Into the Dragons' Lair
May 31, 2013
The debut was pretty much a bust. In a four-way battle against 2 zombies decks and a deck named "The Toolkit," wasn't getting anything but enchantments, instants, and mana for 10 turns after having 2 low power creatures I had from my opening hand. Ultimately, I lost but was the last to be elimatated.
The second bout was much, much better. In a three-way battle: Turn #1: Mountain Turn #2: Forest then Rampant Growth and brought out a Swamp Turn #3: Mountain, tap 3G mana and play Elvish Piper Turn #4: Savage Lands, Tap 1RR and play Dragonspeaker Shaman Before the end of second opponent's turn Tap a forest and Elvish Piper and brought out Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Turn #5: Tap 1RR and play a second Dragonspeaker Shaman, then tapped a forest and Elvish Piper and brought out Utvara Hellkite. Attacked opponent with Utvara Hellkite and Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund (while getting two 6/6 dragon tokens) for 13 points of damage. Opponent down to 7 Life Turn #6: Dragonskull Summit, Tapped 3 BR and played Sarkhan the Mad then used his Third Ability: "!: Each Dragon creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target player." on second opponent, dealing 25 points of damage and taking opponent out of the game. Proceeded to attack remaining opponent with the two dragon tokens (keeping the more important creatures, Karrthus and Utvara, out of harms in case of something) for 12 points and knocking opponent out of the game and claiming victory for myself
DeathBySprnkles says... #2
Honestly, I don't know. I've never actually had a 60 card deck so I can only guess the odds might not help you. I play casually and after playing this deck, I have had matches go either way. There were battles that were one sided for me and vice versa on others. So in my opinion, if you're doing tournaments and such, don't but if you're doing for fun, give it a shot and see what happens.
May 29, 2013 5:47 p.m.
I only play casual games, the highest I ever went was 70. I usually keep my decks around 60 because thats just the way I was thought. I tend to do above 70 when I am creating a brand new deck, I trim it down afterwards.
Its a nice deck you got there, I love decks with dragons in them.
May 30, 2013 9:59 a.m.
DeathBySprnkles says... #4
Thank you! I always wanted to make a dragon deck for a couple of years, but when I saw Utvara Hellkite I knew it was time to make it.
May 30, 2013 5:49 p.m.
I always wanted the same thing, I finally found a way to make dragons and use counters at the same time. Utvara Hellkite is probably the only exception I added into my devour dragon deck. Its like having have a Dragon Broodmother all by itself, it was too good not put in the deck.
obitus says... #1
How does the card odd feel with 80 cards? I always wanted to try higher than 60 but never spent time to calculate the odds of a card.
December 15, 2012 10:41 a.m.