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Innie Greenie Weenies 2.0

Standard* Aggro GW (Selesnya) Humans




A post-Avacyn Restored refresh of my Innie Greenie Weenies deck. Several new additions from the new set:

  • Angel of Glory's Rise is a card this deck badly needed. One of the biggest risks to a deck like this is board wipers, and this is a fantastic answer. Combine with Cloudshift for a way to keep your Humans coming back again and again. Going to try and acquire (and probably at least sideboard) more than one eventually.

  • Champion of Lambholt is a card I didn't even know I needed, but it's a HUGE addition here. With creatures hitting the table every turn (as long as things are playing out right!), and in many cases multiple times per turn, playing one early can make the game end pretty early, too. As much as I like Overrun, this is a much cheaper and arguably much better fit for this deck.

  • Descendants' Path is a welcome addition to any tribal deck, but in a deck like this that has EVERY creature from one of two races, it's huge. Not such a big factor for Humans, most of whom are cheap enough to not need much acceleration to play, this is definitely a big factor with the Angels (who I may beef up more as time goes on).

  • Ulvenwald Tracker has fun potential, working well with pumped up Humans (one of the Champions, perhaps?), the Angels, or late enough in the game, most any creature here since they should be seeing pumps from Gavony Township.

  • Silverblade Paladin looks AWESOME. Once steady contributor Mirran Crusader rotates, I think the Paladin will be a four-of. Right now I could only find room for two, but that may have to change if it plays as nicely as I think it will.

  • Devout Chaplain isn't all THAT great, I admit...tapping 3 Humans is steep. But it's a powerful effect, and I should have plenty of Humans to tap when I need it, and it allows me to get rid of artifact/enchantment hosers like Ray of Revelation and Crushing Vines and focus on just creatures, which makes Thalia, Guardian of Thraben happy.

  • The aforementioned Cloudshift is SO nice. You can bounce creatures like Angel of Glory's Rise (as talked about before), Fiend Hunter (if used while the Hunter is entering the battlefield, it gets to exile TWO creatures, the first one permanently!), the new Riders of Gavony (if you're facing multiple creature types), or any others that will retrigger the Champions' counters, Mentor of the Meek's card draw, Silverblade Paladin's pairing, and/or even just to untap tapped creatures (like those tapped with Devout Chaplain, perhaps?). It's also great at combating spot removal spells, or shaking off enemy auras. Love the versatility.

For the most part, though, the deck runs as it always has: flood the board with creatures, pump them up a bit, and then run roughshod over everything in their path. Alternatively, a big beatstick like Angelic Overseer can do the job alone. The sideboard can roll in answers to certain threats or exploit certain weaknesses.

The old version of the deck had pretty good success when I used it, but got put on the back burner once Dark Ascension came out. Can't wait to roll with Humans again now that they've gotten some Avacynian reinforcements. :-)


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First time I've played this deck in months, with all the new AVR stuff added, and it worked like a charm. Consitently pulled the creatures I needed and never had to wait more than a turn to pay for them. Outraced and overpowered aggro Goblins, survived heavy burn, and held my own against a flicker Naya deck (Huntmaster, Resto Angel, Titans, the works) and took first place at FNM.

Doubling Chant and Angel of Glory's Rise are indeed the bombs I knew they could be in this deck...when either hit, it was basically GG. Riders of Gavony just destroys tribal decks like the Goblins I faced, Silverblade Paladin is a game-changer whenever it hits the table, and even Devout Chaplain can be an all-star against decks that rely too much on artifacts or enchantments; even if it never triggers, my opponents spent WAY too much time worrying about it, and it was great disruption to their strategy. This deck won't always play as well as it did that night, I know it won't, but it never ran out of steam and always kept the pressure on. Tons of fun...I can't wait to play it again next time!


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

28 - 5 Rares

8 - 9 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.71
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