Knowledge & Power - Alaundo Haymakers
Commander / EDH
Hmm, Tempt with Discovery seems weaker than some of the other card options. If none of your opponents join in it's a pretty bad ramp spell. Depends on your meta, but I like cards that have a guaranteed consistency and don't benefit my opponents (I like Crop Rotation or Sylvan Scrying to hit my Cradle, which you might want to consider over Expedition Map actually).
Preordain is a good card but not essential to the deck - trade some draw for some removal instead?
Oblivion Stone is a sweet card but takes a long time to build up. Plus a ton of mana. It's also a big disenchant magnet which could easily make all that mana and time worth nothing. Feels bad swapping a $20 card with a $1 card but you'll always get value out of a K Grip. You won't always get your investment out of Oblivion Stone.
January 17, 2017 4:39 p.m.
Those were some awesome suggestions and reasons behind them OlahZep, thank you! Really great points!
January 18, 2017 12:54 a.m.
I tip my hat to you, sir. This deck is a work of art! Exquisitely beautifully crafted, to say the least. The way you speak of the cards, the way you speak of the game... it hits home. I'm proud to be a player of the same game as you. Have a splendid day!
January 27, 2017 2:40 a.m.
Thank you so much The7thBobba.. That means so much to me!!
January 29, 2017 1:04 a.m.
you're so very welcome ;) May the sun shine on you today :)
January 29, 2017 1:15 a.m.
Hey! So I love the deck! And I actually just put together a Kruphix deck, and I was going to ask if you have any thoughts on it! I'm new to the simic colors but not new to green! Any suggestions would be great :3 Also maybe for your maybeboard instead of Thought Vessel Venser's Journal would be better mainly because of the lifegain :3
February 11, 2017 4:11 a.m.
Also totes check out my decklist if you have the chance, One man versus the world Suggestions are always great!
February 18, 2017 3:22 a.m.
Porkypains says... #13
I would recommend Palinchron, as an infinite mana combo with deadly navigator. Makes it so you don't have to tap out completly. As a bonus you can even do some soulbond shenanigans with deadeye and mystic snake.
March 13, 2017 12:28 p.m.
RingoDingo92 says... #14
Awesome deck! Brewing up a Zegana deck myself, so thank you for the inspiration. How do you feel about Defense of the Heart for this deck? Also, wouldn't you rather have Praetor's Counsel instead of Seasons Past?
August 4, 2017 1:29 a.m.
Hey RingoDingo92, glad you like the deck! It means a lot to me that you'll draw inspiration from it!
Honestly Defense seems pretty awesome if you have a copy, I could see it doing nothing if you're behind, or even if your opponents are running Enchantment hate/sweepers, but even then it must be answered. Hard to say, I personally like playing cards that are good in both multiplayer and 1v1 as well and in the latter they can easily play around it. If you have one, play it. See how it works out!
Councel is obviously powerful, but I've never been a fan of the exile clause. People also react so differently to the two cards: they lose their mind over Councel and I've seen some pretty potent Seasons Past be "alright". I feel like either is good for different reasons and I'm personally a fan of Season's past due to being able to play it early to get back a ramp spell, early creature, and a counter or something and still have acess to it later. Again, a close call!
August 4, 2017 4:33 a.m.
Excellent Simic deck, my wife runs a Prime deck I built for her, she demolishes with it too. Zegana is one of the most underrated Commanders of all time in my opinion. Got a few ideas of some creatures she runs that could interest you.
Thassa, God of the Sea and Nylea, God of the Hunt are great for Zegana. Getting to 5 devotion is a cake walk once Zegana hits the field, and they can be picked once Zegana enters if they become creatures once she does. Pretty boss.
Rhonas the Indomitable is another power card for ridiculously cheap casting cost. Zegana's long list of creatures that go tall is something Rhonas can fully take advantage of too.
Mystical Tutor seems like it would be a wonderful card for this deck, plenty of outstanding sorceries and instants to choose to grab in this deck. Any reason it's on the sideline? I personally love using it in conjuction with Temporal Mastery. Who cares if it exiles itself, it's an extra turn for two mana, which is f*cking crazy.
I'm having a hard time coming up with cards to swap out for those suggestions, quite the impressive deck indeed. I'll think on it more as I continue to evolve my Zegana deck as well. A well deserved +1 from me :)
October 6, 2017 12:29 a.m.
As a Zegana player myself it is fun to see the different take you took on the deck. I like the style!
October 23, 2017 1 a.m.
MisterBeandipJones says... #21
Looks great! So much pimped-out goodstuff lol. I see your run Rapid Hybridization, but no Pongify?
March 8, 2018 12:59 p.m.
Thank you, DanowarElf!! Going on three years working on the deck!
I have been trying so hard to figure out what to cut for Pongify and/or Reality Shift... If you have any suggestions, feel free!
March 8, 2018 6:59 p.m.
MisterBeandipJones says... #23
Honestly Sakura-Tribe Elder seems like potentially your weakest card here. I know he’s great but a bit overplayed if you aren’t reusing him frome the grave. Everything else seems necessary and reusable in some way.
March 9, 2018 1:12 a.m.
i love this. all the foils make it so pretty. plus, the deck looks great. It's very inspiring! +1!!
July 25, 2018 5:14 p.m.
It makes me happy to see foiled Zegana lists. I have a fully-foiled Zegana deck myself and, from your descriptiton, we started around the same time. I miss the Prophet but the ban was 100% warranted. +1!
CptnHndsm says... #1
Thank you for the +1 OlahZep! Any extra turn spell will work so long as it doesn't exile (Time Warp was my old pick), that's a little friendlier on the budget! I just chose the other because my group has a lot of "Red Shenanagins" decks, and they would always fork/redirect.
Regarding Krosan Grip, I really want to find room. Came up after a Torpor Orb landed and I realized I only had two cards in the deck that could deal with it... only trouble is cutting cards... any suggestions??
January 17, 2017 11:44 a.m.