Inverted Crucifixion (RTR-THS)

Standard Rasta_Viking29


FNM 11/01/2013 6th out of 22 —Nov. 2, 2013

It was the smallest standard group I've seen at the shop. Went 2-1-1 and ended placing 6th out 22 players. I ended up dropping Master of Cruelties for +1x AEtherling +1x Ral Zarek before the night started.

Round 1 vs Mono-Black 1-1-1

Won the first game with AEtherling. Lost the 2nd game to Abhorrent Overlord hitting for 8 devotion, could not draw an Anger of the Gods Game three we ran out of time and ended on the last turn with me at 18 life and him at 2, but it goes down as a tie.

Round 2 vs W/g Aggro 2-1

First game was won by Frostburn Weird and rakdos return. Game 2 he got a great hand was able to overwhelm me. Game 3 I was able to stabilize at 6 life. Ashiok was able to put a Banisher Priest into play and remove Archangel of Thune. Finished him off with his Fleecemane Lion and priest.

Round 3 vs B/W/G Midrange 0-2

I had numerous play mistakes in this match. Just a solid deck that was based around Voice of Resurgence, Blood Baron of Vizkopa, and reaper of the wild. I need to analyze this match up some more.

Round 4 vs Esper control 2-1

Game 1 went to Esper with a Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Game 2 was won with AEtherling. We got started on game 3 with 9 mins left and I was worried we would end up in a draw. He had milled me 21 cards with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver I had a Jace, Architect of Thought with 2 counters and Frostburn Weird. Last turn of the game I had him at 7 life and swung with a pumped weird and resolved Ral Zarek and bolt his face. Fun win.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #1

I am toying with the idea of dropping Master of Cruelties from the deck and adding 1x AEtherling and 1x Stormbreath Dragon . Anyone have an opinion on this.

October 31, 2013 12:56 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #2

I am toying with the idea of dropping Master of Cruelties from the deck and adding 1x AEtherling and 1x Stormbreath Dragon . Anyone have an opinion on this.

October 31, 2013 12:59 p.m.

Hey, Rasta_Viking29, I have seen you comment on a couple of decks I have been looking at, and after looking at your decks, you seem to know what your doin. So, maybe if you could look at my Grixis Control mostly, but maybe my USA Control, and maybe show a little feedback with your opinion. Thanks.

October 31, 2013 10:03 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #4

Just bought 2x more Jace, Architect of Thought this morning. Got em for $34, quite the deal. I think 1x more in the main board is perfect for the deck, I'll try all 4 of them main but I'm not sure that it will work better.

Coming soon: -2x Master of Cruelties and +1x Jace, Architect of Thought +1x AEtherling

Master of Cruelties is good but a little fragile and I end up holding it waiting around for a counter to protect him, then we are talking turn 8 or later. Might sideboard him as he is good at nullifying lifegain, but then again maybe not as the decks that utilize lifegain can remove him easy.

November 1, 2013 12:43 p.m.