Updated February 28th, 2019


I first got introduced into Magic the Gathering back in 2003 in middle school, I played for around a year before I stopped. Flash forward to the year of 2013, exactly a decade later I got re-introduced to Magic, my friends introduced to a new format called Elder Dragon Highlander (now commonly called as Commander) and I been in love with the format ever since. The interaction, the social actions, the fun and janky combos you don't see elsewhere, and the absolute fun is what drew me into the format as well as the deck building. Currently as of 2017 I found my style of play and that is Combo-Control with a splash of Aggro. I am a hyper competitive player and I absolutely hate to lose, I tune all my decks to be a efficient as possible but I dislike using popular commanders. My dream is to one day build all the Planar Chaos Dragons into efficient deck. With that being said, enjoy the format and let us all have fun!

Intet has a long and rich history. She is my first commander deck built and my longest lasting companion over the past 4+ years. She came from a poorly constructed Ceta (Temur) modern deck that was scrapped into my EDH deck, Intet has always been with me since I first started magic so it made sense to me to start her anew at the helm of my deck. In the very beginning when the deck was being built and fleshed out, it was stocked up full of counter magic and good stuff creatures that can be cheated out using Intet's ability. Those were the days I ran Hamletback Goliath and Omniscience to out value other players. It was definitely not the best and I had a lot of fun with her, my meta wasn't competitive at the time however I got curb stomped quite often. This led me to my drive of refining and constantly revising Intet to be the best that she can be. More often than not the deck felt too clunky and was not able to react to certain situations, eventually I started to see what works and what didn't work. My whole meta than was beginning to be filled with infinite combo players, one shot commanders by turn three, and complete lock down decks.

Over the next several months and eventually years Intet went over multitude of iterations from, good stuff to infinite combos, combo to hybrid aggro combo, and now to spellslinger combo. The banning of Prophet of Kruphix definitely led to a huge revamp and now what you see in the current iteration of Intet is the work of four years of playtesting, constant refinement, and asskicking. Intet is one of my proudest deck that I have developed and I have many fond memories that I cherish with her, now hope you enjoy her as much as I do!

Deck Breakdown

Intet, the Dreamer

While there are many other choices in the Temur colors, I would have to say she is the most creative and fun commander to play out in comparison to the others. There is no "set" build that you would have to build your commander around and plus just for you can cast any nonland card she exiles. The randomness! The suspense! The surprise! She is definitely fun to play and if you like to have fun, Intet surely won't disappoint.

Animar, Soul of Elements : Animar, Animar, Animar, you are known as the combo king. Infinitely bouncing back and forth creatures so you can one shot people. I'm well aware of the strength of Animar, but these types of decks usually tend to be creature-centric. Great commander all around, but doesn't give the flexibility and build that I have created with Intet. If you want to lay the smackdown, go for Animar!

Maelstrom Wanderer : This is the commander that Intet gets compared to a lot when choosing commanders that do similar things. While Maelstrom is an amazing commander, what he falls short of is the flexibility and the linear games. Essentially most of the competitive Maelstrom decks tend to do is ramp, ramp, ramp, cast Wanderer, Cascade, Cascade, swing with hasted creatures or combo off. If you like doing the same thing every game then Maelstrom Wanderer is the right one for you!

Riku of Two Reflections : The other direct competition with Intet. Riku in many ways is just as fun as Intet, however the biggest downside is that Riku is even more mana hungry then Intet, and that is saying something because Intet LOVES mana. The biggest pro with Riku is that they could copy spells but this version of Intet is not all about that, we are abusing spells via combat tricks. Plus the decklist will be a bit different if using Riku.

Surrak Dragonclaw : The Temur Khan of Tarkir, I personally ran him as part of the 99 in the beginning iteration of my Intet deck when I went against a more control oriented pod, but once my deck got more efficient he got cut as there were limited amount of slots and he didn't do enough. Still his ability is not that game changing but has its uses, especially when you are using a creature combo deck.

Yasova Dragonclaw : The most recent addition to the Temur generals, her abilities are more subpar in EDH. Being only a 4/2 does not give much of a threat and her abilities does not allow you win games, it is also very reliant on the creatures your opponent controls. She is better off in the territories of Tiny Leaders in my opinion.

Thrasios, Triton Hero , Kraum, Ludevic's Opus , Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix , Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist , and Tana, the Bloodsower : The latest generals which features the partner ability, having two commanders is awesome, but these ones don't do exactly what I want to do. They're not bad but other combinations in the other colors make them really shine and Temur doesn't do that for them.

Consecrated Sphinx : One of the biggest bait for players to target. If it resolves then your forcing your opponents to use one their spells to kill it, if not you have just gained a ton of advantage once it goes a full rotation. Consecrated Sphinx is a bomb that no one wants to let on the field ever, which is why we run it. :P

Eternal Witness : If there was any staple green creature since the inception of EDH, this would be the one of the very first one. There is no reason why any green deck should not be running her. Being able to reuse spells is a solid play, especially if it nets you an extra turn. Also a back up line with JTMS to go into infinite turns in the event that Seasons Past gets exiled or taken.

Snapcaster Mage : With the new iteration of Intet, Snapcaster is able to win games and save just as many games. The addition of wheels and toolbox utility has made Snapcaster definitely earned it's place into Intetsu.

Vexing Shusher : Value tech creature that not much people make use of. As long as you have the mana, all of your spells are essentially uncounterable, this card is lit.

Counterspells won't be explained as they are self-explanatory

Autumn's Veil : Protection against removal and anti-blue tech.

Brainstorm : One of the best cards for instant top deck manipulation, say you have a great card in hand but can't cast it but Intet is out on the field, Brainstorm solves your problem :)

Crop Rotation : Extremely important card for our deck, this is used to tutor for mainly Cavern of Souls or Boseiju, Who Shelters All . There are plenty of other options as well but those mentioned above are our go to targets.

Cyclonic Rift : This card is slowly getting hated by certain decks, any anti-blue player will hate this card with a passion. It. Is. That. Good. Which is why we run it, any competitive deck should be able to stabilize after a rift overloaded. I have lost count how many times I have used Mystical Tutor to grab Cyclonic Rift.

Heroic Intervention : Flex card spot atm, but very useful in the situations where people are doing targeted removal or having that mass destruction spell.

Intuition : All around amazing card, allows us for several packages. One of our guaranteed ways to gain access to our Seasons Past combo.

Krosan Grip : Split second removal is always useful when you need to stop something on the stack. In my meta it also helps stops the other combo players from going off. Highly suggest this card to be used in any decks that uses green.

Long-Term Plans : One of the few cards that is not black which can grab ANY card from your library. Perfect for timing a top deck manipulation or if you have Sensei's Divining Top , Scroll Rack , or Sylvan Library out.

Mystical Tutor : The true MVP for Intet's combat tricks. Main targets are for Expropriate or Seasons Past , depending on the board state this can auto win you the game or net you an huge advantage.

Nature's Claim : Solid one mana removal, currently one of the best to run in green.

Nexus of Fate : Recent addition to the deck, still play testing but I see potential.

Noxious Revival : While not great in most decks, this card absolutely shines in decks that uses top deck manipulation. While also uncommonly used to screw over other decks that like to play with their graveyards since it can target any card in any players' graveyard.

Volcanic Fallout : Currently tech into the deck due to the prevalence of a lot of weenies and dorks. Also to stop them annoying Aven Mindcensor as well as Tymna the Weaver .

All ramp cards are self explanatory.

Blasphemous Act : More often than not we need a board clear, in the most recent meta we are coming often to needing a boardwipe, this helps tremendously. Can be swapped with Evacuation if need to be.

Expropriate : After testing this card out, it is definitely game ending and worth the cut to replace Walk the Aeons .

Gamble : I finally added it in, another tutor is always great even with the downside. You won't care as much as we do run a lot of recursion, just hope that your not unlucky.

Merchant Scroll : Auto grabs utility straight to the hand, any tutor is a good tutor in my book. Especially to grab that last minute Cyclonic Rift or Intuition .

Personal Tutor : Do it before combat with Intet and manipulate your flip. That is what Intet is all about.

Ponder : Acts as a secondary top deck manipulator, card advantage, or even as a shuffle effect.

Preordain : Card advantage is everything as well as manipulation of the library.

Pyroclasm : With the light creature build we are running as well as having a commander with 6/6, this light board wipe works well against going wide strategies. Useful also at early game as well as mid game.

Reforge the Soul : Another wheel, useful for the miracle.

Regrowth : OG recursion, with all the spells we are running we can definitely reuse some effects. At worse this seconds as a land drop when we need one.

Seasons Past : The shining star behind Mystical Tutor . When you have access to 12 mana and an extra turn spell along with Mystical Tutor, you win if no one can counter your spells. This goes into an infinite extra turn loop.

Temporal Manipulation : Another time warp card, there is never enough to have more extra turns. Now if only I can get that last extra turn card, Capture of Jingzhou ...

Temporal Mastery : Can be great in many ways, top decking for miracle, casting for free with Intet, hardcasting or even tutoring for that miracle extra turn with Mystical Tutor . A very versatile card to run.

Time Spiral : One of the best spells to flip with Intet, if you are already going off with extra turns and need that refill. Combined with Mystical Tutor is a deadly combo, however be aware that this will also give your opponents the advantage also.

Time Stretch : One of the top target choice with Mystical Tutor . Getting to 10 mana and hard casting is not hard as well, there were a couple times where I had to do that, but it's worth it. Can be game ending in certain situations.

Time Warp : Intet really likes to take her time, having more turns is the way to go. Extra turns also allows you to combo out faster and ramp up more before the clock starts ticking. Grabbing this back with Eternal Witness means happy days.

Vandalblast : Good at any point of the game, and most of the time it is artifacts that can really hamper my plans.

Wheel of Fortune : Recent addition to Intet, with the way we use our cards, Intet runs out of gas real quick. This can also potentially disrupt your opponents in getting rid of their combo pieces. Do remember though this also refills their hands.

Windfall : Blue version of wheel, just as great. Always happy to see this card in my hand.

Carpet of Flowers : More of a meta call. We have a ton of blue players, each pod is guaranteed to have at least one blue player. This makes the cut for that very reason.

Exploration : With the re-instated Vancouver mulligan rules, I needed a more consistent way of getting out Intetsu more early. This card will allow me to have much more early game plays..

Mystic Remora : With all the advantage in burst plays, you will need ways to refill your gas to keep the pressure going. This is a burst card draw that will net you draws as no one will really pay for a Sensei's Divining Top or even a cost mana rock. This will need good timing if using for mid or late game.

Rhystic Study : One of the reason why people kill this deck easily is the lack of card advantage. This is one of my answers to that.

Search for Azcanta  : Recent addition to the deck and still play testing. However it should work well as we do like tossing cards in the grave as well as the flip serves as card advantage to us, a majority of our deck is mostly non-creature spells.

Sylvan Library : I absolutely love this card. I would try to run this card in any of my green deck. The amount of power it can give is insane. The small price of 8 life to gain 3 cards is nothing when you are accelerating to win early game.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor : All relevant abilities, it's about time this actually is added into Intet. Don't know why I never added in the first place. Mainly used for 0 for the brainstorm effect, but can also use the -1 to bounce back E-Wit to abuse Time Warp .

All mana rock cards are self explanatory.

Scroll Rack : One of the premiere top deck manipulation enablers you have available. Allowing Intet to have full access to whatever you want to free cast is an amazing ability to have. This combined with Sensei's Divining Top allows you to rig your whole deck!

Sensei's Divining Top : Oh yeah top deck manipulation at it's finest. The self inherent ability to protect itself aside from split-second spells gives it the utmost value over other top deck manipulators such as Soothsaying or Mirri's Guile .

Ancient Tomb : Competitive staple, why wouldn't you run this amazing land?

Boseiju, Who Shelters All : Yeah so my answer to all those control players, Intet doesn't like her dreams being interrupted.

Cavern of Souls : Another anti-control element. There is no specific creature I call, but generally it's Dragons well because...ya know...Intet is a dragon...duh.

Kessig Wolf Run : Nobody ever expects a Kessig Wolf Run beat down. Intet ramps super hard no doubt, with all that mana, Intet can definitely kill someone in two turns or even one!

Reliquary Tower : With all the card engines in this deck, this staple is of course needed. Otherwise you will have to be discarding your hand constantly.

Main Strengths:

  • Flexibility
  • Interaction
  • Disruption

Intet's highlight is the fact that she can ramp up super fast and the longer the game runs, the easier she gets to play as well as the chances to go for your combo protected. We also have a plethora of protection in the form of Boseiju, Who Shelters All and Vexing Shusher to ensure that our spells don't get countered as well as a toolbox utility suite to disrupt other opponents plan. We also run quite a bit of recursion so all cards that are used can be reused again. Wheels are our best friend as it helps us refill our hand to keep a fresh seven every time. All our resources are for value and you won't be disappointed to see most of the cards we draw.

Main Weaknesses:

  • Reliance on Intet
  • Stax/Resource Denial
  • Linear Strategy
  • Hyper Aggro

Like most decks, this deck was built to revolve around Intet. All the spells are used to boost her abilities and to combo off with her. Stax and resource denial, especially MLD hurts Intet the most as we do rely on having quite a bit of mana, needing at a minimum of 7 mana before attempting to go off as well as the set up. We are also running a linear strategy so cards like Stranglehold does stop us cold as well as Aven Mindcensor as we tutor fairly often as well our main venue of winning is through extra turns. Lastly hyper aggro deck that focuses you down in one shot is a problem as we don't run too many creatures and we can't chunk block much either. Against those match up we need to draw a removal spell or counter threats.

This is the bread and butter of Intet's build and the way we win. There are a couple requirements to fulfill and Intet bypass a couple of them. First off in order to start this combo we need 12 mana ( and for colors). The basic cards are Seasons Past , Time Warp , and Mystical Tutor , essentially how it works is that we cast Time Warp to gain an extra turn, cast Season's Past to grab back our Time Warp and any other goodies, cast Mystical Tutor to put back Season's Past back on top of the deck. Begin the next turn and start all over with the exception of Season's Past grabbing Mystical Tutor as well, and now we begin ad infinitum.

Now Intet shortens the process when we have her on the field, essentially she cuts the mana requirement down to 9. So all we need is to have enough mana to cast our extra turn as well as our tutor, so in best case scenario that would be our Time Warp , Mystical Tutor , and her cost to activate her ability.

That is how the Season's Past combo works for our deck to go infinite turns, simple no?

Deck Piloting

Optimally what you want to have in your hand will be something akin to:

The cards you would never generally want to see in your opening hands are your high costed extra turn spells like Expropriate or Time Stretch . Generally our CMC curve is quite low and if you have access to Scroll Rack we can pitch them away and use our fetches to reshuffle our library. We can mulligan pretty aggressively as we run quite a bit of wheels to refresh our hand while messing with other people's tempo.

In the beginning of the game there are a couple goals you want to set up for.

  1. Card Advantage (CA) Engine
  2. Top Deck Manipulation
  3. Fast Ramp

Any one of these are essential in the early game. Keeping your hand fully refreshed allows you to have plenty of interaction the longer games carry out as well as allows you to steadily progress your game plan. Disruption is also key in terms of early wheels or countering key resource advantage for opponents.

Mid-game is where you start to assemble the pieces for your combo. Your goals around this time is:

  1. Casting Intet
  2. Access to 7 mana
  3. Combat Tricks

Your whole deck relies on Intet so preferably you need to get her on the battlefield and needs to stay on the battlefield long enough to trigger one combat. From here you need to gain enough mana to recast your extra turn spells from manipulating the top of the library or using combat tricks like Mystical Tutor or Personal Tutor . Important cards around the set up step is to also gain access to Boseiju, Who Shelters All or Vexing Shusher .

Late-game your goal is the same as mid-game but with more protection back up. You will need to gain access to your anti-control cards as well as use your toolbox utility suite to stop other people. Luckily we are built to last and will eventually out value other players as we are a goodstuff spell slinger deck. Don't be afraid to go for it as we can pressure our opponents to win at any time once we hit at least 9 mana which is fairly easy with all the ramp we have access to. The important part at this point is maintaining CA.

If ya have any comments on how to improve the deck lemme know below.

+1 インテットが好き!!!


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Added in new section, and changing the list into a primer! Lemme know if there are changes to be added so everyone can read it easier!

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93% Competitive

Revision 11 See all

(5 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.55
Folders Decks to remeber, +1, Commander, A EDH Playtest, Deck2, Decks I like, RUG Decks, Decks to Get, Ideas for Commander Decks, Good Decks
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