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inflicting 178 damage in 4 turns -tons of Eldrazi-

Modern Eldrazi Mono-Green Ramp



playing this deck is very simple!

in your start hand mulligan until you have at least one Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl + Forest , even better if you also have a Fertile Ground and Vernal Bloom.

what you will do is start with a Arbor Elf, second turn you drop another land and do a Forest + Utopia Sprawl tap the buffed land and trigger Arbor Elf ability, this will generate 4 mana, them put that Vernal Bloom on the gound. At turn 3 you'll be able to generate at least 10 mana, not bad hum? XD

now your main goal its keep buffing one Forest with the Utopia Sprawl and Fertile Ground (note that you'll buff just one forest with these enchantments, this way you can extract the full capacity of the Arbor Elf ability). when possible, always put more Vernal Bloom in game.by turn 4-5 you should be able to trigger the Genesis Wave for 15 or more (note that you need at least 18 mana to do that, not a problem XD), if you dont have Genesis Wave in your hand... thats why those 4 Harmonize are on the deck.

somethings must be told about Genesis Wave

1 -- Forest its a PERMANENT with NO COST, this will always be less than X, so Genesis brings it to the battle ground.

2 -- "...You MAY put any number of permanent cards with converted cost X or less from among them onto battlefield..." (((MAY))) ... this will be important!

after the first Genesis Wave you will probably bring some big guys to the ground, such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, or Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (many times this is nough to end the game) you also should be able to bring Early Harvest + Genesis Wave to your hand due to Eternal Witness effect!

note that in any situation Early Harvest + Genesis Wave its an outstanding combo!

OBS: if you do a second Genesis it will probably hit all the deck, here its where the "MAY" on Genesis Wave makes the diference, you will NEVER put all the 3 Legendary Eldrazi on the battlefield, at least one of them (give preference to Emrakul here, it will be funnier latter) must go to the graveyard so you shuffle it on the library, what basicly means that you cant lose due to deck off ; )

now it comes the funny part. after buy all the deck and have all of your permanent cards (-1) on the field ( which is already awsome) note that one of this permanets will be Spawnsire of Ulamog, just tap 5 forest (20 mana due to the 4 Vernal Bloom) to trigger his "20ability"...

after this you can CAST, yes, CAST any number of Eldrazi cards you own from outside the game without paying their mana cost, now, take a look at your side deck, is almost self explanatory, firs comes All Is Dust, everything else, and in the end Emrakul, the Aeons Torn so you take the extra turn that will let your guys attack immediately... (if you already have Emrakul on the field he will be destroyed, thats why i use the main deck one to shuffle the library, so in the end I have all 3 legendary eldrazi on field) now you hit 178 and annihilate 45!


---Garruk Wildspeaker : the deck its not perfect (there is not a perfect deck) so sometimes you may be on problems with mana generation or you just dont buy the right cards (even with Harmonize or Kozilek, Butcher of Truth effect), in both of this situations the +1 and -1 of Garruk will come in handy.

---Sakura-Tribe Elder : sometimes happens to you to have a good number of Vernal Bloom and Fertile Ground + Utopia Sprawl but be in lack of lands, and this can be a enormous problem if you have less than 2 Arbor Elf ... the Sakura Ability solves your problem but be smart on using it, if possible block some damage with him and just them sacrifice the guy, another vantage on doing that is start your turn with the extra mana up.

---Why having Emrakul, the Aeons Torn for shuffling if you can just put a copy of one of the other legendary eldrazi that are cheaper or even one of the other dozens cards that have this effect?

simple... as told before, sometimes may happen that you have a good amount of mana but dont buy de right cards for the combo, in that case having the legendary eldrazis on your hand will very likely win the game for you, or at least do alot of damage, and when comes to inflict damage and scare the shit out of your opponent Emrakul, the Aeons Torn its THE guy!

this is it folks!

I'm open to sugestions and Sorry for my poor english, i'm Brazilian !


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

13 - 4 Rares

8 - 7 Uncommons

16 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.46
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C
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