

Enchantment (1)

My take on the newfangled Ingest and Processor mechanics in Dimir.

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As soon as I saw the first rare I opened at my Battle for Zendikar Prerelease night, Wasteland Strangler , I knew I was about to embark on an ingesting journey from which there was no return. This journey led me to construct this, my first ever standard deck, and begin to attempt to perfect and play it.

The idea of this deck is to mill (to exile) the opponent slightly out, but then using the exiled cards as a fuel to the big baddies, who will swing in for the win alongside the protective hand of control.

This deck is fairly self-explanatory, but here I go!
Step 1: Hit your opponent in the face as much as you can to move as many of his/her cards as you can into exile.
Step 2: Use removal to take care of any of their early game threats.
Step 3: Use the exiled cards from Step 1 to fuel your processors.
Step 4: Use big dudes or unblockables to beat your opponent's face in!

An ideal opening hand for this deck would most definitely have at least one Sludge Crawler and/or Fathom Feeder .

I would also say 3 lands would be ideal, in the form of 1 Swamp, 1 Island and 1 Polluted Delta. I would avoid keeping a Sunken Hollow in your starting hand in trade for fetching it on turn 3 once you already have two basic lands on the field.

I would also hope to start off with a Wasteland Strangler , for early game board control, and an Ulamog's Nullifier

From there, just hope to have one of the bigger dudes, i.e. Oblivion Sower, Blight Herder , or Sire of Stagnation.

The removal/countering spells could be good to keep too, but probability says you'll draw into one soon enough. The same goes for if you keep a removal/counter spell in your opening hand for drawing into a big dude.

An overview of all cards in the deck and a justification for their inclusion:

Fathom Feeder : This fantastic Ingestor 2-drop puts the opponent in the Catch-22 of either losing the blocker to deathtouch, or having their top card exiled. It also gives you the late, late game card draw/exile advantage.

Sludge Crawler : This card is definitely something you want in your opening hand. It can get out Turn 1, and from there the opponent must either exile the card, or block. If he/she blocks, this card can be pumped up to stay alive, and keep getting that ingest value.

Mist Intruder : This is easily one of the most useful cards from Battle for Zendikar. 2 for a 1/2 flier is already pretty good stats, but throw in that Ingest ability and this card is home free.

Benthic Infiltrator: This card is most likely my favorite card from the set. With a health of 4, BI is safe from all of those 2-damage or 3-damage spells. I might add on the side that it's unblockable. Add on the likelihood and awesomeness of it being equipped with an artifact, and watch your opponent's exile pile grow as his/her health begins to shrink
In this category, Eldrazi processors, used to control the board as well as be a board presence will now be doted upon.

Wasteland Strangler : Upon casting, judging that one already has exiled a card, this -3/-3 trigger will kill just about any ally that is being annoying or a threat to you. All that on top of being a solid 3/2 for 3.

Blight Herder : 5 mana for 7/8 across 3 bodies with mana acceleration? Yes, please.

Oblivion Sower: First off, 6 for a 5/8 are very good stats. Secondly, this 4-card exile ability says nothing about the "anumber of lands" being a part of the 4 exiled upon casting. It means any exiled lands become all yours. Wow...

Sire of Stagnation: Another Catch-22 for the opponent. And this time, they lose no matter what. Lands are a necessity to the game of Magic. Without them, big costing cards are kind of useless. However, exiling 2 and letting the opponent draw 2 (4 if he/she has fetch lands) every time kind of sucks. Now, they must choose.

Ghostfire Blade: Since all of the creatures in this deck are colorless, this artifact is a must-have. This card really shines when equipped onto Benthic Infiltrator, especially with 2. 6 damage to the opponent per turn, and there's little he/she can do about it (False :) ).
Ulamog's Nullifier : I generally enjoy countering things. I also generally enjoy 2/3 fliers. However, one thing I do not enjoy is paying 4 mana for these things. Still very good and usable.

Horribly Awry : Great early game countering, especially against Drana, Liberator of Malakir or Munda, Ambush Leader . Also leaves time for your ingestors to continue their work, and feeds the exile pile

Spell Shrivel : 3 to counter is not so bad, though it is a conditional counter. I have been considering playing Scatter to the Winds for some time now. I am not sure if the the two blue cost condition is worth it or not. I am also not a fan of conditional counters. Spell Shrivel does, however, feed the exile pile.
Ruinous Path: So we have the new hero's downfall, only at sorcery speed and with awaken this time... Not such a bad trade, but I don't see awaken being a very useful thing for me in this deck.

Complete Disregard : Wonderful early game Anti-Ally removal. Will pale off late game, but does work at instant speed.

Reality Shift: What a great card. Completely works around indestructible, and leaves the 2/2 Manifest open for a simple burn spell ( Complete Disregard , maybe?).

Infinite Obliteration: Anti-Giant, Anti-Ally, Anti-Ramp.

Transgress the Mind: Also Anti-Giant Sideboard Material.
Skyline Cascade : This can disable a big, baddie for an extra turn, or early game, can give ingestors one extra hit before blockers can get onto the board. Easily the best of these BFZ spell lands.

Tomb of the Spirit Dragon: In a deck with 100% colorless creatures, this life gain will win games.

I have been considering Shrine of the Forsaken Gods for some time now, too. I am unsure of whether tapping for 2 makes tapping for 1 colorless an ok prospect.

An overview of all suggestions given to me of late and a justification for their acceptance or declension:

Removed all Red from the deck...Herald of Kozilek, Forerunner of Slaughter , Brutal Expulsion ...

Removed Cryptic Cruiser , as it felt out of place and weird to some.
Shrine of the Forsaken Gods

2x Ruination Guide . I know +1/+0 can be powerful for an aggressive deck like this, but I am unsure if it is necessary...

-3 Spell Shrivel , +3 Scatter to the Winds: The idea with this trade would be to add the unconditional counter, as it is more reliable (I don't see myself casting it for the awaken cost). However, I am not sure if the two blue casting condition is worth the unconditional counter. Spell Shrivel also feeds the exile pile.
Removing 1 Ghostfire Blade: They're just too good in an all colorless deck!

I refuse to run Languish, as it would simply kill ALL of my ingestors. Even in very late game, they are as important as ever.

Ruination Guide ; I think that +1/+0 is kind of weak for 3 mana, and even though it has ingest it is too slow. I don't think the extra 1 will really end up mattering.

Remember, I would love your feedback and help on this deck. Any criticism is good criticism. I hope to one day take this to a standard tournament, so please let me know what you think. Thanks, all!


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I am not displeased -- went 4-3 overall.

First, Dragons control beat me down, taking me 2-1 in a long game, one where I steamrolled, and then another long game.

Then I headed to U/R Thopters, where the Infinite Obliterations were able to quickly clear out any threat of Hangarback Walkers. I won 2-1, where the 1 was me being steamrolled.

Thirdly, I was taught a lesson by G/W Megamorph, where the creatures my opponent was getting out were just too big too fast. That took me down.

Superfriends also gave me a beating, but the deck is so expensive, there is really nothing I could do. Too good too fast.

I was able to take the win against Temur Jace, as the Infinite Obliterations again were able to remove my biggest threats before I even saw them.

Conclusions: Infinite Obliteration is too good. Ingest will be far better when Oath of Gatewatch comes out.

Thanks, everyone!


Revision 19 See all

(8 years ago)

+1 Sphinx's Tutelage maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #2 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

20 - 2 Rares

10 - 3 Uncommons

13 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders BFZ, Favorites, Possible Decks, Ramp Decks, Testing, cool decks, Standard, I LIkey, Awesome ideas, Decks I Like
Ignored suggestions
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