Infinite Possibility (Elvephants)

Modern Dave

SCORE: 349 | 218 COMMENTS | 50148 VIEWS | IN 214 FOLDERS

xqby says... #1

I would suggest Forbidden Orchard as a way of untapping all of your elves once Intruder Alarm is on the board.

I think Joraga Treespeaker is better than Karametra's Acolyte in general, but especially in an elf deck.

February 4, 2014 4:09 p.m.

Darthen says... #2

I quite like how this build operates. I've never been into the whole infinity combo thing, but now that I've playtested it, I might be inspired to try it.


February 4, 2014 7 p.m.

Dave says... #3

Thanks, Darthen! It's a weird way to play, so I understand. Truth be told, I really just want to make a crazy Modern deck with Staff of Domination as the centre piece. I think this card/combo has Tier 1 potential, so I'm trying it out every way I can think of.

I find my biggest issue with this style of playing is how frustrating it is for my more casual friends; they don't like when I take out my big guns, but feel as though I'm belittling them by playing something that isn't as powerful as what I can build. If your playgroup can support things like this and still be fun, that's when I think it's most worth it to play like this. :)

xqby, the reason Karametra is there is to activate another infinite combo. It doesn't seem that Joraga holds that same potential.

Beyond that, I drop the Intruder Alarm -very- rarely as a defensive play. I usually drop it the same turn that I plan on going infinite to avoid the tapping for mana issues.

February 4, 2014 9:40 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #4

One problem I have with this deck is that despite the fact that you can nut draw and get infinite everything on turn 3, you need a way to end the game on the spot. Your 3/3 Elephants won't kill them until the next turn, so I'd suggest playing a one-of Craterhoof Behemoth to make everything bash your opponent to Jupiter on the turn you combo off instead of having to wait an extra turn that may lead to your opponent casting Splinter Twin to outdo you or something that renders your infinite everything useless.

February 5, 2014 8:20 p.m.

Dave says... #5

I totally agree, thispersonisagenius. I was playtesting an older standard deck of mine (she runs the intruder alarm combo, best way to playtest standard is to take it against a midrange modern lol) and I actually swung for lethal damage after she went infinite by throwing down a Gruul Charm . We had a good laugh.

Truth be told, this deck is just a race for combo consistency. I want it to be able to go off on turn 4 if it's uninterrupted as often as possible.

I'll throw that Craterhoof Behemoth into the maybe-board. It'd be a great finisher with the staff. :)

February 6, 2014 12:46 a.m.

killkong1211 says... #6

May I suggest Imperious Perfect over Kazandu Tuskcaller on account of all you elves and so you don't have to level up to start comboing or just over your Presence of Gond to cut out the middle man.

Also Akroma's Memorial and Genesis Wave are fun.

February 6, 2014 2:54 a.m.

Dave says... #7

It costs 1 mana to use Imperious Perfect 's tap effect, killkong1211. Once Kazandu Tuskcaller is leveled, it doesn't require mana to tap for a creature. So, I can do it infinitely with Intruder Alarm out. How would it go infinite with Intruder Alarm if I don't have infinite mana to accompany it?

Akroma's Memorial could be a good finisher with the Staff. Not sure if I like Genesis Wave, though. Thanks for the ideas! :)

February 6, 2014 1:56 p.m.

Jacques says... #8

I would mention that you have to put a level counter on Kazandu Tuskcaller the turn you play it, otherwise you will not have enough to level it up twice the next turn, because it does not come into play with a level counter on it.

February 6, 2014 5:15 p.m.

Dave says... #10

Note to self: don't goldfish while drunk

thanks Jacques lol I woulda caught on if I weren't playtesting on a computer, it's just not the same as a real environment

February 6, 2014 5:37 p.m.

Jacques says... #11

You can still go infinite turn 3, though.

T1: Forest , Arbor Elf
T2: Forest , Utopia Sprawl (naming Blue), tap the Utopia Sprawl 'd Forest for GU, playing Kazandu Tuskcaller . Tap Arbor Elf to untap the Utopia Sprawl 'd forest to put 1 level counter on Kazandu Tuskcaller .
T3: No land drop needed, tap the enchanted Forest for mana, then untap it with the Arbor Elf to add 2 more mana to add a 2nd level counter, then tap your 2nd forest. Play Intruder Alarm and tap for infinite beasts.

February 7, 2014 12:36 a.m.

Dave says... #12

Aha! So that's what I figured out last night then. I guess listed it wrong in the description for some reason - it was a group play night and a few friends and I were tossing around ideas on what to do with the deck.

Your comment made me doubt myself at first, but now I see what happened. Again, thanks a ton for the input. This deck is a total side project, so it doesn't get as much love as some of my other ones would.

Revised note to self: don't edit decks while drunk.

February 7, 2014 12:43 a.m.

Love the deck! The Karametra's Acolyte / Staff of Domination combo has always been a great one since it was released. And I LOVE Elvish Archdruid and he is a perfect fit here.

I was ruined by the Arbor Elf , Utopia Sprawl combo (and it got even worse with Garruk Wildspeaker and since then they've been in everything :) Looks like a fellow green mage has fallen to the same addiction :) Isn't it great!

This deck has enough combo pieces that it isn't necessarily a "glass cannon" like many combo decks can become. I like it quite a bit! Seems fast enough for Modern and enough card draw and ramp to keep you grinding in matches where it's needed.

Great deck and great job!!! +! of course.

February 9, 2014 10:52 p.m.

Dave says... #14

Thanks, CurdBrosBrewingCo. The Staff is probably my favourite card ever printed. The combo potential is godly.

I totally agree on the arbor elf/utopia sprawl. I've seen it run before in Elf decks, so I thought I'd give it a go. I really like how you used it in your Devotion deck - I never would have thought to use it unless it was run beside a pure elf deck for the card draw and whatnot.

I never liked the combo, but I started to reconsider after looking at what your deck was capable of. - By the way, nice Elf deck you got there as well. We both uploaded them the same day and they're both so similar, but SO different at the same time. I want to try to playtest it against mine, but I'm almost nervous at what the outcome could be haha. I don't want to bruise my ego! :P

Thanks for the votes and comments too. I considered adding Garruk Wildspeaker in here, but I find the ramp that it's capable of now is more than enough for the most part.

February 10, 2014 12:16 a.m.

It would be a crazy match! Some would go off each game I to craziness :). Your deck is just as fast; so I don't think you'd have any major problems playing it. ( or any other deck for that matter :)

Staff is such a cool card; and it's been cool to see all the things you e done with it over the past few months. You're officially the "Staff Expert" now!

I agree about Garruk in this build. You get there so quickly that half the time he wouldn't be worth it. I think you got it right as is. Great deck!

February 10, 2014 12:34 a.m.

Dave says... #16

If I tell anyone I'm the "Staff Expert", I'll be opening myself up to dickjokes. I'd never hear the end of it! :P I'll bear the title in secrecy haha.

I can only hope that this one wouldn't have any problems. I'm terrified of Jund, but now that DRS is banned it might not be as bad. It's hard to find a good balance when you're running so much of one colour sometimes in my opinion. I've just recently got into the mono-color builds myself with all the devotion that came out with Theros. I love monogreen, I just found it difficult to work with.

I just realized the pun that could be made with "Elephants" and "Elves", so I've added that in as a new update. INFINITE ELVEPHANTS!

I wish this community had a live playtesting environment. There's so many people on here that I'd love to play against!

February 10, 2014 1:05 a.m.

hatebringer79 says... #17

Turn 1: forest, arbor elfTurn 2: Forbidden Orchard , Utopia Sprawl (on orchard, then tap forest and orchard to play intruder alarm, untap orchard with arbor elf tap it for mana, untill you have enough to play Staff of Domination draw your,deck, play it, win! )i might suggest Sarkhan Vol so all your guys gain haste so you can play all your guys and gain way more creatures then you gave your opponent and swing with a massive amount the turn you go off.

February 17, 2014 10:36 a.m.

hatebringer79 says... #18

opps not arbor elf you need voyaging saytr

February 17, 2014 10:58 a.m.

Dave says... #19

Yeah, exactly. I only run 1 Satyr because he's just there as a little extra combo for the staff. I don't like that he drops for 2. Plus, I don't wanna run too many non-basic lands cause of the Utopia Sprawl and check lands. Mulligans are a pain.

February 17, 2014 11:05 a.m.

Love it! I wish you could run Cavern of Souls to help against control given that 26/27 of your creatures are either Druids or Shamans; but your are absolutely right that it is tough to run too many non-basic lands (especially when you already have to run 4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . The good news is that if "elf" or "druid" is named, it also can tap for the blue mana needed in the Coiling Oracle . May be a good sideboard option. That is literally the only thing I can think of as the deck seems to be at a pretty perfect/stable place. Great deck!

February 17, 2014 7:33 p.m.

Dave says... #21

Thanks, Curd! I think it's come together quite nicely as well. I'm almost considering running it at a GP next time one's near me. I normally run Splinter Twin (could you guess? lol) but I want something that's all mine. So sick of these meta-decks that don't differentiate from the original build. Shit, my Splinter Twin deck is almost 100% unaltered. I like creativity and functionality - probably the main reason why I like your decks so much. I'm only running 2 Nykthos, but stack that on with the Hinterland Harbour and that makes 8/20 non basic already. Breeding pool is okay because A) it's a shock and B) it's got the land type on it.

I actually never thought of Cavern of Souls. "And that spell can't be countered" - I could totally swap out Nykthos for this when dealing with blue. I'm definitely considering putting 2 in my sideboard. I need to playtest the shit out of it haha.

I'm almost considering buying MTGO to prepare this deck for tourneys.

February 17, 2014 7:49 p.m.

hatebringer79 says... #22

i still think Sarkhan Vol might be a good 1 of in this deck

February 17, 2014 8:21 p.m.

Dave says... #23

It really could. It's a great ability considering how much I could use Haste in this deck. Unfortunately, I'm not looking to splash any red in this. My mana base is very nicely rounded, as is the way the deck plays. If I splashed red, I'd want to throw in Splinter Twin for another combo off Intruder Alarm . I've considered that a lot.

I think I have two Sarkhan, so I'm definitely keeping this in mind for the next token deck I build :)

February 17, 2014 8:29 p.m.

Ballzanya says... #24

Overrun perhaps for trampling elves and elephants?

February 18, 2014 1:36 a.m.

I honestly think you could bring this to tourneys and do well. I appreciate the kind words about creativity and functionality; and we've found that while you do have to have a good deck for sure; that bringing a non-net-deck is a HUGE advantage. The opponent can't guess what you are going to play accurately; so they have trouble preparing for it.

This deck meets both the "good" and "creative" portions great; and I wouldn't be surprised if you did extremely well in a tournament with this. Testing alone would tell you where to shave one card, add one, etc. (as you end up getting to a point where you basically do itsy bitsy changes as the meta moves); but all in all this would confuse and crush a lot of people as it is! There are so many combos that you can come out of nowhere and most opponents simply wouldn't be ready for your infinite combos. I know I've already said it, but this deck is awesome :)

I'm the same way about net-decks too. I don't know why, because I never judge others when they play them; and have no issues at all playing against them (I actually prefer to so I can have a pretty good idea of how to prepare each turn)...but for some odd reason I just can't play them myself. It's actually really weird; because I totally understand the reasoning for playing net-decks (as they've been tested and honed by the best and great players play them) and I enjoy playing them in testing (Pod in particular)..but it mostly is probably just a thought process because I'm not a professional :)

February 18, 2014 2:35 a.m.

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