Jace, Architect of Thought = card advantage and aggro hosing.
Chandra, Pyromaster
and Ral Zarek have useful +1s. Chandra also provides quasi card advantage and inevitability. Ral puts me 2 mana ahead on my turns and 1 on theirs or can clear the way for a pumped
Frostburn Weird
. Ral also has the best ultimate ability of my walkers and can go unchecked if his friends are in play.
Running Dreadbore main because the early game is very dependent on
Frostburn Weird
and Anger of the Gods. Having 2 black mana for Hero's Downfall can be very inconsistent.
Far / Away and Turn / Burn give the deck flexibility and answers a wide range of cards.
Anger of the Gods is crucial to getting this deck to the late game. Exiling the creatures helps against Whip of Erebos
Rakdos Charm is in the sideboard to deal with mono black devotion whip decks. Kill the whip or remove all of its targets.
Frostburn Weird
saves the day as a wall that can go offensive if needed. Also it can survive the angry gods.
Master of Cruelties is good and can be an effective finisher with the right cards around it. With my recent changes to the deck he seemed to lose his umph. Needs more counters and burn to be reliable. In the maybeboard for now.
AEtherling is the main wincon, premier finisher for control decks.
Steam Augury is not getting the love it deserves. I don't care if they see what I draw, Jace does the same thing. Them knowing I have a counter or
Rakdos's Return
will make them play around it thus giving me control of the game. Rather than playing their game they will be focused on how to resolve their wincon or holding their counter for AEtherling.
Counterflux has been pretty consistent. I thought it might be hard to cast but it hasn't been. Nice to be able to nix Hero's Downfall, Sphinx's Revelation, or Dissolve.
An early Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is a game winner against aggro and mid-range decks. There are time when he is essentially 2-3 creatures for only 3 mana, value.
Ratchet Bomb
can be an extra sweeper. Also outside of Counterflux it is the only way to deal with enchantments like Detention Sphere and god forbid
Burning Earth
Comments and suggestions are much appreciated.