Dimir some nice cards in your graveyard.
Much appreciated —Sept. 9, 2016
Thanks to everyone for commenting, upvoting, and suggeting cards throughout the timeline of the deck! Coudnt do it without the community!
delusiions says... #2
Hmmm interesting thoughts @TheSurgeon, do you really think moving down to 20 lands is smart though considering the 4 deltas? And if i took it down, what is the reasoning behind darkness (not that i dont like the card or think its bad) also what does the mb before darkness mean lol.
September 8, 2016 12:11 a.m.
TheSurgeon says... #3
MB = Mainboard.
I run 19 lands in my mill.
Darkness could be more of a sideboard card against aggro, but you can take it down to 20 land take out one funeral, and then put in 3 phantasm.
I like funeral, but the lower cmc, the better, and an alternate wincon is never a bad thing.
September 8, 2016 6:43 a.m.
Phantasm seems a little risky, you are making cards like Path to Exile and Terminate live, where they would normaly be close to blanks against you (Hedron Crab usually does something solid before it can be killed, so removal doesn't really count there). If you think Phantasm is a good card in your metagame, run it, but i wouldn't call it an auto-include.
September 8, 2016 8:45 a.m.
TheSurgeon says... #5
I'm with Emzed on this one. While it feels like a sold blocker, it doesn't seem to fit since your ruNing removal. Don't run too far from your archetype, mill. It's a lot like burn, you want to be as fast as possible.
Also, Darkness works with Mesmeric Orb really well when they swing with everything, you darken the board and then they have to untap all that.
September 8, 2016 9:58 a.m.
delusiions says... #6
I see what youre saying Emzed and thinking about what you said, i agree and feel like i shouldnt run it. Now the question is, should i cut x1 Mind Funeral and one land (probably a Ghost Quarter to add in the Darkness? @TheSurgeon
September 8, 2016 11:39 a.m.
TheSurgeon says... #7
That's up to your meta. If it's zoo and aggro heavy, yes.if you're running into life loss problems, I would Mainboard another crypt incursion.
Deck testing will tell.
September 8, 2016 12:42 p.m.
delusiions says... #9
@jamesfiek not to sound rude by any means, but the description talks about glims and why it isnt in the deck, at the moment the extra 4 or 5 cards milled isnt worth the 150 dollar upgrade.
TheSurgeon says... #1
Personally, I would take out 2x Mind Funeral and one sculpt for the phantasms. You have plenty of mill power, It'll lower your cmc for the deck, and you could take this down to 20 land leaving you room for say 2x MB Darkness?
September 7, 2016 9:13 p.m.