Intet of Infinite Dreams | Primer
Commander / EDH
My Yennett deck has similar stats. I've managed to go off on Turn 1 only once, with a God draw. Turn 2s are possible too but Turns 3-5 are more common. I've a section in my Primer that covers what kind of draws would facilitate comboing off early ("As Easy as ABC").
The 1st spell I'd tutor for, is Expropriate too. By now, players are wise not to grant us more extra turns but ramping us by 3 extra lands is almost lethal too and many scoop if this is casted on Turns 2-3.
Given that I don't have access to green ramps, I rely heavily on artifacts, so I run all Signets, Talismans and Grim Monolith .
January 28, 2019 8:35 p.m.
BelugaWhale217 says... #3
Its cool. I was just curious about intet after my friend built her (is it a she?). Do you have any budget suggestions that arent on the list?
January 28, 2019 9:56 p.m.
hkhssweiss says... #4
Yes BelugaWhale217, Intetsu is a she haha!
Hmmm, if your going for the same type of play style there are plenty of budget options, every thing is just going to be slowed down due to CMC cost of the cards.
I'll post a budget list in a couple hours and send ya a link to it.
I got the "God" hand quite a few times in my several iterations of Intet, but they aren't ever T1 wins, they are T1 Intet into T2 wins. 6 CMC is quite hard, but any day I get T3 Intet it gets really hard to stop her. Haha I would love to duke out the decks between us two, it would seem really fun since we run time walk tribal decks! ^^
January 29, 2019 4:10 a.m.
hkhssweiss says... #5
Here is a budget list, it can still work, but you lose out severely on the top deck manipulation. It's definitely fun to play though!
Intet of Infinite Dreams | Budget
Commander / EDH
January 29, 2019 6:09 p.m.
Link to this deck has been created in my Yennett Primer for those who are exploring other Top Deck Matters commander and are keen to give Intet a go.
Check it out and let me know if the write up was adequate for Intet. Cheers!
March 10, 2019 9:56 p.m.
hkhssweiss says... #7
Thanks Cloudius! I saw the link in your deck description, it is great! I'm going to revamp all my primers when I have time I been wanting to add in a couple new sections to all my pages but I have been swamped unfortunately :(
I'll definitely keep you posted though and hope you clear all those milestones!
March 11, 2019 5:49 a.m.
scotchtapedsleeves says... #8
Hey again, just wondering since it seems like you're using a pretty unedited version of my Marchesa stylesheet here, if you don't mind crediting me for the sheet that would be great. Even if you've edited it I'd like it if you could credit me for using my sheet as a template.
I love the backgrounds that you're finding though, I can never find good pictures to use as deck backgrounds!
April 25, 2019 11:08 a.m.
hkhssweiss says... #9
Yeah that's no problem buddy! I haven't had the chance to update the decks primer or any sort as I did finally scrapped this deck so I am not using it anymore :/
April 26, 2019 6:28 a.m.
Goblin_Guide says... #10
Wow, a very thoughtful description of an obviously treasured deck! The least I can do is upvote. I won't even try to think of additions.
hkhssweiss says... #1
On a good hand T3 is the average, with any sort of tutor. As usually the go to is straight into Expropriate . Averagely nowadays with interruption it's on T6 with most hands.
I slowed the deck down, due to removing Mox Diamond to go into my Kess deck, as well as Gemstone Caverns so my bursty plays aren't as often. Since the addition of counterspells, it's been more resilient and with the reuse effect of Seasons Past I gain incremental advantage with every extra turn. Even if I don't go infinite turns, by the time I start the chain I have an overwhelming advantage and 1-2 players are usually killed since Intet is a big 6/6 flyer. I'm also curious on how your Yennett deck does as I wanted to build her, but decided against it since it would be exactly as your deck list :P
January 28, 2019 7:54 p.m.