better blockers that lock down more effectively for cheaper... Like, Wall of Frost , for example.
March 22, 2014 9:38 a.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #4
Thanks for the upvote Ninja!
The Mutavault are there not to block, but to do incremental damage throughout the game and let me chip away. I didn't really need them to block too much last night at FNM, possibly against the mono red player I think I traded one off, but other than that they're mana and attackers. I might pull it back to just 2 Mutavault because I did get partially screwed one game looking for 2 blue for a Dissolve , but they work well.
Also, I don't want to be tapping out on my turns 3 and 4 as I need to hold up Dissolve and Essence Backlash . If anything hits the table on those turns I start getting behind too much and it snowballs, so casting a Wall of Frost isn't something I really want to do.
This deck would perform ALMOST just as well without the Mutavault though, and it's perfect for the metagame right now. Lots of R/G monsters who have 4/5/6 power play perfectly into my hands with Essence Backlash , and the sideboard sets up perfectly as those come out and Anger of the Gods come in against aggro.
March 22, 2014 10:08 a.m.
ViridianTempest says... #5
+1 For a fellow Janky Izzet Deck
I really enjoy the thought of playing this deck at FNM, it'd certainly be unexpected! I'd love to see the looknon the face of someone who plays Thoughtseize and sees an Enter the Infinite ... I, for one, would be more han a lottle befuddled. The only other combo with Enter the Infinite would be hard casting enter and then making a Stormbreath Dragon Monstrous...
Say, would you take a look at my deck Weird Izzet Deck (Now featuring more Weirds) and give me some suggestions on making it FNM ready?
March 25, 2014 7:02 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #6
I really hope that you can one day hard cast Enter the Infinite .
I had Omniscience resolve against me at a standard event once. It was already an uphill game for me, too!
March 25, 2014 7:29 p.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #7
Thanks guys. I want to hard cast Enter the Infinite too... because if it's the first one you've seen, and you live a turn, you can guarantee you'll have the combo in hand if you survive the next turn!
This deck has been TEARING IT UP at my local shop... people have no clue how to sideboard against it. The counter spells in the beginning of the game, coupled with the scry from magma jet, turned into late game shenanigans make it VERY difficult for your opponent.
Essence Backlash count vs. Desecration Demon - 9. The look was priceless each and every time!
March 25, 2014 9:32 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #8
I really want to try this out at a FNM, I already have most of this stuff (except the Jaces, I sold mine). Gosh I love Izzet, it's so... Janky, haha. You could play Oracle of Bones to try and cast a free Enter the Infinite , hahaha. Oh I would love to see that
March 25, 2014 9:48 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #9
"Ehhh, I'm not gonna give him a 5 powered haste creature... SH*T!" Haha, if you did that in game 1 you would always get tribute payed, or even if they just saw Enter the Infinite somehow.
March 25, 2014 10:01 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #10
On a more serious note... Izzet Charm makes it into a lot of combo decks, it would be good here too.
March 25, 2014 10:03 p.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #11
Yeah, I could always get Oracle of Bones to try and get a Blast of Genius off, but I wouldn't want to run out Enter the Infinite by itself unless the opponent was low on life.
I'll take a look at Izzet Charm in place of Counterflux possibly, just to help sift through some cards.
Another reason I don't like running creatures is because it makes a lot of cards dead cards in game 1.
March 25, 2014 10:11 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #12
Oh I would. Not because I think it would win, it would just be fun, lol. Dead cards like what?
March 25, 2014 10:20 p.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #13
Any creature removal is dead against my deck. All I run are goblin electromancers, and if people are wasting an early drop killing them, then they're buying me one more turn to get to my good stuff anyway.
March 25, 2014 11:42 p.m.
ViridianTempest says... #14
One of the things I noticed in my Janky Izzet deck is just how defunct that Nivmagus Elemental makes Counterspells or Instant protection spells against you. If you cast Magma Jet and your opponent counters it or does something like Brave the Elements , you can say "oh, cool, in response I'll exile Magma Jet (Since the scry wouldn't resolve anyway, it's worthless) and my Nivmagus gets bigger. It's nifty, I'll admit.
And Janky.
March 26, 2014 7:27 a.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #15
Once you cast the Magma Jet, doesn't it go on the stack though? How can you exile a card that's already on the stack?
March 26, 2014 2 p.m.
ViridianTempest says... #16
Well, exiling it is another thing on the stack, just like a counterspell. If your spell can be countered and exiled by Syncopate, then in response to their counterspell, you can activate the ability of Nivmagus Elemental.
March 26, 2014 9:29 p.m.
imo its always the decks that break away from standard cookie cutter builds that win, cause no one is built to counter something so out of the ordinary. +1
March 27, 2014 2:37 p.m.
FireDragon715 says... #18
i like the deck, but i would prefer more blue over red. it's crucial that you can counter something at 3 cost but for this you need at least two blue mana and one of something else. i tried it a couple times and found that i lacked the second blue mana once or twice but i'd always had more than enough red. if it works for you that's great because i might just be unlucky. +1
March 27, 2014 2:59 p.m.
EthanTheBrave says... #19
+1 from me!
I've been working on Izzet for some time now, and I too came to the realization not too long ago that Blast of Genius can do some serious work, not to mention Essence Backlash in a meta that is dominated with 5/5's and 6/6's.
I'd be interested in throwing ideas back and forth with you! Check out my deckling (You'll see I also have a love for Jund) for the ideas I've thrown together.
March 27, 2014 3:09 p.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #20
Thanks all.
Firedragon... it's just as crucial post board to have two red sources on turn 3 for Anger of the Gods when facing aggro that it has to maintain this split. You could maybe go -1 Mountain and +1 Island, but that's it. Or -2 Mutavaults +2 Islands if you're really wanting the blue sources.
March 28, 2014 8:11 a.m.
lswainbank says... #21
Enter the Infinite is the best you can do?Try Emrakul, the Aeons Torn go big or go home. Im joking this deck is awesome +1.
April 3, 2014 6:41 a.m.
ViridianTempest says... #22
I built this deck myself, substituting Elixir of Immortality for Mutavault , 'cause I'm poor. It allows for infinite runs of your deck, which is quite fun. Also, the life gain cam help a LOT.
April 3, 2014 9:22 p.m.
Redbirdgrad says... #24
Thanks guys... ran this deck at FNM and was 4-1. Scry lands are going to help a bunch, and the new red enchantment that flashes in and doubles damage from any source will put this deck over the top.
April 13, 2014 2:52 a.m.
ViridianTempest says... #25
I was thinking along the same lines. Replace the guildgates with Scrylands, maybe Dictate of the Twin Gods, or Dictate of Kruphix. I also considered 1-2 Keranos, God of Storms over the same amount of Thoughtflare, because Keranos is a gift that keeps on giving. He can get rid of pesky little creatures or mana fix every turn, which is great. I really do love how this deck has performed for me when I've ran it.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #1
+1 from me, I love the deck idea.
Have you considered running Opportunity for some late game card draw? It also works well with Blast of Genius .
I would recommend using the full 4 Jace, Architect of Thought if at all possible. A deck like this likes to dig through the library to find what it needs.
Essence Backlash seems a little underwhelming here. Maybe swap it out for Dissolve , allowing you to keep your Counterflux as well?
March 20, 2014 1:29 p.m.