The central theme around this deck is growth, your goal is to grow as quickly as possible to the point where your opponent will have trouble stopping your actions.
Thraben Inspector, and
Inventor's Apprentice are two cards I'm very divided about. Both are early game cards one provides an early game draw and an artifact that will allow you to boost tireless tracker mid, to late game, or give you a nice draw. While
Inventor's Apprentice Is just a strong card while there is an artifact present, however without
Thraben Inspector around, the only way you'll have an artifact out early game is with
Animation Module.
Reckless Fireweaver Once out will constantly output minimal damage to your opponent via artifact drops that will happen occasionally.
Voltaic Brawler is great early, to late game card that will give you great stab thanks to it's trample effect.
Pia Nalaar is not a high priority in this deck, but can be a great late game surprise, as she can help you break past a troublesome creature that may be blocking your path.
Thalia's Lieutenant is your main priority in this deck, he gives his power to every human on the field, and gains power from every human that enters the field, he will constantly be generating +1/+1 counters for you, and the field that will be used mainly in conjunction with
Animation Module, which will then summon a servo that'll feed into
Reckless Fireweaver effect.
Hanweir Militia Captain Once you reach mid-game this card will grow substantially due to the amount of creatures you'll have on the field at this point, and will only help it, and
Thalia's Lieutenant grow more once it transforms.
Tireless Tracker triggers
Reckless Fireweaver, generates a clue, and on sacrifice will cause a trigger on
Animation Module for another additional servo that will trigger once again on
Reckless Fireweaver.Lastly we have
Verdurous Gearhulk Which overall is just a good card that will over power your creatures, trigger
Animation Module,
Reckless Fireweaver, and will give you great mid to late game power thanks to it's stats, and trample effect.
Needless to say it's biggest weakness would probably be heavy removal, or a bant related deck.