Insane Spellslinger

Standard* Grimgrinner


varano says... #1

You just created the deck I always wanted to create, but never found how to

June 17, 2013 9:54 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #2

Haha, that's a really big compliment man. Thanks. I looked at your other deck and saw that it was in the "Silver/black" format. Turns out this deck (almost) coincidentally falls into that category, just as a happy accident. Only rare cards in here are Steam Vents , Counterflux , and Catch / Release . I wouldn't recommend running guild gates in here by the way, because speed and tempo are how this deck wins. Got to give credit where credit is due though, This is my heavily modified version of Jesus Christ Cipher Star.

June 17, 2013 10:59 p.m.

Saljen says... #3

Syncopate may be a better fit than Essence Scatter . It still benefits from Goblin Electromancer but also can counter instant and sorceries to keep your creature safe, since you have so few. I'd also consider running 4 of them instead of 2. Also, since you're running Delver of Secrets  Flip you may want to consider some more cipher, cipher is great with delver, especially when Guttersnipe is on the field.

June 24, 2013 1:43 p.m.

chiropteraboy says... #4

I think the only thing missing here is a little Fling to throw a pumped up nivix cyclops at your opponents face after i has dealt all the damage he could by himself

June 25, 2013 10:17 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #5

Fling can be fun, but my problem is 1: if they pull surprise life gains, and I sac the elemental, Im pretty much done, and 2: Fling can be countered after I sac my creature. I don't think it would really fit here.

June 26, 2013 3 a.m.

Grimgrinner says... #6

Saljen, Syncopate is really good most of their time, but few things feel crappier than countering a spell for X, and then have your opponent able to pay the X cost to still play the thing. It's why I don't run Izzet Charm .

June 30, 2013 8:47 p.m.

dandudedan says... #7

dude i really dig the angle your going with this deck. i re-did mine check it out.

August 6, 2013 5:36 p.m.

Pyroshade says... #8

you should almost 100% be running hidden stringsit can tap you opponents creatures or land, but more importantly it can Untap YOUR OWN land, meaning it is a free card to cast, and then after playing another 2 cost card, you are able to attack and untap those lands again, effectively you are more than likely to never be tapped out, and it will free mana up for other cards, ie counter spells

but otherwise it's similar to a deck I've had success with at my local fnm, take a look for some ideas

Ciphered to the Gutter

August 9, 2013 1:21 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #9

I've already commented on your decklist :P

I do like your deck but We're going for two slightly different angles. My deck is quicker and a little riskier, while yours is slower but a tad more consistent. Both of our builds are super vulnerable to Supreme Verdict though, which Is why I prefer the speed.

August 9, 2013 6:47 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #10

Judging by the Theros spoilers so far, this deck will no longer be viable when rotation hits. The amount of tools I will be gaining, opposed to the tools I'll be losing, is just too far a gap. Thassa looks like a good option, as well as magma jet, and a few other choice cards, but none even come close to replacing Think Twice and Artful Dodge . Perhaps by the time the other two sets of the block come out, it will work, but for now I might as well tear this deck apart and turn it into modern. At least then I'll have Lightning Bolt , Manamorphose , Ponder , Preordain , and other cheap powerhouses. Apparently Izzet Blitz is becoming a huge "thing" in modern. R.I.P. At least I can take this to 1 or 2 last FNM's

September 5, 2013 8:25 p.m.

iceteademon says... #11

Not much I can add to this deck, especially as I'm quite aware you've seen the card pool you know you have at your fingertips. Just warning you before you go trading into copies of Ponder and Preordain ! Definitely hold out for more of the Theros set and try to keep this in standard if you can... you're playing a pseudo-Storm build and scrying was always great, loads left to come! Who knows, maybe there'll be some decent new cantrips!

September 9, 2013 4:39 a.m.

Grimgrinner says... #12

Honestly I could see them reprinting Preordain . If they do that, I MAY just keep this a standard deck. They might not though, because DGM, M14 and Theros seem to have a much reduced power level and much increased mana cost on most things, and Esper is already getting plenty of shiny new toys. I'm also happy that they're reprinting Searing Spear with a new name. I wish it was a straight reprint though, because it could have had awesome new artwork.

Anyway, I doubt the cantrips will be very good in theros, especially given how mediocre they've been since RTR. I mean heck one of the best ones i could find for THIS list was Inaction Injunction . It also looks like they're just slapping Scry 1 onto any spells that would be cantrips. Im looking forward to the set though, and I'm getting a booster box. This particular deck may not have much to work with, but I'm already brimming with ideas.

September 9, 2013 7:08 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #13

I think what this deck is missing the most right now is Delver of Secrets  Flip . It just gave so much tempo advantage to have a 3/2 flyer on turn 2. Is there ANYTHING that fills a similar role right now? Blistercoil Weird just isn't doing the job.

October 4, 2013 3:44 a.m.

iceteademon says... #14

There is nothing like Delver. Nivmagus Elemental is a 2-for-1 (might be worth a sideboard slot against aggro decks like monogreen/monowhite that are missing their removal). There aren't too many ways of abusing it with reasonable cards (Ciphers are bad; Chandra, Pyromaster might do the job, but not reliably).

Otherwise, 1-drop tempo is all in Red; other than Rakdos Cackler which you've found, Akroan Crusader could be playable with all your buffs.

You need Teleportal , or Nivix Cyclops is just a bad wall. Alternatively, this is one of few decks I'd be happy to see Thassa, God of the Sea in.

Have you thought about Quicken ? A small number of cantrips accelerates your Spellheart; you don't even need to get any extra value out of 1 mana - but not even mentioning how insane Armed / Dangerous is as a combat trick. Izzet Charm is also a very good basic counter and filter which is just insane with the scry you're running!

October 5, 2013 12:29 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #15

Thanks for the feedback iceteademon. I've thought about Nivmagus Elemental . I might use it. It's just no delver though :( Rakdos Cackler is strong too. not sure if it fits the theme though. as with Akroan Crusader , I've found that he's fantastic in limited but reallllyyyyy unreliable in constructed.

-I like Teleportal , but I don't know what to cut for it (i really miss my Artful Dodge right now)

-Thassa, God of the Sea might make a good replacement ofr Ral Zarek . I'll put 2x of it in if i pull one.

-Quicken there just HAS to be better cantrips than that. I think it's really weak. Also I don't like Izzet Charm , because each of it's modes can be found in better cards (such as Faithless Looting , and that counter is garbage if they don't tap their mana out. I'm also running Shock and Magma Jet already.

October 5, 2013 5:11 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #16

If this deck can get a decent replacement for Delver of Secrets  Flip i will re-build and play this deck again. it doesn't even have to be AS good as delver, just has to help me keep tempo like delver did. Nivmagus Elemental and Blistercoil Weird just don't cut it.

October 21, 2013 2:58 p.m.

BurlMaster says... #17

December 3, 2013 4:21 p.m.

fuze2113 says... #18

have you tried Guttersnipe ?

December 3, 2013 4:34 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #19

@ BurlMaster, I don't really like any of those in here. Frostburn is good, but it doesn't work the way i need it to. Stymied Hopes is too easy to work around. Uncovered Clues is slow, and It's sometimes creatures i actually need. That one might be OK... i'd have to playtest it.

@fuze2113 Guttersnipe was in the original build (INN + RTR standard), I replaced it with Spellheart Chimera , due to loss of Think Twice , and the former most important card in the deck, Artful Dodge .

December 3, 2013 5:45 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #20

You know, I'm really curious what you guys think. With flashback being part of standard, should i be running Spellheart Chimera , or Guttersnipe ? The chimera works as a psuedo-replacement for delver, as he can be pumped quite easily (especially with Titan's Strength or Armed , but guttersnipe provides more immediate advantage. Sideboard maybe?

December 5, 2013 7:48 p.m.

fuze2113 says... #21

I think it depends on the situation

December 6, 2013 8:59 a.m.

Counter burn ftw!

December 15, 2013 9:18 a.m.

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