

This deck is trying to get unlimited turns with Time Warp and Panoptic Mirror or Archaeomancer with Rite of Replication or some Boomerangs. Afterwards you just destroy the opponent with the Sphinx-Bone Wand.

This was the very first deck (!) I was building for myself and it's based upon cards I know from Duels of the Planeswalkers. My magic knowledge has since improved a lot but I think I'll keep the deck as it is for old times sake.

How to play

Generally speaking, to get unlimited or almost unlimited turns you need at least one Time Warp (no kidding) and either of the following:

Don't be afraid to use a Time Warp as soon as possible, even if you don't have any combo-cards!

You will get a second Time Warp or an Archaeomancer to get the first one back eventually. Obviously, try to not get countered, or have mana to counter a potential counter yourself.

I even won some times without any Time Warp by just using one Sphinx-Bone Wand and a couple of Boomerangss and Counterspells. Like this you can very quickly weed through enemy creatures and/or his life, as long as you have an Extraplanar Lens out.

The intended use of Rite of Replication is when you have an Archaeomancer in play and a few instants/sorcerys (maybe including 1 or 2 Time Warps in the graveyard, then you can easily get them back in addition to the Rite if kicked. You easily have the mana for this on round 6 if you cast one or more Extraplanar Lens before. The Rite is very versatile though and it can be used to copy powerful enemy creatures which you block themselves with your Fog Banks and then use them in turn to greater effect against the enemy.

Remember that you can also use your Panoptic Mirror to copy a Rite of Replication or even Evacuation each turn in case you don't have a Time Warp to stall until you get one! And you can even kick the Rite with additional mana if you want, even if it's cast from the Mirror. You can also even imprint multiple spells into the mirror and choose one each round to cast! :)

Optimal play

Sideboard explanation

Against agressive decks, use the additional Fog Bank and the Gomazoas.

Use Shadow of Doubt against decks that rely heavily on things like Summoner's Pact or try to spam lands.

Use Surgical Extraction against Zombie / sacrifice decks, or decks that rely on specific sorceries / instants.

Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is the contigency plan against mill decks, and with enough of Extraplanar Lens you actually might be able to play it. I was considering it for the maindeck at some point as an alternative win condition to the Sphinx-Bone Wand.

Most of the sideboard cards except the creatures can be imprinted into the Isochron Scepter, but Shadow of Doubt should probably be used in a surpise fashion.


Updates Add

I added some Unsummons to at least have a 1-drop, since this deck is rather weak against creature aggro decks. I took out the creature counters (remember you just want to delay until you can play a Time Warp) and instead put in some Echoing Truth which should help a lot vs token spam (especially inside an Isochron Scepter).


Revision 6 See all

(10 years ago)

-3 Flashfreeze side
+1 Fog Bank side
+2 Guard Gomazoa side
Date added 12 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

10 - 7 Rares

5 - 3 Uncommons

18 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.81
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders My Decks, Blue, mill/blue, modern
Ignored suggestions
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