Inspired Madness

Modern Sjorpha


landofMordor says... #1

More Vehicles, if you're going with Inspired! Those guys are usually too small to connect reliably, so tapping outside of combat is good. You can't rely on the High Priest to make that happen every time.

I would cut Bomat Courier, Demigod of Revenge, and Vexing Devil in lieu of Dark Withering, Alms of the Vein (an all-star), Cathartic Reunion or Faithless Looting. Those other cards lack synergy except by being self-recurring in Revenge's case.

Either way, though, love this! Original and effective.

June 13, 2017 6:54 a.m.

Sjorpha says... #2

landofMordor Thanks for the feedback.

Alms of the Vein is great in certain matchups, but IMO not good enough to mainboard. As you can see I have it in the SB here versus burn and to swap for Fiery Temper against decks without small creatures.

The synergy of Demigod of Revenge in this deck is with Disciple of Deceit, when you untap Diciple you put one god in the grave and get the other one to play for putting both (or more) on the field, or if you need Voldaren Pariah or any of the 5 CMC sideboard cards you get that the first activation, then on second activation put Pariah on the field with madness and get a new god. Demigod also has great synergy with self discard in general, and is awesomw against control since the cast trigger can't be countered. For me it has been super good.

Bomat Courier is a discard outlet and hand refiller that's also aggressive, plus he turns on our Skirsdag High Priest on demand and flips liliana heretic healer, it is also a very good card against Living End which is no the rise in modern. Vexing Devil is good early pressure, turns on skirsdag, flips liliana and comes back the same turn, and can be picked up with Grave Scrabbler for more pressure. This deck goes for burn/aggro and aims to pressure the life total fast, and the self sacrifice effects are an important part of the synergy with making sure there are creatures dying and put in the grave to recur.

So far in testing the copters, skirsdag and attacks have been enough to tap my stuff, but I'm considering adding a 1-off Cultivator's caravan or a 4th copter, you don't really want more than 1 vehicle in play though, so they are often bad topdecks which is why I run 3 and rely on looting and Diciple activations to find one. I used to run this with 4 Caravans and Asylum Seeker for crewing, but I like this version better since the copters doubles as a discard outlet.

June 13, 2017 10:20 a.m.

mindset905 says... #3

Ahh Vexing Devil I remember you! I loved playing him in standard with Hellrider. Great aggro red deck that was..

Anyways. Great looking deck..lots of synergy..wouldnt wanna play against it that's for sure. Only suggestion I have is having Ash Zealot in your sideboard. Believe it or not she has won me quite a few games against the flashback/Snapcaster Mage players. You got my vote!

November 23, 2017 6:02 a.m.

Sjorpha says... #4

Thanks mindset905, I like the suggestion of Ash Zealot in SB. What would you take out?

November 23, 2017 7:51 a.m.

bah-bammmm says... #5

i would add more fetches, probably Scalding Tarn

November 25, 2017 2:11 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #6

bah-bammmm I suppose one of the Darkslick shores could be a scalding tarn, but I'm not sure if going to 7 fetches is worth the pain. This deck doesn't care much about the 4th land so the fastlands really shine. I might try it out.

November 27, 2017 4:05 p.m.

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