
Obvious Parody is Obvious (WiP) Show

Tatyova, Teenage Superstar

This is a deck designed to combo off on or before turn 8, with a variety of ways to do it. Some games go quite a bit longer (if we draw absolutely awful), but usually because of interaction from opponents. This deck usually ends up winning if you give it time, as it has a high enough density of combo to give very good odds of having something available. Tatyova offers a pretty non-threatening boardstate for the early game, but can quickly gain a lot of steam if not interacted with. It does have some countermagic to use, mostly to protect our win attempts. There is a reasonable amount of interaction in this deck to try spannering the works of someone else's combo, but not enough to deal with Stax, which the deck also doesn't love. I'm not sure how I'd rate the strength of this deck, but it's a bit like a steamroller, in that it's slow but fairly guaranteed the win if you give it enough time, almost regardless of what you set up to interfere, short of actual removal. I find this deck quite fun, and I feel like it's pretty fair for infinite combo, and that most decks should have a fair chance against the deck. In 1 v 1 it tends to win a lot of games, but in larger pods it wilts quite dramatically to any sustained attention (2 cycles of everyone swinging at you and you're probably out, as you likely can't block with this deck), again making it feel more fair arguably. This deck wins in part by not becoming the arch-enemy, so I tried to avoid stax or obnoxious effects. It's probably not a bad thing to be able to say you're not running Cyclonic Rift if it makes anyone less likely to target you early. Compared to many playgroups, this isn't an especially expensive deck, but I hesitate to call it truly low budget, as cheaper options exist for some finishers. Looking innocuous is probably your best bet at staying alive, but it does have some early combo potential snuck in.

Not that this deck needs it, but if I trade another land out for Forbidden Orchard, I can generate infinite tokens on my opponent's board, and then use The Great Aurora to win. Crazy way to win for sure, but it requires no cards I wasn't going to use anyways, and exchanging a land for a land that can make any colour of mana (relevant in this deck sometimes), and that comes in untapped. We'll see I guess, it's usually a bad thing to give opponent's bodies with this deck I suspect, but a 1/1 is almost as little body as you can give.

I have done preliminary Custom Headings to sort the deck somewhat, and make it more clear what things are in here for. As a great many cards fill multiple roles, it has a lot of cards listed (way over 100), and can be confusing as well, but less so I hope.

These combos are the main win cons of the deck. I felt like it might help people get what I'm trying to do a bit better. As noted, this deck isn't especially fast, but it is thorough. If it goes infinite, even if it's been milled a bunch it can still win in plenty of cases.

Tatyova, Benthic Druid + any of the many dorks that put a land into play + Any of the ways to untap a creature repeatedly + Any of the ways to repeatedly bounce lands is pretty much game over. It is a lot to get out, but the deck features 4 ways to do the hardest thing, the untap, though 2 of them require U to work, which can necessitate the addition of Lotus Cobra or Stone-Seeder Hierophant. Of interest is Ashaya, Soul of the Wild for untapping, as my creatures become forests, and can be untapped as lands. This adds more untapping options, and adding Mind Over Matter is frankly nuts.

Variants include using Simic Growth Chamber, which can make the combo tighter, and using Patron of the Moon can also work, but might need Amulet of Vigor to truly shine. There is also Ghost Town for infinite bounce, though it'll be on an opponent's turn, so you probably want Alchemist's Refuge to make use of your cards and mana right away.

Freed from the Real + Ley Weaver + Lore Weaver is infinite cards and mana, which should end the game. This can come out early enough to be relevant in a higher power meta actually, but I only have 2 enchantments to untap. In the event you just want to end the game immediately, you can deck everyone else rather than bothering to draw, since Lore Weaver can target anyone, rather helpful! Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Ley Weaver + Lore Weaver is also a working combo, and since it only uses creatures, is much easier to fetch, making this pair much stronger.

Another decent use of the untap enchantments is in combination with Stone-Seeder Hierophant, either on the Hierophant for infinite mana, or if the Hierophant is out I can just put the untap enchant on a Llanowar Scout type card and Hierophant's ability can pay for the untap (or better if I have a 2 or 3 mana land), and this can go infinite.

If I have out War Room, it can be worth untapping if I have infinite mana and enough life to draw some cards. Hierophant more or less needs to have Lotus Field out as well, but I do have redundant land tutoring, should this happen. Ley Weaver works better with War Room, but it's not as good as her partner would have been, costing me life to draw.

Elixir of Immortality can be used to recycle out graveyard, and Primal Command is in here in part to save Elixir if necessary. With infinite card draw and mana, this can be done over and over until you win at instant speed, or everyone else's head explodes.

Using Patron of the Moon, I can combo off with Simic Growth Chamber and an infinite mana dork, Tatyova gives the card draw to allow you to hit extra land drops for large (but finite) mana to dig and cast the things needed for full infinite resources.

My latest addition brings Gush, which needs a land into play dork and an untap source. We can draw infinite cards this way, and play extra blue sources, hopefully we can get to a mana on landfall dork to generate serious mana and be able to play non-blue lands if I'm stuck using Freed from the Real.

Using Mystic Sanctuary to recur my extra turn spell can win the game. I am less fond of this method of winning because it is very open to being interfered with, but once it is set up, if nobody can do anything, I definitely win.

This deck can also use Mystic Sanctuary + a way to put lands into play + a way to untap the creature + way to draw Mystic Sanctuary to potentially have infinite countermagic with Deprive or Thwart. You might need a way to add mana from landfall for Deprive, but these can bounce Sanctuary to combo off with. You can still be flubbed sometimes, but this is fairly resilient, and the ability to at instant speed dig to the other spell with the deck to force them to find 2 ways to exile your spell is nice. You might want land bounce to further protect your Sanctuary from a Strip Mine effect.

Pretty out there (and your playgroup may rise up against you), but Elixir of Immortality is a way to recycle your graveyard, so if you have Elixer, Alchemist's Refuge and some counters kicking around (and have infinite card draw/mana), you can keep replaying them as many times you want, cycling through your deck at instant speed.

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild works very well with anything that can untap a land, as I can then untap any non-token creature. Thus, a creature that can untap 2 lands can untap itself and a land, giving infinite mana/untaps. It also means Oboro Breezecaller and Stone-Seeder Hierophant can untap a Land Into Play dork, helping me go infinite. I will likely add Argothian Elder at some point, but I'm not sure what I'll pull yet! Ley Weaver obviously loves Ashaya desperately, and since she finds Lore Weaver you should be set to win as soon as Ley can be tapped. This is probably a 'better' combo than my lands into play shenanigans, but it's parts synergize with the Commander even when it's not yet an infinite combo. Still, could be worth leaning harder into Ashaya.

Gush works very well with Mystic Sanctuary, this is an infinite combo that can be set up without access to Tatyova, but it requires 3 Islands, one of which is Sanctuary. All you need for the combo is a way to put those Islands back into play, which also generates mana, usually just , but with Breeding Pool you might nab a few key . All told the combo requires Gush + 2 Islands + Mystic Sanctuary + Land Into Play Dork + Untap Source, to output 1 extra card and 2 mana that can be used to pay for Freed from the Real, this is a relatively fast combo to set up and can thus win early. This is a combo that would kill for a Tropical Island, but that's probably not happening unless I proxy it!

The addition of Forbidden Orchard allows this deck to generate infinite tokens for my opponents, and using The Great Aurora after they have a hundred or so tokens will deck them on the spot, which seems pretty good. On the downside, this does target, but I want Aurora even if it couldn't do this, so adding this is super spicy.

Various cards that can be used to win the game, or thoroughly take control over it.

Altar of Dementia Show

Psychosis Crawler Show

Lab Man Show

Field of the Dead Show

Sunscorched Desert Show

Memnarch Show

Capsize Show

Scute Swarm Show

Elixer of Immortality Show

The Great Aurora Show

Temple of Mystery Show


Updates Add

Burgeoning, Rhystic Study, Mystic Remora, Utopia Sprawl, anything I'm missing? I have copies of these around or have them on the way, this deck seems like it'd like all of them technically. I will say, Burgeoning, Study and Remora will all stick out like crazy as just strictly good cards in a deck that actively is trying to not run the best cards. Sprawl btw turns my Dual lands into UU lands, which is what I usually need to go infinite, perhaps I'll have to add more ways to dig out Duals, there are plenty in Green. Anyways, Burgeoning seems good in a deck with 45 lands (and it's not like I can't bounce lands to make it useful later game, I seem to draw land bouncers like crazy), and with Tatyova that can mean a lot of cards per cycle. Still, we'll see if it underperforms, what if people just stop playing lands to stop feeding me, my deck doesn't do well if it's not hitting drops, and this is one that's not 100% under my control. The other two cards, the enchantments, are just solid cards that draw a bunch, especially if you get them out early. This deck would be very happy if people also just paid, since slowing decks down is also an asset with a deck that can be a quick as this one.

Edit: Fiddled with the Vorthos a bit, hopefully this will make the deck more exciting.


97% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 month
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.33
Tokens Boar 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Elemental */* G, Food, Foretell, Illusion 1/1 U w/ Flying, Insect 1/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Casual, other's decks, Simic UG, EDH Decks
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