Niccolo Machiavelli- The Prince

Commander / EDH fragarach97


landofMordor says... #1

Love the name. Love it.

Maybe Chromatic Lantern out (since you're only 2 colors) for one of your maybeboard? And Jitte or the Top? I know those are power cards in the right deck, but this doesn't seem like that deck...that's just from a preliminary glance, but hit me up if I can help more!

June 10, 2017 12:02 p.m.

fragarach97 says... #2

landofMordor You're right about the Lantern, I sort of tossed it in because I had one I wasn't using and I had a few less impressive cards I wanted to cut. Once I get my hands on a better rock for the deck, I'll be glad to drop it. As for top and Jitte, I feel like Top just goes in everything due to the selection and how powerful that is... besides, I'm generally lacking in things to do turn one, so the question for me is more of a "Why not"?

Onto Jitte, I've had that question raised quite a bit, and it boils down to a couple things:

One- It builds into Vela's insane flexibility. It's a highly flexible equipment that gives me a variety of effects depending on the situation, and this deck enjoys being able to change gears on the fly, even if it isn't my turn.

Two- It's a meta call. I face a lot of Kaalia, Purphoros, Ezuri, Sram, and other small commanders that Jitte makes mince meat out of. I know Purphoros isn't small, but the lifegain really helps me stabilize.

That said, you've given me some stuff to think about and consider, so thanks!

June 10, 2017 12:24 p.m.

alvinthegreat says... #3

Perhaps Sakashima's Student instead of Phyrexian Metamorph? It fits the ninja subtheme and has an additional surprise factor, not to mention it usually will only cost you two mana.

June 10, 2017 9:52 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #4

Absolutely include Faerie Artisans. I use it in my keranos deck and it's wonderful. You're getting so many ETB triggers with it.

I'm curious about muddle the mixture. Black has so many unconditional Tutors, why use one with such limitations? I'd suggest Sidisi, Undead Vizier. Unconditional tutor and you'll get a vela trigger off him.

I'd also suggest Phyrexian Arena in place of Bident of Thassa. The arena slowly gives card advantage over the long haul. It's an Enchantment that tends not to get hated out.

If you're looking for cards to cut, maybe Grave Titan. Amazing card but does it really fit with the theme of the deck? It's either a good aggro card or a good token sacrifice card. You're not really doing either.

June 11, 2017 3:14 a.m.

fragarach97 says... #5

MegaMatt13 Thanks for the comment! You're right about Arena over Bident, and once I come into possession of one I'll be more than happy to cut one for the other. Bident CAN be more explosive, but it's more expensive and somewhat more conditional, so thanks.

Now you said you were curious about Muddle The Mixture, the thing is only use it as a tutor some of the time, mostly when it isn't relevant as a counter against some of the combo and spell-based decks I face. I run it for its flexibility and, while Sidisi is amazing, I don't think she can offer me the same level of flexibility as Muddle. Also, I don't want to primarily be a combo deck and would rather keep in my theme of flexibility, winning in the same way over and over again is boring to me. I didn't mention that in the description, so I thought I'd say that here.

Grave Titan is one such way to win, yes sometimes through just having an army of zombies and cloning him repeatedly, but largely in other ways. Him in tandem with Dire Undercurrents is retarded, curves well, shreds hands in half, and is retarded. The zombies get Intimidate too, making them excellent fodder to Ninjitsu over. The biggest thing, however, is how he simultaneously attracts and deters boardwipes in this deck. We'll fast have an army, making them want to, but when they do so they're gonna lose A LOT of life thanks to our Commander. Also because of that, Grave Titan is capable of turning our Wraths into kill spells. The final reason is that he just feels so good to both clone and slap a Blade of Selves on, and those are both things this deck REALLY enjoys doing.

That said, I will certainly add Sidisi to the maybeboard! My metas sort of edging away from the graveyard based strategies, so I feel like I'll be able to cut a couple things. Finally, what I'm mostly looking for is more ways to fill the bottom of my creature curve. Any cheaply costed creatures you think could assist?

June 11, 2017 12:08 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #6

Now you've explained Grave Titan, I totally see how it fits in here :)

Low curve creatures? I like Merciless Executioner and Fleshbag Marauder. They also will trigger your commander as you sacrifice them.

Also really like Ophiomancer. Great rattlesnake and if your snake token gets killed... Great.. Another Vela trigger for you.

June 11, 2017 4:53 p.m.

fragarach97 says... #7

MegaMatt13 How on earth did they slip my mind XD? Thanks for the advice, I'll work out cuts once I'm home.

June 11, 2017 8:16 p.m.

rotimislaw says... #8

Now Plaguecrafter has an upside over Merciless Executioner and Fleshbag Marauder ;)

January 22, 2020 1:30 p.m.

ObserverWill says... #9

Cool deck idea. I especially like the idea of Palinchron and had thought about putting it in one of my decks. Have you found that card to be effective?

May 18, 2022 12:37 p.m.

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