Invention Black

Modern DuTogira


rolfMTG says... #1

Dear DuTogera,

I think there's some wrong information in the description. For example, under Combo-Ad Nauseam is written that you shoud board in Leyline of Sanctity and Golgari Charm, but neither of these are actually in either the main- or sideboard.I thought I'd notify you.

But, I really like this deck. +1 from me!

February 13, 2017 5:08 p.m.

rolfMTG says... #2

Oh, now I notice that everything listed in this description belongs to "The architect of Oz" deck.

February 13, 2017 5:10 p.m.

DuTogira says... #3

Yeah, I do that for a lot of my deck descriptions. It's easier than rewriting all of the code

February 13, 2017 5:14 p.m.

Scytheman7 says... #5

so i love this deck, but i have to ask. could you cast walking ballista from whir? because if you can im pretty sure thats just better than longbow isn't it? it would get around the odd leyline of sanctity... kinda.

March 2, 2017 9:52 p.m.

DuTogira says... #6

You can, but if you whir for ballista it can only be for 0. ballista will enter the battlefield as a 0/0 and die to state based effects.

March 2, 2017 9:58 p.m.

Gotae says... #7

So I know this hasn't been updated in a little while but I wanted to say that I think Perplex would be a better fit than muddle the mixture. While muddle does hit a lot of the powerful cards in this deck, the problem you brought up is that grand architect is very important and very hard to find, but with perplex over muddle that will help a lot with that. but the major point here is that you wouldn't be able to tutor for win cons given if you combo off but thats where I think perplex would come in stronger. if you have infinite mana then you can transmute perplex into whir of invention then whir for the win condition, meaning you wouldn't even have to take out/move any win cons around. that is also true for if you need a pili pala since you're losing the transmute for it but in slower games you can just transmute perplex into whir then whir in pili pala at instant speed which in some cases could be better (in the circumstances that you dont have an aether vial). what would your thoughts be on this?

June 24, 2017 5:51 p.m.

DuTogira says... #8

It's a mixed bag. Unfortunately, Perplex is terrible as a counterspell; those cards that are worth countering in modern are also cards worth discarding your hand to not lose (meaning perplex won't counter them). Muddle the Mixture can protect architect from removal for UU, which has the same effect as losing architect and spending UU to Tutor another into play, which Perplex can't do.
Admittedly, the flaw in this logic is forced discard on turns 1-4 (when this deck cantrips and sets up), which there is plenty of in modern.
The truth is that muddle is the only transmute card that's still playable when not transmuted, meaning it's the best transmute option, but if there were a good 3 drop transmuter I'd definitely prefer it to muddle for the reasons you stated.

June 24, 2017 6:10 p.m.

Scytheman7 says... #9

I actually still run a tweaked version of the deck running both Muddle and Perplex. It's certainly rare that Perplex is an efficient counterspell, but having 4 more copies of Architect has been worth it thus far. Every so often forcing my opponents to choose has stolen a win. The only other option is a 0/5 defender creature iirc, and honestly I'd rather a bad counterspell that replaces for my hardest combo piece to find.

June 30, 2017 12:56 p.m.

Icbrgr says... #10

ooooooh! this is neat! when i first saw Profane Command i rolled my eyes...until i realized what was happening here... very cool versatile brew! do you have any thought about Swiftfoot Boots / Lightning Greaves for giving combo creatures haste/protection from spot removal?

February 20, 2019 9:52 p.m.

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