Inverted Crucifixion (RTR-THS)

Standard Rasta_Viking29


SCG IQ Littleton 11/09/13 —Nov. 10, 2013

The tournament was a disappointment overall. I didn't expect to win but I thought top 8 was a possibility. One of my wins was from a bye so the final record looks better than it really was. There was 37 players at the start and it dropped to 28 by the last round. I will be retiring this deck until the next set is released and hope for some help for Grixis. Struggling to remain competitive in most matches is tiring.

Overall: 2-3-1 25th out of 28

Game 1: B/G Dredge 1-2

Game 2: White Weenies 2-0

Game 3: G/R Monsters 1-2

Game 4: RDW 0-2

Game 5 : Bye

Game 6: Mono-Blue 1-1-1

trintin says... #1

Hi there! You should try Pithing Needle in sideboard against black devotion decks. B/W/G Midrange is a deal, maybe Domestication in SB, but not sure. Is it good to play only one temple? I think that you have 2 choises: 0 temples or 4 temples. Anyway good luck and beat them all :)

November 2, 2013 6:31 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #2

Pithing Needle is an option. I prefer what Rakdos Charm does in the matchup because it can remove whip and get rid of the lifegain. Pithing Needle has many other uses especially against planeswalkers but I have plenty of other ways to handle them.

Domestication is not a playable card. Even on the play stealing a 3/3 creature turn 4 is a tempo disadvantage. I'd much rather play a planeswalker, keep mana open for a counter, use removal ,or if the occasion calls for it Rakdos's Return .

November 4, 2013 10:49 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #3

I have all but decided to cut Magma Jet from the deck, it has under preformed. I end up using it for the scry more than anything. I am either going to replace it with Shock , Turn / Burn , or Steam Augury .

Shock would give me a cheap efficient way to kill mana dorks, Experiment One , Soldier of the Pantheon , Rakdos Cackler , and most importantly Mutavault . Magma Jet has not preformed well at this.

Turn / Burn loses scry2 but is much more versatile with Turn. Can kill indestructible creatures or Turn an attacking creature then block with Frostburn Weird to kill. Maintains relevance throughout the game.

Steam Augury I really like. I felt like I missed the extra card draw this past weekend relying only on Jace, Architect of Thought . The downside is that it gives me 10 4CMC at an already congested spot in my curve.

Mizzium Mortars is a possibility as well. I have liked it in the sideboard though as it is a narrow card.

Anyone have any thoughts on the change?

November 4, 2013 4:13 p.m.

vintr says... #4

im still working on mine.. but as far as Steam Augury I love it, but I hate luck is they put my wincon in the graveyard.

toying with the idea of using Inspiration Opportunity instead, but far from making a permanant decision.

November 5, 2013 3:51 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #5

November 5, 2013 4:11 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #6

vintr I always seem to get what I want with Steam Augury . I run 2 AEtherling , Frostburn Weird , and all the planeswalkers can win the game so im too worried about losing one. The straight forward way is to separate the card you need into its own pile and the other 4 in the other. You always win this way. I'll post some other scenarios when I get back to a computer.

I think I'm going to try out Shock main for 2 rounds Friday and then Steam Augury for 2.

November 5, 2013 4:27 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #7

*not too worried

November 5, 2013 4:28 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

So I won't be able to make it to FNM tomorrow but I'm going to a SCG IQ on Saturday. Still haven't decided what card I'm running in my last 2 slots. Here's my options:

Shock - aggro stoping, maintains relevance being combined with Anger of the Gods and my red walkers.

Steam Augury - great card draw and I could use more, creates a log jam at 4CMC though.

Quicken - I run a lot of sorceries and it essentially makes all of them more attractive and the cantrip will help me dig through my deck.

This is tough... going to sleep on it. Advice is very welcome.

November 7, 2013 10:42 p.m.

Castform says... #9

So after checking out the list I have a few options to add to your greater considerations list.

You mentioned having a rough time dealing with aggro, so if you want a heads up on decks like Naya and selesnia varients try Lifebane Zombie . It stomps them hard, takes a creature, puts an early clock, and even trades with more valuable creatures. Another creature to consider is Desecration Demon , as its body is huge and its offensive power can quickly turn the game in your favor.

Ral Zarek can be kind of clunky if its not in the right build. I played a tapout style control deck before innistrad rotation and he had lots of great synergy with the cards in the deck. Here I feel the slot could be used for something better like a 3rd Ashiok. You could also consider a Jace, Memory Adept as an alternate win condition.

Quicken is one of those cards that is deceptive. It seems great in theory but in practice it can be a bit meh. Example, when are you ever going to quicken thoughtseize? you were contempt about running izzet charm, but the charm is better here.

I have been testing AEtherize and it could be a fit here. Lets you keep mana up to counterspell, ect. and gives you the option to set your opponent back a turn or two. Combines well with counterspells.

November 8, 2013 8:18 p.m.