v4v3 You seem like a good magic player. I have a mono-black modern deck that I made a few days ago. Would you mind checking it out? Here it is; Deeds to Darkness.
March 28, 2014 2:46 p.m.
I can definitely take a look for you, Prima. I'm not the greatest at mono-black, but I'll see what I can suggest. :)
March 28, 2014 7:09 p.m.
Why are you running only 3 Coiling Oracle and 4 Elvish Visionary? Coiling Oracle is just an upgrade and a blue mana doesn't seem to hard to come by.
March 29, 2014 6:08 p.m.
Thanks CurdBrosBrewingCo! So glad it finally made it. :D
huo556, I'd honestly say this comes down to a matter of preference. I've experienced issues with mana before. There's been many times that I drop Intruder Alarm > Elvish Visionary in the same turn for the card draw+the untap effect. I don't usually have more than 1 blue mana kicking around, so that isn't always possible with a Coiling Oracle . This is just one example, though. Spellskite makes it into my mainboard in about 25% of games as well. It's nice to have the blue mana free to sink on that instead of life.
I originally had 4 coiling oracle and 2 visionary, but I've found this ratio to be much more efficient for me.
March 29, 2014 7:10 p.m.
Very cool. I dont like combo decks, but I have to admire this nonetheless. Well built. +1
April 14, 2014 1:10 a.m.
Thanks Snow_Lynx. It's understandable, combo is sorta boring to play. I had more fun building the deck than anything. Glad you like it!
April 14, 2014 10:13 p.m.
It's not exactly because of that factor. Its more because Im really, really unlucky on draws, and fast decks like RDW and Combo rely heavily on good draws. Thus it's why I prefer to play Control decks, as I can somehow turn my bad luck around in the long game.
April 14, 2014 11:23 p.m.
Ah, fair enough. I know what you mean. This deck is meant to thin itself out what with the fetch lands and card draw and whatnot. It makes for a bit more consistency.
April 15, 2014 2:44 a.m.
There certainly is! It's still about 200$ though without counting the sideboard, but the manabase offers similar consistency.
Infinite Possibility (On A Budget!) - there it is.
April 18, 2014 8:06 p.m.
Supermanddk says... #13
Hm, pretty cool deck with a lot of possibilities! Too bad it is so expensive and i am not the biggest fan of inifinite combo decks, lost way too many times to them! But the possibilities are unlimited which is pretty cool! Check out Land discard deck for options and fun like no other! No infinite combo though :(
May 6, 2014 1:30 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #14
This deck has become much more "solid" over the weeks. It was always great and had awesome and super fast infinite combos...but the recent changes have made it far more competitive (especially the sideboard additions). Simply a great deck! I think the addition of "Competitive" is well warranted. I could see this doing pretty darn well in some dailies on-line and of course in any FNM/paper-tourney.
May 6, 2014 10:04 p.m.
Thanks a ton for the props, Supermanddk! I +1'd and checked out your deck. It's a bit outside my usual build, so I couldn't offer any suggestions.
And I'm very glad that you feel that way, CurdBrosBrewingCo! It definitely means a lot coming from a seasoned modern player like yourself. I agree - I feel like the sideboard's come together nicely. I feel like I may need to prepare for a little more grave-hate, but other than that I have it functioning at a speed/consistency where I feel comfortable. :)
I wish I could run it in some online tourneys. I'm a bit strapped for cash, so I don't really have the money to sink in to MTGO. I wish I did. I feel like this deck could really preform with some love & attention!
May 7, 2014 1:48 a.m.
That's true, strongrad. Although, take into consideration you can actually generate infinite life off any of the Staff of Domination combos. That card seems like it would be great in aiding an infinite draw/mana engine for sure, just maybe not this one. :)
May 11, 2014 12:13 p.m.
I like that you can go infinite on your opponent's end step, but I honestly wish you had a way to give these guys haste. It seems odd to be able to make infinite creatures and mana turn 3 and only be able to win with the one craterhoof behemoth (which could be the thing they counter, or spot remove)
May 11, 2014 3:42 p.m.
I see what you mean, gaymer. Keep in mind that unless the Craterhoof is countered, the effect still resolves and all my other creatures get +X +X (X = infinite).
If it does die to spot removal, I should still have one or two X/X creatures to swing with as my combos do rely on having a non-summoning sick creature in most instances.
I was thinking about going for a Helix Pinnacle as a secondary win-con. The haste seems like it'd be a bit of a pain to work in, honestly.
May 11, 2014 4:41 p.m.
That's true. You really only need one creature to get through at that point. I am a lover of Intruder alarm though.
Rhys the Redeemed and Imperious Perfect are great elves that generate cheap tokens. Imperious is less of a mana hog and can help you win in the event you don't get to combo off. They're also synergistic with Elvish Archdruid. Presence of Gond does mean any creature and Alarm will make you go infinite (much like a splinter twin deck) because it requires no additional mana investment. Why are there only two elvish archdruids in there but 3 Karametra's Acolyte who tap for decent mana but are four drop non elves? I know it's not an "Elf" deck right now, but a few small tweaks it could serve as both an elf deck and a combo deck.
May 11, 2014 7:40 p.m.
The reason I opt for Karamtera over the Archdruid is because I find Karametra has early game consistency. Take this for example:
T1: Forest, arbor elf
t2: forest, utopia sprawl. Drop in your Karametra's Acolyte
t3: elvish archdruid (or two manadorks) + staff of domination. ka boom!
That's only two or three elves, but 5 devotion. See where I'm going with that?
I actually use Imperious Perfect in an EDH version of this build. Rhys the Redeemed can be cool, but he requires an infinite mana engine to accompany him (minimum 3 per "cycle"). That's a bit difficult to generate at times Same goes for Imperious Perfect , but the 1 mana isn't too bad to have to sink. The only reason I'm running Kazandu Tuskcaller over these is because of Pyroclasm . It's not being used as much this season it seems though, so it's definitely worth some consideration.
May 11, 2014 7:54 p.m.
I wonder if there's a great mana engine you can run into Genesis waves and Genesis Hydra (frm M15)
I like Staff of Domination for your mana sink. I have a black deck with a focus on devotion and fat creatures and use Phyrexian Arena and Dark Confidant for the card draw. But Staff of Domination does that fairly nicely as well.
Nykthos is such a fun card to build around, as is devotion.
Have you considered one Dryad Arbor? Misty Rainforest into a dryad arbor can untap your guys if you're having trouble, need to block, or just want to keep going but are just short of mana to go infinite.
I'm going to be brewing a lot with arbor elf and Prismatic Omen and Nykthos (or other untap land things)
May 11, 2014 9:35 p.m.
I may try to make a budget version of this lol. I love combo decks...on a budget.
Dave says... #1
Thanks mattman243! Glad you like it, and thank you so much for the 100! :D
And thanks to you too, LordOfMishap. I actually have a budget version that runs the mantle. It's in the EDH version of this too. I would include it here, but I don't have many problems pulling my combo. I tried testing with it, but I found the other combos to be more consistent. It was a tough decision!
March 28, 2014 2:36 p.m.