Infinite Life [REVAMP]

Modern JonRules12


Tekeino says... #1

Change Terramorphic Expanse into Swamp , no need for them in a monocolour deck.

Drop the Servant of Nefarox and the Hunted Ghoul to take you up to four Diregraf Ghoul s. Change the tormented souls for something else, maybe more Tribute to Hunger 's?

I think the deck would look good after that.

May 14, 2013 6:17 a.m.

kamarupa says... #2

No way does it look good to me. Your CMC is too high. I've put together and play against decks that cost less $$ that will destroy this. My advice: pick one 4-5 drop creature and keep the rest 2 or less to play. You'll be too slow otherwise. You're relying on getting out two or more 5 drops. I'll Lifegain, or Infect, or Destroy, or Exile, or just straight up kill you before that happens. Good idea, but without a manaramp, improbable and idealistic.

September 5, 2014 5:17 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #3

It's called a gimmick deck. Essentially what you are telling me is to overhaul my entire deck. I appreciate what you are saying but I would much rather have fun with this deck than build a deck to counter these decks that you have apparently. Too slow you say? Which is why I have seven one drops. Hm yeah seems pretty slow to me. I almost always play a Nighthawk turn three. I have the denizens. I also have kill spells so it's actually not that unrealistic that I will make it into the late game and 75% of the games I play I can actually get my combo off. Yeah because there are tonnes of infect, or exile decks around (yeah, not really at all). I don't even know what you mean by "destroy". I also have very little idea what you refer to when you say mana ramp considering it's black. It's like you didn't even see the Crypt Ghast because he actually doubles my mana. I would take your advice if you actually had a deck like this or even kinda similar in any way to this deck but you don't really even build black decks. Also, no offence, but you are assuming people I will play against run literally any of the counters to this deck. I am actually 100% win rate against my friends aggro so idk about your advice. Also you really didn't suggest any cards or replacements so yeah there is that.

September 5, 2014 5:30 a.m.

For some more ramp maybe put in a few Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx with the high possible devotion of the deck. Also perhaps add Whip of Erebos to add the lifelink mechanic and Erebos, God of the Dead for his draw ability to get the combo you're looking for.

September 5, 2014 9:40 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #5

Deck is budget, Erebos and the whip aren't terrible suggestions but Erebos and the shrine are still pricy compared to cards I already have. As for the whip, it's playable in this deck I guess. I would have to move some Vampire Nighthawk s away for the whips. Plus my current four drops are arguably better excluding the Diabolic Tutor . I feel like your suggestions are limited to the standard scene, which isn't a bad thing, but this deck is casual/modern so you can suggest literally any card in magic the gathering. Anyway I will consider running two Erebos over two tutors maybe. Thank you!

September 5, 2014 7:18 p.m.

Alfonz says... #6

Intread of Murder use Hero's Downfall

September 6, 2014 9:15 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #7

Alfonz, this deck is budget. I would rather not have a kill spell worth $5 a pop. Thanks anyway.

September 6, 2014 8:08 p.m.

kamarupa says... #8

Ultimate Price , Doom Blade , Victim of Night .

And I'd still say your CMC is too high at an average of 3.35. Crypt Ghast is great, but it's slow coming out on turn 4 (at the earliest, and by which point an opponent will likely have a removal card to eliminate it - I play against decks with Crypt Ghast on the regular and I always save a removal card for it.)

September 7, 2014 6:24 p.m.

JonRules12 says... #9

Ultimate Price and Victim of Night are pretty terrible, and Doom Blade is sideboard at best in my playgroup. Yeah but if you waste a removal card on a Crypt Ghast and I have the option to play a Bloodgift Demon next turn I would rather you remove the ghast tbh. I can't really do much unless you suggest creatures to replace or whatnot.

September 8, 2014 5:58 a.m.

bushido111 says... #10

Don't be so quick to toss out Tragic Slip it has the power to kill indestructible creatures. Tribute to Hunger also can kill a indestructible creature by forcing a player to sacrifice it, but your opponent gets to pick which creature he/she wants to toss out.

September 8, 2014 6:40 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #11

Play Go for the Throat instead of Murder !!

September 8, 2014 6:45 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #12

bushido111 that's why I have them in there. quesobueno123, Go for the Throat is a good option and I will be buying a playset as soon as possible, thank you!

September 8, 2014 5:21 p.m.

kamarupa says... #13

they're cheaper than Go for the Throat , which is why I suggested them. If you sideboard one of them, and you know the deck you're playing against, it's a potentially equally effect Murder at cheaper CMC.

September 8, 2014 9:34 p.m.

kamarupa says... #14

Liliana of the Dark Realms is good with Crypt Ghast , especially when Consume Spirit is thrown in, too.

September 8, 2014 9:42 p.m.

JonRules12 says... #15

Yeah that's pretty neat but I really have no place to put in a 2 drop + x anywhere. I am pretty happy with where my four drops are as well. I mean she could go in instead of one of the Crypt Ghast s which I might consider when I next buy cards. Cheers.

September 9, 2014 2:43 a.m.

Bsaf says... #16

Was going to say Slaughter Pact but when i wasn't looking that card became a little less than 10 per

September 11, 2014 4:15 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #17

Bsaf, eh, Slaughter Pact is okay. I mean in my playgroup my friends have cards that turn lands into other lands and that can keep stuff tapped. Plus, like you said it's pretty pricy for a kill spell. I would rather run the Hero's Downfall for the same price and be able to stop planeswalker bombs and not have to worry that I might lose because played a risky Slaughter Pact . Thanks anyway!

September 11, 2014 5:01 a.m.

Surgical Extraction is an extremely popular sideboard option. Also Blade of the Bloodchief is a good choice for vamp decks. I also really like Bloodline Keeper  Flip as a way of stocking the battlefield consistently. Things to consider, I guess...

September 18, 2014 6:20 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #19

Buckminsterfullerene this is not a vamp deck. If it was I would be running Guul Draz Assassin and Vampire Nocturnus for certain. Blade of the Bloodchief is a really solid choice for aggro vamps, which this is not but I am still considering just because it's a cheap pumper. My friend runs Bloodline Keeper  Flip in his aggro vamps and it slows him way down plus he runs them over Falkenrath Aristocrat for some reason. Finally getting to Surgical Extraction , it's an unbelievably good sideboard, but this deck is budget and I don't fancy forking out like 30 bucks for a playset of them.

September 18, 2014 6:51 a.m.

You might consider Cloud Key with enchantments in mind to cheapen up your win-con then. I knew this deck wasn't officially classified as a vamp deck, but I noticed that like 10+ cards were vampires, so I figured the above were worth a mention.

September 18, 2014 6:58 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #21

Yeah Cloud Key is not terrible it makes my five drop enchantments four drops. Will strongly consider, thank you. Yeah I know what you mean, 99% of the times I win it isn't even the vamps.

September 18, 2014 5:54 p.m.

Nexliser says... #22

I assume casual play, but even there, it's far from "fine tuned" lol. Way too many basic lands, get some specs in there such as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. You don't have anything that depends on the number of swamps you control (just the Crypt Ghast spec, but 2 swamps less won't hurt it at all), so that shouldn't be a problem.

If you put in Demonic Tutor, this deck is no longer legal, as that card is banned. Dismember is good, but you shouldn't be in ANY hurry to get rid of Tragic Slip; that's a good removal as well, ESPECIALLY since you can sack your own Blood Artist with it for one mana and trigger the loop.

If you are trying to have your entire deck around this combo, you should have 4 of each card. Frankly, I'd recommend scrapping the Sanguine Bond altogether and going for Exquisite Blood + Vizkopa Guildmage if your heart is set on an infi-combo; but there is appeal to mono-black.

In general, your creatures just don't make a good build. Your combo for winning is SLOW, and you need BOTH ways to SPEED IT UP, as well as ways to stay DEFENDED while you do. More removal; like Thoughtseize, or they will foil your entire combo. MUCH more defense is needed; I can hardly think of a Modern-Format deck at even a semi-competitive level that wouldn't have killed you LONG before you either set up the loop OR got a defense going with this. Even if you did get the combo set up, you don't have any reliable ways of TRIGGERING it (even a simple Tormented Soul?).

There's a lot of other stuff to be said, but if you play against anything above really casual, you'll figure that out soon enough.

December 23, 2014 3:37 a.m.

Nexliser says... #23

Never mind man, this was the wrong deck. Broken link led me here when I was told to check it out, you're not Ezra lol! Sorry.

December 23, 2014 3:39 a.m.

JonRules12 says... #24

Nykthos = not budget

Seize = Not Budget

I have Tribute to Hunger to trigger combo, the lifelink from Whip of Erebos trigger, Blood Artist, extort on Crypt Ghast, lifelink on Vampire Nighthawk and also Mikaeus, the Unhallowed gives my creatures intimidate.

Anything is legal in casual play regarding the Demonic Tutor

Dismember is more consistent. Tragic Slip is really predictable and can get outplayed fairly easily.

The guildmage combo is cool but it's a monocoloured deck and splashing is not worth it, I might as well make it an Orshov which is my least favourite guild.

The deck is slow but also severely casual. Plus, I only need one Crypt Ghast to stick for a single turn before everything gets out of hand for my opponent. That's turn five. I have Nighthawks, Bloodlords and Denizens to stall until then.

December 23, 2014 4:47 a.m.

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