Dimir some nice cards in your graveyard.
Time to play test again! —July 30, 2016
Made a lot more changes but now im happy with play testing this again!
delusiions says... #2
@mahanhen yeah that would be a good one or two of in the side! ill have to test that out! thanks for the comment!
July 16, 2016 6:45 p.m.
A friend of mine has been experimenting with mill in modern for a long time now, Mesmeric Orb has been one of his absolute power houses. He is also playing 1-2 Crypt Incursion in his main deck to buy time against aggressive decks and combat graveyard based decks. Shelldock Isle is another nice tool.
I don't see the benefits of Consuming Aberration, it's just an expensive fatty that gets easily answered by Mana Leak, Terminate or Path to Exile. Even if it actually gets the chance to attack, it can just get blocked.
July 20, 2016 8:27 a.m.
i agree that im not sold on the aberration as well. 5 mana to maybe get some mill in AFTER you cast him? i feel another visions would do you better.
July 20, 2016 7:28 p.m.
delusiions says... #7
@Daedalus19876 lol i like that name! @Emzed i agree with taking out consuming aberration and puting in a crypt incursion, and mesmeric orb seems very interesting, but what would you takeout and how many should i put in like 2?
July 23, 2016 1:54 a.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #8
Absolutely +3 or 4 Mesmeric Orb. The card is a powerhouse in EDH, where decks are nearly twice as large. I might cut your walkers for them, since none of them win the game for you instantly. You could also put in Undead Alchemist over Consuming Aberration as a win-con.
July 23, 2016 2:25 a.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #9
Also, Glimpse the Unthinkable is strictly better than Breaking without access to red mana.
July 23, 2016 2:26 a.m.
TheSurgeon says... #10
@Daedalus19876- Breaking doesn't require red mana, and is third in line as far as the best modern turbo-mill. Glimpse the Unthinkable is rather expensive. Especially for a meta not everyone cares for. I consider Breaking a budget Glimpse, and Mind Sculpt a replacement Breaking.
I second the following suggestions:
Mesmeric Orb should take the place of the Walkers.
Consuming Aberration MUST come out. No haste, and you can use the mana to cast 2 Glimpse/Breaking and a Scour. Bottom line is, it'll never be as useful as you want it to be. Another Visions of Beyond for this. As a turbo-mill hand empties quickly.
Speaking of that, at least one Ensnaring Bridge should be in your sideboard.
My idea would be to perhaps sideboard Spell Pierce, and replace that with Remand. It's not a hard counter, but is indiscriminating as far as spell type and (more importantly) useful even late-game. Because it works well with Mesmeric Orb's ability.
Should the player be able to cast the spell again anyway, all the untapping will surely damn them during their upkeep.
July 23, 2016 12:15 p.m. Edited.
delusiions says... #11
@TheSurgeon thanks for the advice! Ensnaring bridge is a good looking card! When should i sideboard it in? And ill take out the aberration and put in another visions!
July 23, 2016 3:21 p.m.
Ensnaring Bridge is good against all decks that try to attack with creatures, preferably with power 3 or greater. Noble Hierarch (0 power when declared as attacker) and burn spells like Lightning Bolt are solid ways around it, and it can get removed by Abrupt Decay, Kolaghan's Command or Karn Liberated, so it's not at its best when those cards are factors. A deck like Merfolk is probably the weakest to Esnaring Bridge.
July 23, 2016 3:33 p.m.
MTGplayer00 says... #14
I feel like Ensnaring Bridge should at least get a side board slot. It's crazy good for defense against aggro, especially since you can drop many of your spells early, diminishing your hand size. If you don't have that much money though, then definitely prioritize Glimpse the Unthinkable.
I think Jace, Memory Adept should replace the other Jace, but I get that a cheap walker with crazy card advantage is very strategic. Why not take advantage of the Jace you have in using Jace's Erasure? Maybe put in some Serum Visions as a sub for the Jace you have in if you put in Jace, Memory Adept.
July 24, 2016 10:52 p.m.
Jace, Memory Adept is decent, but this deck doesn't really want a 5-drop. Sometimes you don't get to 5 mana (only 22 lands), sometimes you need to be able to keep mana open for interaction, sometimes the opponent has countermagic. That's a lot of scenarios where big Jace is suboptimal.
Jace's Erasure however, is just a bad card. It costs as much mana as Glimpse the Unthinkable, but for it to mill the same amount of cards, a lot of things have to come together. You have to drop it turn 2, draw 10 (!) more cards over the course of the game, and the opponent can't have Abrupt Decay or Nahiri, the Harbinger to remove it before then. Possible, but unlikely, and what if you instead topdeck the card on turn 4 or 5? Glimpse is still great then, but Jaces Erasure is basically blank.
July 25, 2016 6:55 a.m.
TheSurgeon says... #16
No walkers. They don't work in mill.
Go with turbo mill, it'll do the job. The other cards in the deck keep you alive, and your opponent disrupted. Walkers are too expensive for mill deck. Get another visions of beyond in here, and another counter.
Walkers don't win mill. Period.
July 25, 2016 7:21 a.m.
Btw, currently a good number of different decks are packing a single Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (thanks to its synergy with Nahiri, the Harbinger), which presents a huge problem for a mill deck. Outside of Leyline of the Void or a splashed Rest in Peace, you will have trouble beating Emrakul, and unfortunately Nahiri can remove those enchantments easily. Surgical Extraction can get rid of Emrakul once it hits the grave, but it might still not be good enough, since the graveyard reshuffle trigger still happens und undoes all your work.
Also, your sideboard absolutely needs an answer to Leyline of Sanctity, that card stops your whole deck from working. Echoing Truth might be okay.
mahanhen says... #1
How about adding a few Isochron Scepter to the sideboard? It'd be a house against discard effects
July 16, 2016 3:57 p.m.