My instant reanimater deck. +1 if you like it.
The idea is to cast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn,
or Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur in turn 1 - 4 with Goryo's Vengeance
is the fastest way to win the game. You reanimate
as early as turn 1. and then uses his abillity to draw cards, until you hit a
Fury of the Horde
, you should now have a bunch of red cards aswell, which you exile as an alternate cost for
Fury of the Horde
you can now attack again, and repeat the process until opponent is killed.
The Emrakul play works because the text says "When Emrakul is put into a graveyard" Meaning that it hits the graveyard and that the shuffle effect goes to the stack, this is where i can respond with Goryo's Vengeance since it's an instant. :)
The Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur play is also a little special because you want to get both the effects.
T1 (or T2): You discard your Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
T2 (or T3): You pass the turn without using your mana. and when they pass the turn you respond in their end step by casting your Goryo's Vengeance and take up Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur which will mean that they have to discard their hand, and since you cast it in their end step you will not have to exile your Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur before it's your own end step because the efftect goes on the stack when you go into your end step, which means you can draw 7 cards! :)
The turn 1 kill..
You will need:
, 1x land(needs to make black for Goryo's) 1x Faithless Looting 1x Goryo's Vengeance 2x Simian Spirit Guide
These 6 cards, and you are almost secured a turn 1 kill.
T1: drop Blood Crypt and take 2 for untapped. Exile Simian Spirit Guide for 1 red and cast faithless looting draw 2 and then discard you
and what else you don't need for the combo to go off. exile second Simian Spirit Guide for another red and tap your Blood Crypt for black, cast your Goryo's Vengeance target griselbrand. attack for 7. and draw until you hit
Fury of the Horde
untap and attack again. repeat until victory.
The cool thing is that you have 9 draws to hit the 6 cards you need even if you are not on the draw because of Faithless Looting